Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend in the "Brig" City

This weekend my mom and dad came to see the boys play soccer. You know I think I am finally getting the basic idea of soccer, well kind of. I do know this, watching little kids play soccer is painful. I love to watch my boys doing anything, however it is true love for someone to watch little kid soccer. That being said, Spencer and Mica had great games. Mica's games are more fun to watch than Spencer's. The bigger kids are a more organized mass of kids going after the ball. They seem to be able to pass the ball better, and they play positions which helps to keep the mass confusion down.Mica is the one in the middle with the red jersey, navy blue sweats, and purple ball.

Saturday late afternoon my dad, Scott, and I took the boys hiking up the mountains behind our house. They had a blast. Even Mica had a great time. Spencer led the whole way with a little bit of instruction. Kai kept up by saying, "wake up dad, wake up for me." It was a good hike, and Kai did great keeping up. He was sure that we were, "en-dangered", and that we were going to find a cougar. I think he meant we were "in danger", but earlier we were talking about the "endangered" ground hogs that live on the golf course in Cedar. I think he picks up little phrases that Mica says, and has no clue how to use them in context because he doesn't know what they mean. Like the other day we were reading a book about cats and Kai says, "mom all cats are male." What?? It is all about background knowledge, he obviously needs more background knowledge. I have been having this same conversation with my mom and Sherrie (my neighbor and good friend), vocabulary, reading, and comprehension are all about background knowledge.
This picture was taken from one of the bluffs above our house. Right behind us is a gravel pit, just to the left of the other houses is our house.

As most people have heard by now we have a huge deer problem. Mostly I think that it is Scott and I who have a deer problem. Off and on this spring we have gotten a strong whiff of a deer that didn't make it through the winter. We figured that there must be a deer above our house, well we found it. This afternoon was particularly bad. The deer is just over the fence and a little to the north. They seem to keep torturing us even after they are dead. They mock us, it seems like they want to drive us from our house. Like the movie Poltergeist, or some form of mafia. Maybe Scott did have mafia ties when he lived in New York. Kai thinks that the cougar ate the deer. If only.


H said...

I love all the "Kai-isms", those are so cute! The family picture is real nice too!
I forgot about Scott being form NY, I just got back from there.

Stephanie said...

I love the picture of your family. Sorry about the deer problem. That stinks!