Straight from our Community registered dietitian nutritionists,
we get a firsthand look at some of the lies clients tell themselves
when it comes to rationalizing what they eat. Unfortunately, these
little untruths can quickly sabotage a healthy diet. Could you also
unknowingly be ruining your healthy eating plan by telling yourself
these little white lies? Read on to learn the truth.
Food Lie #1: I need to snack frequently to keep my metabolism up.
You may have heard that you shouldn’t wait too long between meals to
prevent your body from going into “starvation mode”—a time when your
body conserves calories to prevent depleting its energy stores. Think
back to the caveman days when humans wouldn’t eat for days; their bodies
would become efficient at holding on to what they ate so they could
survive until the next time they were able to have a successful hunt.
The theory is that this may be happening on a smaller scale when you
wait too long to eat.
So you try to prevent this scenario and overcompensate by making sure
you eat something every few hours. The problem is, if you’re attempting
to eat several mini-meals throughout the day, the calories add up. Even
a couple of energy bars throughout the day can add an extra 500
calories, contributing to a body-fat gain of 1 pound per week! You may
think that bar is keeping your metabolism revved up—but even if it is,
the additional caloric burn won’t contribute 500 calories (or anything
even close to that!) each day.
Solution: If there is more than four to five hours
between your lunch and dinner, allow yourself one small fiber- and
protein-filled, mid-afternoon snack—but no more. A hardboiled egg and a
piece of fruit, for example, would be a great choice.
Food Lie #2: I can eat whatever I want because I just burned off a lot of calories during my workout.
Although the treadmill or the elliptical (or your spin teacher) may
all tell you that you burned 800 calories, this is usually not true.
Unless you weigh 200 pounds and run for an hour, you won’t burn close to
that many calories. If you are eating without much restraint after a
workout, this is likely having a negative effect on your waistline. For
many people, not only do they rationalize that they can eat a lot of
food after a workout, they also feel hungrier after working out and tell
themselves it’s because they burned a lot of calories. Unfortunately,
appetite after a workout tends to increase to a much greater degree than
the amount of calories you actually burned.
Solution: Eat to fuel your workout and refuel, not
to replace the calories you think you burned. If you notice that your
hunger increases a lot after you exercise be sure to drink extra water
and fill up on veggies to help to satisfy your appetite without
consuming too many calories.
Food Lie #3: It was just a few bites.
Just because you didn’t order it and it wasn’t on your plate, doesn’t
mean those bites of your significant other’s burger, fries or dessert
won’t add up. Ditto for the small piece of cake in the break room. A few
daily extra bites may seem forgettable, but they can easily set you
back 100 calories (or more!) each day. Although that may not seem like
much, over the year that will set you back ten pounds!
Solution: If you find yourself having those little bites here and there, cut them out completely for two weeks and track your weight. If you are like our clients, you’ll notice a difference on the scale.
Food Lie #4: The bag (carton, box, or whatever you just finished off) was almost empty.
Plow through an already opened bag of chips, box of cookies or carton
of ice cream and it’s easy to believe there wasn’t much in there. If
you don’t portion food out on a plate first so that you can see how much
food you truly are eating, it’s easy to tell yourself you didn’t eat
Solution: Easy! Simply portion your food on a plate
and eat from that—you won’t be able to trick yourself into thinking you
ate less than you did!
Food Lie #5. You need that electrolyte drink.
Sure, that brightly colored, sweetened drink filled with electrolytes
might seem necessary, but unless you’re exercising intensely for more
than an hour (and most people aren’t) you really don’t need it. It just
adds extra calories.
Solution: Stick to water, seltzer or another calorie-free fluid, unless you are exercising for more than an hour.
Food Lie #6. You ate it because it gives you extra nutrients.
Every food seems to be fortified these days. Even if it has extra
calcium, additional B vitamins or added fiber, it’s still not reason
enough to eat it. After all, cookies with added calcium are still
cookies. Don’t justify eating the chips because the label claims they
have added fiber.
Solution: Get your nutrients from your food. If you
want a small indulgence, choose it because it’s an indulgence and not
because it’s providing you with nutrients.
Source : Tammy Lakatos Shames and Elysse (“Lyssie”) Lakatos