Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts


Go tell It from the mountain

Anchiskhati Choir
Sacred Music From The Middle Ages
Georgian Polyphonic Singing


 01. Shobaman shenman (Eastern Georgian monastery school).
02. Dideba maghalta shina (Eastern Georgian monastery school).
03. Kovlisa dabadebulisa (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
04. Jvarsa shensa (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
05. Sashod mtiebisa (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
06. Ghmerti uphali (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
07. Tsina saukuneta (Eastern Georgian monastery school).
08. Kvertkhi ieses dzirisagan (Shemokmedi monastery school, Guria).
09. Meupheo zecatao (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
10. Adide sulo chemo (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
11. Saidumlo utsxo (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
12. Ats ganuteve (Eastern Georgian monastery school).
13. Katolike eklesiisa (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
14. Ghmerto, mokheden (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
15. Akurtkhevs suli chemi (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
16. Ikharebdit martalni (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
17. Razhams Iordanes (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
18. Ver shemdzlebel vart (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
19. Tkveta ganmatavisuphlebelo (Shemokmedi monastery school, Guria).
20. Natelo mkhiarulo (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
21. Sakvirveleba (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
22. Ghirs ars (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
23. Netar ars katsi (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
24. Mkholod-shobili (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
25. Dghes saghmrtoman madlman (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
26. Kurtkheul khar shen (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
27. Shoba sheni (Shemokmedi monastery school, Guria).
28. Ukhrtsnelsa khatsa shensa (Gelati monastery school, Imereti).
29. Alilo (Imeretian Christmas song).
30. Alilo (Imeretian Christmas song).  




 This landmark recording is the first of its kind: a document of the ancient sacred songs of the Republic of Georgia. The haunting polyphony of this ancient music is still sung all over Georgia, from the smallest village to the ancient Anchiskhati Church in Tbilisi.

The Anchiskhati Church Choir

 A shared love of Georgian folk song brought a group of Conservatoire students together in 1987. Their aim was to study Georgian traditional song, both well-known and lesser known examples. Malkhaz Erkvanidze, Davit Zatiashvili, Guram Gagoshidze, Rezo Kiknadze, Davit Shughliashvili are the first five members of the choir; some time later, three other members joined the group. Zaal Tsereteli (mathematician and programmer by education), Temur Imnadze and Alexandre Khakhishvili – Conservatoire students.

  A very important priority for the young singers was to select their repertoire from recordings of old folk singers, where they could find a number of examples, not performed by any contemporary folk groups. A large place in the repertoire of the choir was occupied by songs of renowned folk singer Benia Mikadze (from the village of Kulashi, Samtredia District) and his choir "Sanavardo", as Malkhaz Erkvanidze, "Anchiskhati’s" young leader and Benia Mikadze shared the same village roots.

  Alongside learning songs, an interest in learning old, forgotten traditional polyphonic church hymns soon emerged. This became possible thanks to several collections of transcriptions of Georgian chants published at the end of the 19th century and preserved at the Georgian Folk Music Department of Tbilisi State Conservatoire. From these very collections, the group of students (yet to give themselves a name,) started to learn Easter chants. Very soon they were given the opportunity to chant in services at the church. The choir went to Betania Monastery on April 10, 1988 to chant the Easter liturgy. Despite their début, there was an amazing atmosphere at the church. Everybody was enchanted by the tunes glorifying God, so strange to their ears, but so close to their hearts, memory traces of which had been left by the ancestors. That Easter day can be marked as the return of Georgian traditional church chanting to Georgian liturgy.

  A week later Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia, invited the young choir to his place of residence. The first chant that was chanted for their esteemed host was Kriste Aghsdga from the Shemokmedi School of chant. At this point in time, Pentecost was approaching. For this holiday the blessing and opening of Anchiskhati - the oldest church in Tbilisi was planned. At this very meeting it was decided that the young choir be appointed as the Anchiskhati church choir. From that day on, the choir acquired the name "Anchiskhati Church Choir".

  The revival and renaissance of Georgian church chant, neglected over several generations due to Soviet atheistic censorship, started with the study of thousands of chant transcriptions at the initiative of the young Anchiskhati Church Choir; this initiative was supported both by the Head of the Georgian Church and by the clergy of the newly opened Anchiskhati church, which greatly contributed to the success of this initiative.

  Very soon the choir and what is more important the old, half remembered, Georgian chant gained love and popularity among the parishioners. This in turn led to the appearance of many followers of the choir on the one hand and new members seeking to join the choir on the other hand. Among these were young people of various professions who greatly admired chanting, such as Vasil Tsetskhladze (musician), Mamuka Kiknadze (architect), Grigol Bulia (a student of theological Seminary). Georgian traditional chant began to spread its tendrils all over Georgia. This process was also greatly supported by visits of the choir to different parts of the country. By that time Anchiskhati church choir had already published its first record entitled "Aghdgomasa Shensa" (1991) which included Easter chants from various schools.

