So this what we did:
After we leeves Canada on July then we takes a nice leasurely tour through UpState Noo York, in search of some cools. First we goes to Rochester, Noo York where we gets ourVan last year. We stops at the woorld famous Jell-O museum.
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Dis ourVan at the world famous Jell-O museum! |
Then we heads east and spends a night at a rest stops so we can gets to Syracuse, Noo York. When we gets there we stays the night at WallyWorld acause mommy needs to get the oil changed in ourVan. When we gets the oil changed, Squashies and me gets to ride up on the lift! Squashies not thinks this was too much fun and hides in her little hidey-hole under the bed that mommy makes fur her. I not likes the hidey-hole acause I can't fit in it, and I just knows that there are treats in there!
So then we finds this grate campground that has green lakes! (Don't ask Mommy about the picshurs from this part, acause she might starts to cry again.) The water was really green but not in a dirty way. I smells it, and it was not stinky or anything.
This campgrounds had chewy grass, but it was good, and when I goes for my walks in the morning and after dinners, all the childern cames to pet me! I was quite the star. One ladee takes my picshur with a card that sais "Cat on a leash". She was doing a scavanger hunt. She was very happy to see me.
We likes it there lots, and so we stayed a whole week. Mommy takes out ourFence so we can sit outside while she works. But don't worry kitties we not allowed to stays outside by ourselves. (We shows you a picshur of that later.)
All this purrty sure makes a kitty tired! |
Then we spends the weekend driving through the back roads of the Adirondack. It was so purrty. Mommy stops lots to bisit with the peeple that has town fairs. It seems like all the towns was having art shows and stuffs that weekend! I gets to get out and sample all the grass, but Squashies not want to puts her harness on, so she guards ourVan while we walks.
This me sitting on top of a glacier rock in the Adirondacks. These big round rocks is everywhere in Noo York. |
ourVan on the Ferry from Port Kent, New York to Burlington, Vermont. |
Then we goes to one of Mommy's favorite places: The White mountains in Noo Hampshire- "Home of the worst weather on Earth". Is ok, kitties, the weather is mostly bad in the winter.
Now I knows you has a picshur in your head about white mountains, but they is not white! But they is very cool. So while our poor Daddy has the hots at home, we was nice cool!
We stays at the Mt.Washington Cog Railway for a few days, as you can sees we has a nice place, and it was free acause Mommy has a park pass. As you can tells from the picshur, there was plenty of grass to sample. Let me tell you kitties, mountain grass is the bestest!
ourVan at the BaseCamp of the Cog Railway. |
Then Mommy has to do laundries so we goes to town. (She not brings us toona like she did when she does laundry in Canada! Hmmph!)
After we has clean laundry we drives to the other side of the mountains to the Mt.Washington Auto road. We stays there for 2 nights to waits when Mommy not has to work so we can go up. But they not lets us go up in ourVan acause they sais we is too heavy. I offers to stay down acause I know I'm very heavy, but Mommy sais is all our stuff that is too heavy, not me.
This ourVan at the Auto road parking lot with a beautiful birch forest behind us. |
We is going to stops now, acause the next part of our trip, we travels to Bar Harbor, Maine.
We hopes you likes our storee! |