Showing posts with label TK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TK. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter, efurybody!


Dis our Easter baskets that Auntie Ann makes fur us. Me is in front acause dis mine blog. Mommy says we gets to eats the eggs after efurryone sees us in our baskets. Me bets our Auntie Ann puts treats in them fur us, like her puts in her nice bags fur us when mommy goes to her luncheon.

We is having fun in Florida!  I gets to walks on my leash efuryday acause a mancat needs to checks out him's territory even when him is travelling.  There is so much to checks out!
Me finding a cools.

Pip prepping to attack his favorite wand toy, in the cat tree in ourVan.

Me and mine brofur sleeping togefur. (Previously seen on FB)
Me hopes evfurrybody has a great Holiday.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Dee here.
I wanted to let all our furends know that we are doing well.  Our regular Vet has put Squashies on Interferon, and we are in process of weaning her from the steroids.  We have placed a literbox and water stations on all three floors of the house, so she doesn't have to do the stairs if she finds her energy waning.

The last week has been a good one for Squashies. She is alert, eating well, playing with her toys and gracefully jumping up on the high cabinet for her afternoon naps. Still, we aren't squandering our time together- every moment is precious.

Even though these are smartphone pics, with no attempt at creating appealing composition or lighting- I wanted to share them.

Squashies by the day-bed in my office.
TK and Squashies in the tree.
TK has been very attentive to his little sisfur.
"You may kiss my hand!"
"Is it lunch time yet?"

The young Master Pip-Squeak is fitting in nicely. He is a "get-along" kind of fellow and switches easily from rough-housing with TK and purring quietly near Squashies.

Pip (who isn't allowed outside,) sits next to TK while Squashies has some deck time.
He is also a little snuggle-bug. He follows me around the house and, whenever possible, he tries to put as much of his body against me as possible. I'm not sure if he feels safe near me, or if he is showing gratitude.  Either way, I love his exuberant affection.

I really want to thank all of our CB furends, you have been so gracious with your cards, emails, FB posts and Tweets.  Your thoughtfulness and support are a blessing.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wordy Wednesday- Me too!

Hello! Me not gets to post much acause of mine little sisfur's sicks.  But me is still here, trying to heps mommy wif all her scairts and stresseses.  Me has been a furry gud boy! When mine mommy goes to stay in ourVan at the hospital where Squashies was staying in ICU, daddy takes me to stays wif mommy so me keeps her company. Me even lets mommy cry all ofur me. Me just lick-licks her face and snuggles and purrs.

Mommy buys me a nip apple frum Nip & Bones acause me is such a gud boy!  Me likes to lick it!  Her buys lots of ofur toys too, but me likes this the best, and this is mine post!

Mine sisfur is doing gud, and her even cleans her furs a little bit.  But mommy still hasa brush her lots. Dis aprobably a gud thing acause Squashies is a little bit mad at mommy acause of the pills. But mommy now makes her a purrito afore the pill, dis makes it much faster so they not get fursterated.

Fanks fur stopping by, me sure misses mine furends!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello World!

Me is sorry me not posts lately. We is all doing gud. But mine mommy is furry not-so-gud at helping us blog.  Me shows picshurs of us.
Dis me, enjoying the cools while is hot out.

Dis Squashies, also in the cools.

Dis Toby, him still a little bit ascared to come in the cools.
Hasa great day!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birfdays!

Me not gets to posts in a furry long time. So me wants to tells mine furends that efurryfing is gud here.  Mine lawn box is growing and me and the outside kitty, what has been living on our deck this winter, does ok with sharing the space. Sometimes i hasa gives him a little hiss so him knows is mine deck that me is sharing wif him. But mostly him stays out of my way, and me stays out of his way.

mine side of the deck

Toby's side of the deck

Acause him is now a little bit a parts of our fambily, him gets a real name, stead of a colony field-markings name. So him is now called Toby.