  Anchiskhati Church Choir started a new stage of its activity after it was joined by a group of friends: Gocha Giorgadze (iconographer), Davit Megrelidze (architect), Levan Veshapidze (ethnomusicologist), Gocha Balavadze (artist), Nikoloz Beriashvili (geographer). This initiative of Malkhaz Erkvanidze - the choir leader was driven by the wish to perfectly present Georgian folk song repertoire and its diversity. This expanded choir of 12 singers, was then able to revive and learn a number of Georgian folk music examples, such as "Naduri" a variant of the village Dutskhuni , "Khasanbegura" a variant of the Khukhunaishvilis, together with a number of city songs, such as "Gvimgheria", "Gazapkhuli", etc.

  When learning a folk song the choir focuses first and foremost, on the manner of the traditional performance and on the authenticity of scale and intonation of the original song. . This very factor distinguishes Anchiskhati Church Choir from the performance styles of other choirs. It should be mentioned that from this standpoint the choir already had a good example in the form of ensemble "Mtiebi" directed by Edisher Garaqanidze, the first to introduce and instill authentic village manner of performance on stage. This undoubtedly was a big stimulus for the choir. At the same time it can be said, that Anchiskhati played an influential role in the creation of new ensembles and, helped forge their performance manner.

  In 1993 the choir went on its first concert tour outside Georgia - in Greece. This was a truly memorable tour for "Anchiskhati". They held several concerts and took part in New Year’s liturgy at the Cathedral Church in Athens. From this beginning, regular concerts tours to various countries took place: Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Armenia, Latvia, Sweden and Lichtenstein. The choir’s performance always inspired audiences. Thanks to "Anchiskhati" and other Georgian folk groups many foreigners were given the opportunity both to sense and appreciate the beauty and depth of Georgian songs and chants.

  "Anchiskhati’s" first CD was published by a Canadian Company ”Deep Down Productions”. Anchiskhati‘s solo CD collection now exceeds a dozen.

  Separate mention should be made of collections of transcriptions, published by Anchiskhati singers and edited by Malkhaz Erkvanidze, who published a 5 volume collection including hundreds of chants. Now these collections form a basic instruction manual for beginners and professional chanters and chanting choirs. A collection of chants of the Shemokmedi School, published by Davit Shughliashvili is another manual for chanting, which occupies a distinguished place. Dozens of Gurian folk songs have been transcribed by Levan Veshapidze, thus creating an excellent source book for both Georgians and foreigners who love songs of this part of Western Georgia.

 Georgian choral polyphony is unique within world music. It consists of three main styles - chanting, singing and humming. In church chanting, three separate melodies are brought together within a modal harmonic structure, a tradition that was current in the seventh century AD, three hundred years before polyphony developed in other parts of Europe. The seven-member ensemble, Dzveli Kiloeb (Old Modes), has been developed within the Anchiskhati Choir to research and perform this ancient music.

The roots of church chanting lay in the secular music that pre-dates Christianity and survives today in the folk music of the Georgian regions. The songs and dance music relate to the circumstances of village life - the weddings, funerals, lullabies, harvest and hunting songs - and contain vocal techniques, such as Krimanchuli (a kind of yodelling), unique to Georgia. The Anchiskhati Choir researched and now perform the songs; and are expert players of the rare Georgian folk instruments. 



Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Antchis Chati Chor (Tbilissi)
Tsinandali Chor (Telavi/Kachetien)
Three elderly singers (Gurien)
Georgian Journey
Secular and spiritual vocal music


Georgian journey CD 1
01 gamkhiaruldi bukharo (bekannt als/popularly known as/connu sous le nom de « Tshakrulo ») 5:28
02 mravaljamier („Was die Feindseligkeit zerstört hat, baut die Liebe wieder auf.“/“That which was destroyed by hostility, love rebuilds.”/« Ce que l'hostilité a détruit, l'amour le reconstruit. ») 5:26
03 shen bitsho anagurelo („Junge aus Anagurien“/“Youth from Anaguria”/«Garcon d'Anagourie ») 4:16
04 shemodzakhili (Liebeslied/love song/chanson d'amour) 4:26
05 urmuli 2:07
06 makruli (Hochzeitslied, wird gesungen, wenn die Braut vom Bräutigam und seinem Gefolge abgeholt wird/ wedding song, sung while the groom and his entourage are fetching the bride/chant de mariage, chanté lorsque le fiancé et son cortège viennent chercher la fiancée) 2:55
07 zamtari (Winterlied/winter song/chanson d'hiver) 3:18
08 alilo (Weihnachtslied/Christmas song/chant de Noël, trad.) 3:28
09 ovorela (altes Lied über die Feldarbeit/ancient field worksong/chanson ancienne sur les travaux des champs) 4:26

10 tshona (Osterlied/Easter song/chant pascal) 3:41

11 masi vardi (Liebeslied/love song/chanson d'amour)2:0912 eukunat kakutebi(Lied über die Faulheit/song about laziness/chanson sur la paresse) 3:00

