this is a reminder for me...
these girls that fight with each other, tattle on each other, and bicker with each other,
sometimes, something like this happens...
i have a sister. i know what it is like to compare yourself to your sister. you know, the whole "she gets to do this..." type of thing. well, i'm sure those days won't stop anytime soon.
but i need to remember, there are days like this too. absolute joy when i see my two girls playing nicely together.
Olivia - today is her first day of State Farm Day Camp. She will go each Thursday in June. She went last year, and I have to admit she wasn't exactly thrilled that I signed her up again. But today taking her to the park, she got excited. Hopefully, she has a great day.
Rachel - she moved to the "school-age" room at daycare Monday. And boy, is she excited about it. She kept saying "I'm a school-ager now, I'm a school-ager now."
With Rachel's move to the "school-age" room at the center, that means both girls are in the same room. Rachel digs this. Olivia not so much. I think Liv is worried that Rachey may cramp her style. Oh well, she will get over it.
I have tomorrow off work. I'm soooooooo excited to have a day off. I just had Monday off for Memorial Day, but so did everyone else. So this is better.
Plans for tomorrow - none really. I want to work on the house a little - clutter, kitchen, etc...
I also want to paint the shelf in my bathroom so it matches my new shower curtain.
Who would have thought that $8 for a new shower curtain would make such a big difference?! It's seriously so much brighter, and the whole room looks bigger. Plus it's chevron, duh! And it's from the dollar store.
I finally got around to planting some flowers. If you know me, and I'm guessing you do...this is my first ever landscaping type of thing. I planted some tulip bulbs a few years ago, but I seriously lake a green-thumb.
Tomorrow is dress rehearsal & pictures for the dance recital. Exciting times, my friends!
Jarrett is hoping to FINALLY get his corn planted. He traded in his seed corn for a shorter season corn. What with it being June & all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for NO MORE RAIN for the next few days. This needs to happen, people. Really. Otherwise it is going to be pointless for him to plant. We will just have to make a claim on our crop insurance. Please no more rain for the next few days...