Me wants to wishes our Auntie SheShe and our furry speshul friend Marg a furry happy birfday!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our dear furend Admiral has crossed to the Bridge

  Godspeed, sweet girl.
We love you.

Please stop by her blog to leave condolences. Her mommy has always been so sweet, and I'm sure she is missing her little girl.

You can light a candle fur Admiral here!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

We is presents!

A warm hats fur the cold weathers. (Fanks you Auntie Judi)

Me just wants to sais Hello to mine furends. And shows you this wonderfur banner that Ann, Maggy and Zoey makes us. As you can sees, me and Squashies are mommy's presents!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving dinner guest!

Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. furends!

As most of our kitty furends knows, our mommy and daddy takes care of a few wild kitties. Well one of the kitties, we calls him Boots, was a kitten lass year.  Mommy noticed last month that now that him is a mancat, the other kitties not always lets him eats hims fud.  Even now him is big, him is very much smaller than the other kitties.

The gud part is that him has been running up on our deck when the other kitties (or the foxes) chases him away.  So mommy has been trying to gets him to come there to eats by putting fuds out fur him.  After a while, him gets it and shows up fur his breakfast and dinners.

Then mommy makes him a house out of our Cabana that goes with our kitty walk system from ourVan.  She also gives him his own special fud and water bowls. So she can picks up his fud after he is done so the other kitties, foxes and racoons not get any ideas to come eat here too. Yesserday night it was very windy and cold so we looks out with a anxious for Boots, and sees him in his house we makes!

A house out of the wind, with a cushion and blankie, and 2 escape routes.
Him was still tucked in and warm this morning when we comes down for breakfast. It was still dark, so mommy not gets a picshur. But her was very happy that he likes his new house. (We hopes he feels the same once we catchs him and gets him's hoo-haas removed!)

Two mancats getting to know each other.
So on this thanksgiving we are thankful fur all our kitty furends and their fambilies that shares their stories, loves and support throughout the year. And for our new outside kitty cousin, Boots!


Edit: We would likes to extend our deepest sympathies to our furends The Taylor Catsssss for the sudden loss of their dear kitty Seaborne Ruskin Taylor. We purr fur their comfurts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rain, Rain go away!

Me just wants you all to knows we are doing good... cept mommy not has time to helps us blog. Me misses you.
Love, TK

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thanks you!

We wants to thanks you all fur purrticipating in ours GotchaDay celebrashun!  We makes a donashun on yours behalfs. We feels gud that we can helps our furends.

So fur the rest of the week me and Mommy wills be going to BloggyPaws.  Hopefully we can reports from there, but you know how Mommy gets distracted and furgets...

Daddy and Squashies, who is pretty shy, will has a Daddy/kitty weekend at home.
Older picshur of Squashies and her Daddy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July in Ontario

So we stays at Laurel Creek most of the times while we was in Ontario fur a monf. We had a pass for the whole time, but sometimes we stays at Mommy's furends' driveways.  Twice we stays with Michelle, and lots of times with CarolAnn.

The beach, from the parking lot at Laurel Creek

 The beach at Laurel Creek

Most of this parts of the trips is about how CarolAnn shares her fambily wif us. They has dinners and goes to the movies and even goes to the whine countries to gets whiny! (We nots go, Mommy leaves us wif the air condition so we not gets too hot.)  It was VERY HOT!

We has lots of fun when CarolAnn's fambily comes to the van. Speshully when Katie, (CA's daughter,) comes acause she loves kitties and she pets us and gives us brushings.
 Dis Katie and Squashies discussing the merits of red-mousie! 
(Dis a bad picshur, mommy uses her cell phone so she not loose the foto-op.)

Now you would thinks that she not has her own kitty, she spends so much times wif us but she does.  Him's name is Oliver, but him has lots of nick-names. She just has a big heart and loves all the kitties!
Dis Oliver in the window, him not allowed to goes outside either, so we not really meets; but him must be nice cause he is a grey kitty too.

This is CA's beuootifur house!  Mommy sais is amazing in the insides too. But the insides belongs to Oliver so I stays out in ourVan, that belongs to me!