13 lile (Gottesanbetungslied mit überlieferten heidnischen Bräuchen/Christian song of worship with surviving pagan rituals/chant chrétien d'adoration de Dieu, transmis avec des rites païens) 3:07

14 shavi shashvi 3:20
15 adila, adila (Lied über einen Verräter/song about a traitor/chanson sur un traître) 2:13
16 krialesso (volkstümlich verändertes Kyrie eleison/adaptedvernacular Kyrie eleison/Kyrie eleison changé sur le mode populaire) 3:24
17 naduri (Lied der Bauern, wird zur Arbeit im Maisfeld gesungen/ peasant song, sung while working in the corn fields/ chanson de paysans, chantée lors du travail dans les champs de maïs) 9:12

18 dila (Lied über den erwachenden Morgen/song to greet the waking day/chanson sur le matin naissant)2:28
19 bagia tshveni kvekana (patriotisches Lied/patriotic song/chant patriotique) 1:49
20 maspindzelsa mkhiarulsa („Dem fröhlichen Gastgeber“/“The happy host”/« À l'hôte joyeux ») 1:12
21 me rustveli (aus „Der Recke im Tigerfell“/from “The Hero in Tiger Skins”/extrait de « Le preux dans une peau de tigre », Epos von/epic poem by/épopée de Shota Rusthaweli) 3:11

22 atsharuli popuri (adjarischer Potpourri, zu dem Gandagana getanzt werden kann/Adjarian potpourri; can be danced to the Gandagana/potpourri adjarien, sur lequel Gandagana peut être dansé) 3:42

Georgian journey CD 2

01 me rustveli (s. CD 1/21) 2:50
02 ai odelia (Liebeslied/love song/chanson d'amour) 1:59
03 brevalo („Was die Feindseligkeit zerstört hat, baut die Liebe wieder auf.“/“That which was destroyed by hostility, love rebuilds.”/« Ce que l'hostilité a détruit, l'amour le reconstruit. ») 1:43
04 supris khelkhvavi (Lied auf den Gastgeber, am Ende eines Festmahls zu singen/song for the host, sung at the end of a feast/ chanson pour l'hôte, chantée à la fin d'un banquet) 3:03
05 tshven mshvidoba („Friede sei mit uns!“– Lied auf die Gäste und den Gastgeber/“ Peace be with us.”; song for the guests and their hosts / « La paix soit avec nous. » – chanson pour les invités et les hôtes) 2:53
06 lataria (Liebeslied/love song/chanson d'amour) 3:56
07 bagia tshveni kvekana (s. CD 1/19)
08 Glocken des Motsameta-Klosters/Bells of the Motsameta monastery/Cloches du cloître Motsameta 1:34
09 – 22 Geistliche Gesänge im Schemo kmedi Kloster / Sacred songs from theSchemokmedi monastery / Chants sacrésdu cloître Schemokmedi9 adidebs suli tshemi upalsa („Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn.”/“My soul dothmagnify the Lord.”/« Mon âme s'élève vers le Seigneur. ») 3:58
10 agdgomisa dge ars Gelati-Kloster: Irmos zur 1. Ode des Festkanonszu Ostern/irmos from the 1st ode of the Easter feast canon/irmos sur la 1ère ode du Canon pascal 1:59
11 satsinastsarmetkvelo Liturgischer Gesang aus der Bibel/liturgical songs from the Bible/chant liturgique de la Bible: Genesis, 1. Buch Mose1,1–13/Buch Hiob 38,1– 23 und 42, 1– 55:59
12 az ganuteve aus dem Abendgottesdienst/from the eveningmass/extrait des vêpres, Kartli/Kachetien 2:40
13 dideba tshvens shekrebas („Ein Lob auf unsere Versammlung!“/”A toast to our assembly!”/ « Une louange soit sur notre assemblée. »)aus Gurien 2:19
14 eklesiasa shina (Psalm 68, 27: „Lobet Gott in den Versammlungen.“/ “Praise God in the assemblies.“/« Louez Dieu dans les assemblées. ») 3:09
15 gvtismshobelo aus dem Abendgottesdienst/from the eveningmass/extrait des vêpres, Ostgeorgien 2:11
16 krmata gvtismsakhurta Gelati-Kloster: Irmos zur 7. Ode des Kanons/from the 7th canon ode/sur la 7ème ode du Canon 2:50
17 mobrdzanebita tkvenita („Durch euer Erscheinen sind unsere Herzen voller Freude.“/“Through thine advent are our hearts full of joy.“/ « Votre apparition emplit notre cœur d'allégresse. ») aus Gurien 3:09
18 shen khar venakhi („Du bist die Weinrebe.“/“You are the grapevine.“/ « Tu es la vigne. ») Gelati-Kloster: Hymnus der Mutter Gottes/hymn to the Mother of God/hymne à la Mère de Dieu 2:43
19 sikvarulma mogikvana Schemokmedi-Kloster: Irmos zur Auferweckungdes Lazarus/irmos for the awakening of the Lazarus/ irmos sur la résurrection de Lazare 3:21
20 sulo tshemo Gelati-Kloster: Große Fastenzeit vor Ostern, Kontakion aus dem Großen Buß-Kanon des Andreas von Kreta/ for the time of fasting before Easter, a kontakion from the great canon of penance by Andreas of Crete/ grande période de jeûne avant Pâques, kontakion du grand Canon d’André de Crète 1:43
21 tkveta ganmantavisuplebeli Schemokmedi-Kloster: Troparion des heiligen Georg/ troparion for Saint George/troparion de Saint Georges 1:37
22 upalo romelman Glocken des Motsameta-Klosters/bells of theMotsameta monastery/cloches du cloître Motsameta Schemokmedi-Kloster: aus den Stundengebeten Troparion der Dritten Stunde/from the hourly prayers, a troparion for the third hour/extrait des heures, troparion de la tierce 2:38
23 Abschied von Georgien /Farewell to Georgia / Adieu à la Géorgie 15:33



