Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oops...I forgot

This conversation took place the second I walked through the door last night. I hadn't even put my purse down.

Olivia: Mama, you forgot my dime for milk today at lunch.

Me: Sorry babe, I did forget your quarter for milk today.

Olivia: dime, quarter, whatever there was no changes in my lunch bag.

Me: I am sorry, I just forgot. Did the school let you have a milk anyway.

Olivia: Well, yea. They didn't want me to be thirsty all day long.

Me: That's good. I will remember for tomorrow.

Olivia: Good, they said to tell you to send 2 dimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I am gonna have to start sending 2 quarters with Nathan! hahahahaha