I do goes for lots of walks. Mommy not wants us to feels all cramped so we walks twice a day.

Dis me checking out the sidewalk at CarolAnn's.

Dis me and Squashies in CarolAnn's awesome back yard.

We does lots of fun things in Canada, but we not ever gets to bisit Cat's Cats, acause we only goes to Toronto once and we nots have the times to play.

So then we crosses back to the United States.  And do you know what?  They not wants to sees our papers again!  But the TSA person had to gets in ourVan, and him was lergic to us!  He nots bisits us very long.... 

Anyways, we was very sorry we nots gets to bisit the Canada kitties.  Hopefully, next time mommy can works not so much. We loves our Canada kitties and we has a good time in your country!
Love, TK

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Where the wild things are!

Hello kitties! (This postie was builded on June 26, but we decided to shares it anyways. Mommy builds lots of pages then she not posts acause she gets busy.)

Yesserday we goes to African Lion Safari near Cambridge. And we has a very gud time!  We gets to see all kinds of aminals, but bestly we got to sees Lions.  ROAR!  Mommy takes lots of picshurs. But we not can show some acause the big man-cat lion was being norty!

I wants to be a big man-cat lion when I grows-up, not only is him very beautifur, but also acause no one yells at him when he gets norty. No one sais "Lion no-no" to him!

Dis was a very gud time to go, acause all the aminals had babies.
Bison calf, just born. Notice umbilical cord is still attached.

Head butts!

Then the monkees gets on the cars and takes a ride.  Monkey, No NO!

And this stripey-horsey not lets this car goes, even though all other places was empty. No one sais "Stripey-horsey ,No NO!" to him either.

Mommy also sees a bird show. She loves the raptors.

We hopes you likes our tour. We hopes to posts more abouts our trip soon. Including how Casper, Archie, Jimmy and Ben's mommy and daddy helps our mommy gets a parking space for ourVan in Toronto.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

OOOO Canada!

 So on our ways to Canada we stops to sees some things, and we spends the night next to the big trucks.  Then we goes to sees the Nigara Falls waters, which seemed  terribly wet to me, but Mommy thought it was purrty.

Then we gets to the border, and after mommy gets all our paperworks ready, they not wants to sees anything but Mommy's little passyport book.  Like we isn't impurrtant!  Then the man in the little house asks Mommy when she was leaving, and when Mommy sais she not knows, the man sais they not wants her to stay furrever.  Then Mommy sais she not going to stay furrever acause our Daddy would miss us too much. So then the man sais we can go to Canada!

So right now we is hanging out in ourVan after having several days of spending late nights at Mommy's furrend frum works.  She is a very nice lady who gives us scritches! But now we hangs out with Mommy at our camp site in Canada. Mommy sais we is in Waterloo, but is not wet here like it was at the Niagra Falls.

We hopes all our furrends are having fun!
Love, TK

Friday, June 10, 2011

Power of the Purrs, and looking up!

Hello every kitty!  I wants to thanks you fur all of your purrs, advices and loves from across the innernets. I feels very Blessed to has such wonderfur furends!

So now fur the good news! 
I has been on Humulin for a long times, but suddenly it stops working for me. We has been increasing the the amounts over the last week, but still it not works.  So on Tuesday the great and wonderful Dr. Siegel puts me on ProZinc.  I starts to feel better almost instantly!

Yesserday, with the harmony of hundreds of purrs buzzing through me, we goes to the V.E.T. for the offishul test.  After they steals my blood, everyone in the room waits for the results.   Suddenly, the great and wonderful Dr. Siegel cheers and does her happy dance. My sugar is normal!   And my Mommy starts to cry AGAIN!  Can you believes it?

Next time Mommy tries to takes me to the V.E.T. I thinks I will has to refuse to go... on the grounds it always makes her cry.

Me at the V.E.T.s yesserday. I loves to hang out in the scale. Is very comfy. This test always makes Mommy happy acause I am doing very good on my weight loss.