 The traditional music of Georgia is the only music in the world to be under UNESCO protection. The music of Georgia is at its origins polyphonic. That none of the neighbouring countries have produced anything similar, eliminates the possibility that Georgians were directly influenced by other musical cultures. The Antchis Chati Choir has set itself the goal of reconstructing the Georgian repertoire in its original form. Its members maintain contacts with Georgian music experts all over the country. They often travel to villages, to record the song variations that are still sung today. In summer 2003 Raumklang (Sebastian Pank) travelled to Georgia and met there beside the Antchis Chati Choir the Tsinandali Choir and three older singers from Guria. This recording was produced with an emergency generator in an old monastery, an abandoned cinema, and a former cultural centre. With this CD one can travel through Georgia in a musical way. From the powerful songs of Kachetia, Kartli and Megrelia - songs of love, about the host, wedding songs, an ancient field work song and others - to the sacred music from the Schemokmedi monastery.

Sebastian Pank lives near Leipzig. He made a journey trugh Georgia and published on his label "Raumklang" a fabolous Double-CD (146:28) about georgian music that he researched and recorded in different territories of Georgia about a few of years. "Georgian journey. Secular and spiritual vocal music" ist a great work!

Yes, this is the way records should be made ;-)



Walk me out in the morning dew, my honey.

Lela Tataraidze
Janghi - Morning Fog


 01. Ikneba Jobda (Perhaps It Was Better)
02. Vertskhlis Tasadamts Maktsia (If I Could Be as a Silver Chalice)
03. Samshoblo (Homeland)
04. Shenma Survilma Damlia (My Desire for You Has Drained My Empty)
05. Makhkvidia (Has He Died?)
06. Tushetian Melodies
07. Davagvianeh (I Was Late)
08. Verkvlis Tsikhe (the Fortress of Verkvli)
09. Ra Lamazia Tusheti (How Beautiful Is Tusheti)
10. Meh Regvenma (the Fool and I)
11. Lomo, Sheh Lomis Mokulo (Lion- Killer, O Lion)
12. Vazhao (O Young Gentleman)
13. Janghi (Morning Fog)
14. Nana
15. Gagnis Gori
16. Caucasian Melodies
17. Dililmeh
18. Datireba
19. Shen Ro Gogonivart
20. Tskhrajer Chavshale (Nine Times Wiped Away)
21. Shatilis Asulo (Oh Daughter of Shatili) - Lela Tataraidze, Traditional

Lela Tataraidze sings and plays accordion and panduri.



 Music inspired by the nature of Lela's native land.

Born in 1952, Lela grew up in a family from Tusheti, the mountainous region of Georgia. With her sad eyes but a happy face, she is an excellent accordion and panduri player, and also a brilliant vocalist, who sings the popular songs of the mountains with a lot of emotion. She was brought up in the musical atmosphere of her family and continued her studies at the school of music and later on at the philharmonic ensemble of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. She toured in Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and France. She made her first recordings with Melodiya Records in 1988. She founded the trio ensemble of Kesane ("myosotis, forget-me-not", a flower of Tusheti) and recorded her first CD in Holland in 1999, "Janghi" ("morning fog"). Her last CD is from June 2007, it is entitled "Songs of Survival: traditional music of Georgia". Lela Tataraidze is the great lady of Georgian traditional song, a popular art coming from time immemorial and from the majestic landscapes of the legendary Georgia. Enjoy! 

Lela grew up in a family of musicians from Tusheti, the mountainous region of Georgia. With her sad eyes but a happy face, she is an excellent accordion and panduri player, and also a brilliant vocalist, who sings the popular songs of the mountains with a lot of emotion and her own Songs also. Her sister, Eter Tataraidze is Folklorist also, she is working at the Folklore Center of Georgia.

She was brought up in the musical atmosphere of her family and continued her studies at the school of music and later on at the Philharmonic ensemble of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.

At the same time, Lela works at the Regional Cultural Center of her hometown and works as the soloist of the radio and television of Tbilisi.

