Sunday, August 10, 2008

So Far Away!

Every since Cody was born he has had a very special bond with his grandparents. He loves both his grandma's and grandpa's to death and is always so excited to see them. He does get to see Grandma and Grandpa Titel every week but recently he has been begging to see Grandma and Grandpa Bell. It's a bit heartbreaking. He has been asking everyday to go to their house or have them come to our house. He likes to call them frequently just to hear their voices too. Since they live in Utah I have to keep reminding them that we don't have money right now to take a trip out there. It's kind of hard for a 4 1/2 year old to understand that. So this post is for you Grandma and Grandpa Bell. Cody loves you and can't wait to see you again!!

Here are some of the fun times with Grandma and Grandpa Bell
Grandpa Bell sharing one of his all time favorite movies with Cody...Top Gun!!
Grandpa doing a puzzle with Cody

Cody's first 4th of July nuzzled up with Grandma
Giving Cody his first taste of whip cream and ice cream while on vacation with Grandma and Grandpa Bell (he never recovered from the sugar...see my breakfast blog)

This was at their house in Utah late one night. I was tired so they let me go to sleep and they stayed up with Cody as he got pretty delirious walking around with this beenie on over his eyes. Everyone got a big kick out of it.
Just some down time with Grandpa Bell

Grandma's have the special touch!
Cody misses you!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Teach them early!!

Cody likes to do anything he sees Daniel or I doing. So as you can see, he likes to iron his pants for church. He really likes to spray them with the iron. We, of course, don't actually let him plug the iron in but we figure the practice never hurts! And then the next day he sat on the ironing board and bent it all out of shape! Boys are so fun!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


As embarrassed as I am to show these pictures for the fear of what people might think I can not get over the fact that Cody's room looks like this way too often! I know we just had an earthquaked and I'd love to blame that for this disaster but my child will not clean his room! I would like to ask all of you once again for your opinion: do your kids clean their rooms at all or am I just too lenient with Cody on cleaning his room? I will clean it up and no joke that the next day it looks like this again!! Is this normal for a 4 1/2 old year boy???? Should he be cleaning it himself? He will always ask me to help him and I don't have a problem with that but he ends up playing more and I end up cleaning. Any suggestions?

Seriously the drawers are just left half open!
I know he did not play with all of these things in two days!
Making his bed...oh forget that!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Not for breakfast!!

Okay, just a quick question to those of you who have children... i am wondering if any one else's child wakes up in the morning and ask for chocolate for breakfast? Seriously, I am so tired of saying we don't have chocolate, candy, odder pops or Popsicles for breakfast!! You'd think after a few months of saying no to that they would understand

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Daniel has turned the big 29!
He finally got an IPod for himself (so patient he has been as he has wanted one for a couple years and he got one for me months ago!) and some clothes from Cody and I. His parents took us out to the wonderful Olive Garden! Yummy!! Thanks to those who sent Daniel money, it went towards his guitar. He had gotten his guitar early but took it back and got a different one. It's been fun to listen to him practice...When the Saints Come Marching In! Both he and I can't wait until he starts learning some other stuff. But of course if Daniel is playing Cody must play also. Cody threw a fit in the guitar store because he wanted an electric guitar! But Daniel passed down his older guitar that he got on his mission to Cody and it is fun to watch Cody try to play. Sometimes he plays it like a cello and sometimes actually like a guitar. I guess what ever is easier for him at the moment.

Daniel and Cody (notice it is a cello this time for Cody)
My favorite boys! Now you can't say this isn't too cute!
Daniel's Ipod shuffle
Daniel anxious to get music on his Ipod
Okay, a little side note. I know both Daniel and I are pretty into exercising but I guess it's rubbing off onto Cody. We found him using Daniel's Perfect Push-ups in front of the mirror the other day.
And then finishing it off with a good flex for us! He likes to show us his muscles and tell us how big and strong he's getting.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Foot Procedure

As most of you know, I had my foot procedure this week. I had Cody take some pictures as we were prepping my foot that morning. I had a topical cream that was suppose to numb my foot up a bit so that when the Dr. went in to give the injections to numb it wouldn't hurt as much. Then I had to wrap it up in Saran wrap to keep the mess under control. The topical cream didn't really do too much but I've had injections in my foot before so I knew what I was getting into. The pain only lasted a few minutes and then my foot was numb. Daniel got to watch the whole procedure and the Dr. explained to him as he was going what he was doing. It didn't seem to be as deep as the Dr. thought which was good. After he dug the hole I got to see the chunk of skin/wart that he dug out which was cool. They bandaged me up and sent me home with some supplies and a Rx for Vicodin and we were on our way. So far I haven't had any pain thanks to modern meds but am pretty out of it on them!
We had to change my bandages this morning and Cody kind of freaked out when he saw what was underneath the bandages. He ran in the hall, shut the door and kind of whined for a little bit. He wouldn't come near me for a little while too. I had to explain that it doesn't hurt and it all covered up again. Hopefully that doesn't give him nightmares!
For those who are interested I do have pictures of the hole in my foot but I didn't want to post them since I know some people don't like to see that type of stuff.

This is me the morning of and a bit nervous for the pain
Daniel being the good Paramedic that he is, helping me prep my foot with topical cream and Saran wrap
After the procedure-all bandaged up.
I so hope this will be the last of the planters wart!!
And for everyone else...don't wait 7 years to try to get rid of one, do it right away!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The bees are back!

As some of you remember our run in with the bees last year with the person who lives behind us. We found a wasp nest in our doorway to the back yard. Luckily we found it early enough to take care of it before it got out of control like last year.

We actually had two forming, one in the doorway and one under the patio cover.
The dead wasps after we sprayed.
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO DANIEL...It seems he always manages to talk me into getting his birthday gifts a bit early.

I can't wait to be serenaded!