Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts


Ox, Fox, Bear and Goat...

Slavic Folk Carols

01. Ай, калядачки, наши нежачки
02. Го-го-го, коза
03. Коляда, бегла коледко
04. Прыйшла каледа увечара
05. Ой, ты, бабочко, стара галочко
06. А у заенки тры домухны
07. Ой, стоить явар, тонки, высоки
08. И далина-долинушка
09. В Рожество Христово
10. Добры вечар табе, пане-гаспадару
11. Раждество твае, Хрысте Божа
12. Ой учора з вечора
13. Радуйся, Марыя
14. Ой Божае нарождене
15. По конец стола седить Микола
16. Божа благодати, Варварыная мати
17. Ой рано-рано куры попели
18. А у лузи, у лузи
19. Запеймо песню славуному пану
20. А талды, талды, заради, Божа
21. Ходило-блудило сэмсот молойцев
22. Да на Дунаечку
23. Сьяты вечор, сьяты Василек
24. За горою каменою
25. Малады Женечка хвалиуся канем
26. А у пана Алега вумная Жана
27. Ое дай, Божа, нам коляд даждать

 Ethno-trip. The collection of ethnic music. Volume 11
From the manufacturer:

Unique records from personal files, collected in different provinces, in the Slavic villages, these Slavic traditions. They are not forgotten!

The word "Christmas carol" or "carol" has as its root the Latin word "Kalenda", which is the first of the month or the first of the year, from which in European languages, and there was the word "calendar".

With the birth of Christ associated the concept of establishing a new era that has long calculate the "before and after the birth of Christ." Singing carols was the glorification of this great event, "the first era."

Carols - common Christian songs that have appeared yet in the days of the birth of Christianity, but only among the Slavic peoples, they retained their title. "Kolyadovat" - it means to sing under the windows on the eve of Christmas songs called carols. To him who carols, always throw in a bag owner or the owner of the sausage or bread, or a copper penny, than the wealthy. "Costumed go!" - Shout owner of the window. So, now starts the song-dance. Kalyada!

(translation google)
Christmas in Russia is associated with a number of other practices, which represent a blend of tradition from Russia's Christian and pre-Christian past. It was once common practice, on Christmas Eve, for groups of people masquerading as manger animals to travel from house to house singing songs known as kolyadki. Some kolyadki were pastoral carols to the baby Jesus, while others were homages to the ancient solar goddess Kolyada, who brings the lengthening days of sunlight through the winter. In return for their songs, the singers were offered food and coins, which they gladly accepted before moving on to the next home...

Kolyada or koleda (Cyrillic: коляда, коледа, колада, коледе) is an ancient Slavic winter ritual celebrating the "old" New Year.

Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! 
..all because of Calender confusion the party never ends... 
...almost :-) 


Horns and Flutes

Folklore Ensemble Ulitza
Through The Silence of the Village Streets


1. "Vanka - steward."
2. "Down the Volga River - a river.
3. "Between the steep Berezhkov.
4. "Do not wake me young."
5. "Down the mother, on the Volga.
6. "On the street pavement.
7. "I jumped in the box garden.
8. Tune on the grass whistle.
9. "Owl, my shovel."
10. Shepherd's signal ladnitse.
11. "Masha".
12. Dance tune.
13. "Father".
14. "Father".
15. "Smirenushka.
16. "Chebatuha.
17. "Timon."
18. Shepherd's signal "Cyril".
19. Shepherd's tone on the pasture.
20. "Steppe".
21. "Winter - winter".
22. "Golden Mountain".
23. "In the garden, whether in the garden."
24. "Russian." 
Performed by:

1. Trio Vladimir Rozhkov - 1-7, 20-24.
2. Ensemble herbal dudok - 8.
3. Double-reed - 9.
4. Ladnitsa - 10, 11.
5. PISHCHIK - 12.
6. Kursk horn - 13
7. Kugikly one couple - 14.
8. Kursk instrumental composition - 15-17
9. Vladimir horn - "Bass" - 18.
10. Vladimir horn - Vizgunok - 19
Today the streets of villages, towns rarely hear the tunes of any musical instrument. And if you hear, then most likely it will be an accordion or a balalaika, and still 50-60 years ago, the silence of the village street was violated by the naughty tunes of fiddles, horns, zhaleyka, whistles, kugiklah and other musical instruments. All this music has helped people in their hard peasant life.

This disc is made up of traditional instrumental numbers and songs of various regions of Russia and an attempt to restore and preserve historic musical heritage of the Russian people.

Folklore Ensemble "Ulitsa" (Street) was created in 2007, with graduates of the Children's Folklore Ensemble "Veretentse".

The main direction of the ensemble - the reconstruction and reconstitution of traditional instrumental music of Russia in its original, historically etc. including unique karagodnaya mnogoinstrumentalnaya tradition Kursk region and artisanal trublya on horns Vladimir, Vladimir, Kostroma, and Ivanovo Oblast.

For the most accurate and complete transfer of the samples performed music all team members involved in research activities related to finding the necessary materials in the literature, numerous folklore expeditions, in folklore and ethnographic records. Made by specialists, ethnographers over the last 100 years, etc...

Many of the tools that are, for whatever reason, it was not possible to buy or they are not suitable for certain parameters, director and team members make them themselves, having mastered the tradition of literary descriptions of manufacture or as a result of the extensive work of forwarding. Thus, traditional manufacturing, but today most of them neglected musical instruments, and collecting and performing traditional music for them, the ensemble "Ulitsa" gives a new life for centuries existed in Russia music.

Unlike professional instrumental ensembles of folk ( "Andrew") direction, the purpose of performing the activities of this small group is not only a propaganda tool of Russian culture and art, as well as its practical development through a comprehensive study. The challenges that are posed in front of the head and members of the ensemble: The study of the ethnographic context, closest to the original folklore, playing on makeshift neusovershenstvovannyh musical instruments, the preservation of one of the main principles of existence of the oral tradition of music - improvised basis variability and performance (music). This requires serious training (education), multi-expedition work, mastering the technology and manufacturing practices of folk instruments, and most importantly - a genuine love for the ordinary people and its art.

All participants in the ensemble of traditional instruments muzitsiruyut are at least 10 years old, and some of them in the ensemble "Veretentse" have done so since childhood. Their teachers were: Bocharova MA, Glamazdina FN, Kosheleva AA, Krasilnikov S., polar fox, ES, Kiselev GV and other folk singers. Therefore, they gradually attained such a high level of performance technique and expressiveness.

Email us for international booking: 

Traditional instrumental music, polyphonic instrumental music, signals and folk tunes of shepherds, dancing folk tunes, Kursk instrumental structure, a Kursk small horn, Vladimir small horns "bass" and "squealing", grassy pipes, pistsick, ladnitsa, kougickles, a violin, a balalaika, repertoir of Southern Russian regions.