She founded the trio ensemble of Kesane (which means the flower of Myosotis forget-me-not) and recorded her first CD for Pan Records in Holland in 1999. Lela is accompanied by two female singers and players of panduri and dayera, Marina Giorgadze and Lia Khountsaria.

To put it short, this ... is the quintessence of mountain music: pure, primal, without any additives. Everything else, more complicated, is based on this music. So, here are the roots.




Ensemble Riho
Polyphonies Vocales de Svanétie


01 - Murza I Bekzil
02 - Lile
03 - Lazhgvazh
04 - Didebata
05 - Vitsbil - Matsbil
06 - Riho
07 - Gergili
08 - Sozar - Tsioq
09 - Jguragish
10 - Lemchili
11 - Kviria
12 - Lashgari
13 - Dala Kojas Khelgwazhale
14 - Shairi Misha Khergianze
15 - Kojre Makhvshi
16 - Gaul - Gavkhe
17 - Mirangula
18 - Tamar Dedpal



Located in the remote mountains of northwestern Georgia, the province of Svaneti has retained more of its local language and ancient cultural traditions than anywhere else in the country. Compared with other musical forms in Georgia, Svan singing has been the least affected by hybridization and cross-cultural musical evolution, and is characterized by unusual scales and vocal timbre. The Svan language is the oldest and most-endangered of the four main languages in the Kartvelian language family, with only 30,000 native speakers. 15,000 speak the dialect of Upper Bal, from the Upper Svaneti region. This region is home to Ensemble Riho, directed by Islam Pilpani,  and includes many older musicians whose memories of local music, language, and stories may disappear with their passing.

Svaneti is located North-West of Georgia, on the highest slopes of the Caucasian range. It is said that the Svan people already existed when Jason, looking for the Golden Fleece, reached the shores of Colchis. Because of their isolation, the Svans, whose early history is revealed in the writings of Xenophon, cultivate an ancient vocal repertoire, sung yet with raw sonorities, but in a very elaborate polyphonic style. Pre-Christian ritual songs, historical/epic songs, praises and folk religious hymns are performed by the Riho Ensemble, composed of the best singers from Mestia surroundings.

 Svan songs retain some of the oldest and most startlingly non-Western tuning, and feature a very powerful performance style. While folk song texts from all parts of Georgia address themes of work, family, love, friendship, hardship, and warfare, among other topics, songs from Svaneti also preserve some of Svaneti’s pre-Christian religious traditions.

The villages of the Svaneti province are located in north-western Georgia, in the valleys that lie between the mountains of the Caucasus. The Svans represent about 1% of the Georgian population. Their language differs from the Georgian language, and their religion is a syncretism of Orthodox Christian faith and pre-Christian beliefs. The polyphony of the Svans appears as one of the major styles of the Georgian vocal art. It consists of two soloist voices and the bass of the choir.

In their funeral rituals, the Svans combine three vocal expressions which are rarely found nowadays in other parts of the world: women's individual laments punctuated by collective wails like in Ancient Greece, men's individual laments, and polyphonic chants by male choirs. While the individual laments are aimed at the deceased and the souls of departed people, the men's polyphonic chants use no words but a series of syllables which follow a set pattern. With chords partly dissonant to a Western European ear, and without any cries other than musically stylized ones, these collective chants of great intensity manage to convey the helplessness and inexpressible grief of Man faced with death.

The Riho Ensemble is a well-known regional choir of Upper Svaneti, directed by Islam Pilpani. This rehearsal, filmed in 1991, is especially interesting since it shows how the chords are composed of the three melodic lines, and how the songs are learned and rehearsed, at least by a semi-professional choir.



Le Choeur des journalistes

Les Voix De Georgie
The Voices of Geogia


01. Ghmerto Ghmerto (Chant Sacré)     1:33
02. Chemodzakhili     1:44
03. Meurme     1:12
04. Mraval Javmier     3:29
05. Tchum Maghnarchi     3:04
06. Mkhedruli     1:51
07. Odoia     3:37
08. Supruli     3:09
09. Nana     3:07
10. Naduri     2:10
11. Perkhuli     3:10
12. Gakhsovs Turpav     2:10
13. Tchitche Tura     4:23
14. Ali Pacha     2:12
15. Chen Guigalob (Chant Sacré)     3:18
16. Tskhenosnuri     4:01
17. Alilo     4:25
18. Romance     3:56


David Abessadze, David Goguiachvili, Demiko Antidze, Godui Dolidze, Guivi Tchitchinadze, Guram Tamasachvili, Robert Gogolachvili, Teimour Tchkuasseli, Zaur Bolkvadze, Zourab Loladze



 Enregistrement produit par "La Maison De La Georgie" (Paris)
 L'ensemble "Les Voix de Géorgie", l'un des plus célèbres de Géorgie, a été créé en 1986 sous le nom du "Choeur des journalistes", car la plupart de ses membres travaillent à la télévision de Géorgie. Les Géorgiens pratiquent, depuis de nombreux siècles, une polyphonie caractérisée par ses contrepoints savants et ses harmonies.