I wants to thank you all again, it helped my Mommy lots to has your supports!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We is sorry, and Diabetes worry-worry

I knows we hasn't been posting in a very long time. Mommy has been very busy lately and not has had time to helps us.  We is very sorry to leaves you like that.  We has been bisiting our furends when we cans, but not like we should.  To catches you up:

The winner of the guesses in our last post oh-so-many months ago was Simba and Old Kitty and Charlie, acause our bisitor was DADDY, who comes down on the auto train to sees us. Daddy and Mommy bisited Kennedy and goes on nature drives all over. Then Daddy had to go back home.

Then we gotted to see the orbiter Discovery land at Kennedy.  We stays in Titusville for 3 weeks!

Then we goes down to south Florida to bisit Grandma and Pop-Pop for a weekend, but we kept staying for 3 weeks.  Then Grandma and Pop-Pop came home but we stayed for 3 more weeks.  We not wanted to leave Florida until it gots warm. (But now we is too hot!)

We gotted home from Florida on April 18th.
TK and Squashies relaxing in Florida

And now we was getting ready to goes to Canada to bisit Mommy's work. But then something not-so-good happens.

As you might knows, I has had diabetes since I comes to live with Mommy.  She gives me shots 2 times a day.  I was doing good with my shots for almost 3 years; until 2 weeks ago, when out of no where my insulin stops working.  We is trying a new insulin, but so far it is not working either.  I tries hard to studies for my blood tests and I has losted 3 whole pounds.  But it not works anyway...

I think Mommy is ascairt and she holds me and cries when we gets home from the V.E.T. yesterday.  I not wants my Mommy to has a sad, and I knows the power of the purrs.  So could you gives me some purrs?  I promises I does my part to gets better too.

Love, TK

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mancat Monday

 Happy Monday, Kitties!  Our very good furend, the great and wonderful Brian, who is a amazing adopshun spokes-cat, tells us today is "ShelterAware" day that is started by our new furend Kiki.  So I wants to talk about that fur my mancat monday post.

Brians sais this day is about sharing!  We needs to heps the kitties what not has homes yet.  So Squashies and me will has a comment-a-thon for the rest of the day to help Small Miracles Cat Rescue.  We gives $1.00 for EVERY comments we gets from every kitty. (So if you has more than one kitty, each should be aloud to makes a comment!)

As most of you knows, Squashies and me was shelter kitties fur a very long time at Small Miracles Cat Rescue. They takes very gud care of us while our mommy has to find us, to take us home.  (You can reads a little bit about our story here.)  It is very scary to be a old kitty in a shelter, acause you has to compete wif the kyoot kittens, who needs furever homes too. Theres just too many kitties.  So we needs more humans!

So we thinks: What if every human that is owned by a kitty takes today to find one other human that not has kitties and tells them how great we is!

So that is our plan. Will you help us?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mancat Monday

Hi Furrends, TK here with my mancat Monday report.
We had a good weekend. On Friday, Daddy brings home shrimps fur dinner. Nuff said there!

On Saturday, after we hides from the suck-monster for the morning, we all settles in on the couch to watch the Futball game.  Mommy decides me and Squashies gets a treat every time the Ravens scores. We thinks this was going to be pawsome as we gets 3 treats in just a hour.  But then we not gets anymore treats the whole game!?!  We not knows what happens...
In other news, we would likes fur our furends to purr for our dear furend Annie over at Fuzzy Tales. She is having a hard time and could use some gud vibs.

So today is Dr. Martin Luther King Day, here in the States.  He was a great man that helps a lot of peoples.  We honors his memory!

Have a great Monday!
Love, TK

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Suprise, at last!

Hi Everybody, TK here.  It has been a very long time since we has been able to post.  Our mommy has a very big busy with work and the 'suprise' we talks about a few months ago.  But we has been keeping up wif our furends on the quiet.