Traditional music is well preserved specially in the mountainous areas. Polyphonic singing of Georgia has been included in the World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2001...



Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song...

The Resounding Polyphony of the Caucasus


01. Mravaljamieri (Artana Village)    2:06
02. Shemodzakhili (Artana Village)    3:46
03. Kalospiruli (Artana Village)    2:43
04. Nana (Kakhetia) (Artana Village)    3:03
05. Alilo (Artana Village)    2:58
06. Shemodzakhili (Artana Village)    3:24
07. Shen Bicho Anagurelo (Artana Village)    3:21
08. Gaprindi Shavo Mertskhalo (Artana Village)    2:54

09. Mravaljamieri (Kakhetia) (Tbilisi Conservatory)    4:12
10. Hassanbegura (Tbilisi Conservatory)    3:11
11. May Peace Be With Us (Tbilisi Conservatory)    2:42
12. Shavi Shashvi (Tbilisi Conservatory)    2:10
13. Shavi Shashvi (Imeretia) (Tbilisi Conservatory)    3:17
14. Song Of Friendship (Tbilisi Conservatory)    2:08
15. Vakhtangura (Tbilisi Conservatory)    3:35

16. Batonebo (Chokhatauri)    3:31
17. Nanina (Chokhatauri)    1:53

18. Tsmindao Gmerto (Telavi)    2:50
19. Aliluya (Telavi)    3:19
20. Nana (Telavi)    4:24
21. Tsintskaro (Telavi)    3:31
22. Shen Khar Venakhi (Telavi)    2:46
23. Suliko (Telavi)    3:38
24. Mravaljamieri (Telavi)    1:51

Artana village and the Tbilisi Music Academy (recorded 26, 28 November 1987)

Field recordings of Georgian folk songs from Chokhatauri and Telavi (recorded 27 June and 2 July 1983)



 Polyphonic folk singing from various regions in Georgia. Collected in 1983 and 1987, the recordings feature different song genres and variants, locales, and performers ranging from young conservatory students to long-established village ensembles. The majority of the examples are traditional men's three-part singing, including drinking songs, Christian folk hymns, lullabies, and historical songs. The last seven tracks are especially memorable performances by a women's choir in an open-aired church setting. (!)
 Recorded by Minoru Morita.

"The rumbling drones of the bass singers and the high keening ululations of the leaders will take your breath away." - j.poet, The Beat

Folk songs:

"This recording is drawn from the 80-volume CD collection, Music of the earth: Fieldworkers' sound collections, originally released in 1992 in Japan under the supervision of Tomoaki Fujii by Victor Company of Japan (JVC) in collaboration with the National Museum of Ethnology (Japan) and Smithsonian/Folkways Records (USA)"--Notes, p. 16. 

Review by Adam Greenberg:

Part of a relatively well put together series, Music of the Earth, Multicultural Media put out one volume dealing with the Russian state of Georgia, with its resplendent polyphonies that fill every song. In all truth, much of the music sounds like a cross between Western Christian hymns and Muslim prayers. Georgians use three-part singing in almost every work (and occasionally four parts). By the listings of the songs on the well-done liner notes, there are roughly four types of song utilized in Georgia: drinking songs, working songs, lullabies, and Westernized Christian hymns. Roughly half of the songs on the album are drinking songs, though they still utilize the somber polyphony that all of the works have. There is definitely a state of melancholy in the music, mostly due to the tempo and the three-part singing combined. The performances are well executed in all cases, though they can get a bit dreary for any listener. While some may have an ear for this type of music, others will most likely become tired of it. Only those that know what they're getting into should dig up these recordings, for their own safety.

Table Songs:

The Georgian myth of national creation goes something like this: when God was creating the earth and distributing land among its peoples, the Georgians were too busy drinking and feasting to turn up on time. When they finally arrived there was nothing left. 'But Lord', they protested, 'we were only late because we were toasting You!' Touched by this sentiment, God gave them the land He had been keeping for himself...

Ever since, feasting has been central to Georgian society and still provides the principal occasion for making music. People gather for a lavish picnic at the slightest excuse, led by a tamada or 'toastmaster' in dedicating toasts to God, long life and the ancestors, among other things. Each toast is accompanied by an appropriate song, as well as snippets of wisdom from the tamada.

Telavi 9th April Street

Caucasus seen from Telavi

close your eyes and listen to the birds, the breeze, the women, 
you'll be taken to a very special place...

forget all that flic/flac hifi/wifi

thanks to my friends...



Eating, Drinking, Singing...

Rustavi Folk Choir
Georgian Folk Songs


01. Chakrulo (Drinking Song from Kakhetia) 5.16
02. Jvarsa Shensa (Hymn from Kartli-Kakhetia) 1.51
03. Naduri (Labour song from Imeretia) 4.34
04. Tsintskaro (Lyric song from eastern Georgia) 4.32
05. Chven Mshvidoba (Drinking song fom Guria) 2.21
06. Daigvianes (Lyric minor song from Kakhetia) 6.27
07. Mravalzhamieri (Drinking song from Racha) 3.05
08. Tskhenosnuri (Hiking song from Imeretia) 2.16
09. Chela (Ballad song from Megrelia) 3.02
10. Zari (Mourning Song from Guria) 2.57
11. Aghmosavalidan Mzisad (Church hymn from Guria) 1.49
12. Lile (Ritual song from Svanetia) 5.43
13. Odoia (Work Song from Megrelia) 4.12
14. Sabodisho (Healing song from Guria) 3.32
15. Makruli (Wedding song from Adzharia) 2.51
16. Mirangula (Grieving song from Svenetia) 3.32
17. Zari (Mourning song from the mountain region of Svaneti) 4.31
18. Khasanbegura (Marching song from Guria) 3.16

Leader: Ansor Erkomaishvili
Cover painting by Niko Pirosmani



 Rustavi Ensemble 
was created in 1968 by Anzor Erkomaishvili, a singer and folklorist from a distinguished Georgian musical lineage that goes back seven generations. Since its formation Rustavi has successfully toured about 70 countries of the world, always receiving the most glowing comments – even from the toughest of critics.

Songs and dances for work and war, spectacular costumes, the unique Georgian style of polyphonic singing and rich voices characterize the Rustavi Choir. Their intense sacred hymns with their overlapping, continuously moving harmonies are spellbinding. Rustavi is also performing a high-quality comprising national and diverse traditional dances. Excellent costumes, brilliant performance, and elaborate choreography.

Erkomaishvili's vision was to break through ethnic boundaries of regional styles while performing ethnographically authentic music from all of Georgia. The Rustavi's performance style synthesizes the powerful, rough-hewn sound characteristic of the traditional regional folk choirs with a newer, cleaner, more finely-honed aesthetic whose orientation is towards concert presentation - nowadays on an increasingly international scale.

While striving to preserve, and in some cases recreate, authentic voicing and vocal timbres, the Rustavi singers have simplified the complex scales used by the earlier choirs in order to create firmer, more brilliant harmonies. The use of a smaller number of singers for certain songs has also helped to clarify their musical structure.

This is an ensemble, where Hamlet Gonashvili, the brilliance of the world folk music and the voice of Georgia made his flamboyant career.
In 1998, the group recorded the CD Mirangula under the name 'Rustavi Folk Choir', which has allowed for a wider appreciation of their music outside Georgia. This CD included the folk love song Tsintskaro which has had some popularity globally.

Music of Georgia
 Georgia has rich and still vibrant traditional music, which is primarily known as arguably the earliest polyphonic tradition of the Christian world. Situated on the border of Europe and Asia, Georgia is also the home of a variety of urban singing styles with a mixture of native polyphony, Middle Eastern monophony and late European harmonic languages. Georgian performers are well represented in the world's leading opera troupes and concert stages...

Georgian folk music is predominantly vocal and is widely known for its rich traditions of vocal polyphony. It is widely accepted in contemporary musicology that polyphony in Georgian music predates the introduction of Christianity in Georgia (beginning of the 4th century AD). All regional styles of Georgian music have traditions of vocal a cappella polyphony, although in the most southern regions (Meskheti and Lazeti) only historical sources provide the information about the presence of vocal polyphony before the 20th century.

Vocal polyphony based on ostinato formulas and rhythmic drone are widely distributed in all Georgian regional styles. Apart from these common techniques, there are also other, more complex forms of polyphony: pedal drone polyphony in Eastern Georgia, particularly in Kartli and Kakheti table songs (two highly embellished melodic lines develop rhythmically free on the background of pedal drone), and contrapuntal polyphony in Achara, Imereti, Samegrelo, and particularly in Guria (three and four part polyphony with highly individualized melodic lines in each part and the use of several polyphonic techniques). Western Georgian contrapuntal polyphony features the local variety of the yodel, known as krimanchuli...

Singing is mostly a community activity in Georgia, and during big celebrations (for example, weddings) all the community is expected to participate in singing. Traditionally, top melodic parts are performed by individual singers, but the bass can have dozens or even hundreds of singers. There are also songs (usually more complex) that require a very small number of performers. Out of them the tradition of "trio" (three singers only) is very popular in western Georgia, particularly in Guria.

Georgian folk songs are often centered around banquet-like feasts called supra, where songs and toasts to God, peace, motherland, long life, love, friendship and other topics are proposed. Traditional feast songs include "Zamtari" ("Winter"), which is about the transient nature of life and is sung to commemorate ancestors, and a great number of "Mravalzhamier" songs. As many traditional activities greatly changed their nature (for example, working processes), the traditional feast became the harbor for many different genres of music. Work songs are widespread in all regions. The orovela, for example is a specific solo work song found in eastern Georgia only. The extremely complex three and four part working song naduri is characteristic of western Georgia. There are a great number of healing songs, funerary ritual songs, wedding songs, love songs, dance songs, lullabies, traveling songs. Many archaic songs are connected to round dances...