So here is what happens for the last 3 months:

We gets a wonderfur pressant frum our Auntie Deb, who gives us TWO munkeys from Sammy and Andy's auction acause me and Squashies was trying out-bid each ofur. Then she also gives mommy a beautifur kitty bracelet and earrings too! Mommy actually squealed when she sees them. Auntie Deb is really speshul to takes such good care of all our furends with her's auctions and to gives our mommy such a wonderful gifts.

I gets hatted by Sammy and Andy's mama! Thank you Mama, I loves my new hat!

So we also buys Attie's Shmarshmellows for a Christmas party that mommy goes to. (We were not invited...humph!)  She also not gets Audrey's Kitteh Krak Treats, so we were not impurressed.  Mommy promises to buys the kitteh treats after Christmas when she gots time to cooks fur us. Anyways, Mommy sais I should tells you that the Shmarshmellows are delishus and that everyone should try them.

On to the surprise that you all has been waiting for furever....

This is it:
our Van

That's right kitties, Mommy buys us a Van! Is for us! She sais if we not likes it, she would sell it acause she not wants to go anywheres wifout us, eber.

Here we are exploring our Van for the first time!

See Mommy has this dream to takes-off across the country and sees the sites.  For a job my mommy writes computer code from home for a company all the way up in Canada. So one day she thinks "With the innernets, I can writes code from anywhere!"  (She thinks it juss like that- plural verbses and everyfing!)  For a long time she not thinks this will work, acause we not likes to even get in the car, and she not wants to go without us. But then she sees that little Emily thinks living in a van is fine. So she decides she will try.

So when Mommy first gets our van, we goes on a weekend Halloween camping trip wif our Auntie SheShe and Gramma and Pop-Pop to Gettysburg. Is not very far, and Squashies and I cries and cries when we was driving.  And Squashies has such ascairt that she has a pukes. But once we gets there and sees that all our foods and toys and treats comes too, we decides we likes to camp.  Ebery night mommy makes the big bed and we all piles on juss like at home!

During Saturday I gots to wear my harness and helps mommy hand out cannies to all the ghosts and goblins that comes to our campsite and yells "tricks or treats".  Of course, everybody was petting me and saying how handsome I am.  And there was a lady who was camping next to us that has a kitty too!  Her kitteh had a costume and everything.  She has a hissy, (the kitty, not the lady) when I goes over to sais "hi", so I leaves her alone and sits with my mommy.

Then I gots to get in Gramma and Pop-Pop's camper to bisit, and they has a doggie and we gets along very well cept once when she tries to sniff my Spot #13, then I had to gives her the hissy-swippy. But I not uses my claws, I just pat-pat her nose. She not tries that again!

When we goes home from Gettysburg, we not cries after the first five minutes. Mommy seemed happy about that.

So then Mommy does lots of things in our van to makes us more comfortable. She makes a fense to goes around the awning outside so we can get in and out of our Van to has lots of roorm to play when she has the door open (and she can watch us.) Then she takes out the little night stand thingie and makes us a cat tree that hooks to the frame of our van by metal brakets. It also comes out and has little feets so she can put it outsides when we are in our fense. She works with lots of power-tools we not even knows she knows how to use!  She worked and worked for lots of hours.
The night table that gotted removed

our Cat Tree
Then we all goes down to Huntsville AL, to bisit our Auntie Bethie in Novermber! This was a very long drive, but we not cries at all, we juss sleeps in our cat tree.
We has a week long bisit.  We gots walks in the morning then mommy worked during the days and then she and Auntie Bethie has a bisit in the nights. Some nights we went sight-seeing in our Van; Huntsville is a very purrty town. Then mommy sleeps with us in the van. Uncle Mike has a lergic to us so we not gets to go in the house. But we not minds acause mommy sais this was our 'shake-down trip' so we can sees if we can do this, so is best if we pretends we not has a house to go in anyway.
So we will shows you more about our Van in the coming months, acause we are going to blog about our trabels. Maybe we can even bisit some of our bloggie furends along the way!