...and more in wiki

Niko Pirosmani 
 (Georgian: ნიკო ფიროსმანი), simply referred to as Nikala (ნიკალა) (1862–1918) was a Georgian painter...



Aşıq Hüseyn Saraçlı



01. Agir Shekili
02. Bagdad Dubeyti(2)
03. Bash Saritel
04. Dagida Bilmez
05. Behrani
06. Dol Hicrani
07. Bagdad Dubeyti(1)
08. Etrafli Dubeyti
09. Qehramani
10. Mechul
11. Ruhani
12. Terif
Ashiq Hussein Saraclı In 1916, the Republic of Georgia in the Bolnisi district officials sacrifice the well-known person in the family Borcalının Saraclı was born in the village. In 1931, the establishment of collective farms during the period of his father, shot dead by Russian bolsevikləri.

Incomplete secondary education at the school's Saraclı it removes the peak of fame in the real sense, the name of the entire Caucasus, Turkey and Central Asia is still very young age the art of languages ​​əzbəri to the ankle. Saz Ismail learned tutmagı Saraclıda Here, Here and Sarvan Ibrahim Quscunun puxtələsib next holiday. Masters of the famous words of poet Fakhrali Borcalının Nəbinin and other talent bəhrələnib Agacanın yogrulmus with The Gift of God.

Ashiq Hussein Saraclı size-buxunu, sits, posture, speech, along with the conversation, but also the moral - with a high morality was a minstrel. Ashiq, yetisdirib possible Sadaxlı catdırdıgı səyirdləri Ahmad, Muhammad Sadaxlı, Sadi Ulaslı, Nureddin Gasimli and others on the horse, together with the major-lowlander Borcalını dolasar land-land, was invited to the near countries is heavily weddings, meetings would leave.

Ashiq Ashiq Hussein Saraclı was also creative. Languages ​​əzbəri seirlərin were a few epic, "Qurbəti-Karam", "Baghdad dubeyti as" good havalarının Ashiq Hussain was the author of many fiction and documentary film Saraclının speeches, television programs were yarasıgı. "Pipe sound" film caldıgı "spiritual" atmosphere of the great works of art as an example of the eternal life won tamasacını əfsunlayan.

Hussein Saraclı ashigs II and III of convention, held in Moscow in 1959, was an active participant in the art ongunluyunun.

Many of his poems, written articles, short film. Ozan wrote about the great national poet Bakhtiyar Vahabzade: "... He listened eposes Saraclının said. The visit of the master of the literary and figurative Alesker Here's the situation in front of the eyes, such as Performance canlanır. I could watch a beautiful opera. The opera he is the director, conductor and performer, and accompanied by the recipient. At the same time, he is the author of the liberetto, as well as a composer. "

Ashiq Hussein Saraclı Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1980 and was awarded the title of the Honored worker of culture, the art collection of the works in 1992, "Writer" was published. People's poet of his life and works of art related to the activity Zelimkhan James "Hussein Saraclı epos" created account.

Ustad Ashiq died in 1987. Qəbristanlıgındadır Saraclı grave.  

Asıg bust in his native village.
Hasanov Hussein was born in 1916 in the village Saraclı. From his early years nurtured a love for art ashug, dastans and playing saz. The first teacher of a young Hussein was Ashyg Ismail. He later went to another prominent ashug his time Gushchu Ibrahim. Continued to study the poets and Nabi Sarwan Bayram (both from the village Fahralo). Ashyg Hussein Sarachly played on saz, wrote poetry and read epics.

The funds of the Azerbaijani and Georgian radio and TV recordings are stored Sarachly Hussein. They are used in the classroom on the acting faculty of the Azerbaijan Institute of Art. On the 60-year anniversary, he was awarded the name of "Honored culture" of Georgia.

Hussein died in 1987 Saraclı at age 71.

- confusion as usual by google :( - 

One in love



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An Ashik (Azerbaijani: Aşıq,Turkish: Aşık}, Persian: عاشیق, Armenian: Աշուղ, ashugh, Georgian: აშუღი, ashughi) is a mystic troubadour or traveling bard, in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Iran who sings and plays the saz, a form of lute. Ashiks' songs are semi-improvised around common bases.
The Ashik tradition in Turkic cultures of Anatolia, Azerbaijan and Iran has its origin in the Shamanistic beliefs of ancient Turkic peoples.[1] The ancient ashiks were called by various names such as bakhshi (Baxşı), dede (dədə), and uzan or ozan. Among their various roles, they played a major part in perpetuation of oral tradition, promotion of communal value system and traditional culture of their people. These wandering bards or troubadours are part of current rural and folk culture of Azerbaijan, and Iranian Azerbaijan, Turkey, the Turkmen Sahra (Iran) and Turkmenistan, where they are called bakshy.


The word Ashik, derives from Arabic word Asheq (عاشق), and means the "one who is in love (Ishq, Turkish: Aşk),Azerbaijani: Aşiq,Eşq)".