Showing posts with label Motherbood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motherbood. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Motherhood and time management...

Good morning all!!
My post is a little bit late for Mothers Day... but I decided to share it none the less. Why is it late? Because I was busy being a Mama. Sure, I could have taken some time and written up a blog post. But I figured it was more important to not be on the computer this past weekend. It is time for some changes in my life.
You see, I have a problem... I tend to hide from my responsibilities sometimes by playing on the computer. No, I don't play any games on it... and I don't do message boards often... But I do facebook, pinterest, blogs and things like that. And it sucks SO much time. I'm not talking about the things that I need to do, or checking into facebook occasionally. I just do too much... without wasting time explaining, let me just say that I'm making changes. My kids get home from school at 3:00... so just before then, I shut my computer down. It doesn't come back on until they are in bed. Why shut it down? Why not just stay away from it?
Because I just can't. It is an addiction I'm sad to say.
So, I have decided to make some drastic changes. That being one of them! :) And I like it! I hope to be more productive with my time online now and get things done that need to be done! Not just waste my precious time doing nothing... while one of my  beautiful children stand at my leg waiting until I am done reading someone's blog post, or pinning something on pinterest. Shame on me...
The reason I am sharing this very personal struggle here on my blog, is because I know that many other people struggle with this same kind of thing. I hope to encourage you... let's not waste our time doing nothing... lets enjoy these precious moments... because as we are constantly being told... time goes by so fast.
I am not cutting out my creative time... because that is my job, and does not take over my entire life. There is also a lot of paperwork that goes along with that... it must be done! But all that will be done during designated times... and all the other time that was being wasted is going to be reduced drastically.
Being a Mom is an amazing gift. It is not always easy... actually is seldom easy. But it is a blessing none the less. I don't know why God chose me to be the mother of these 5 beautiful and healthy children. I feel so unworthy and so incapable some days of doing a good job. But it is my responsibility to be the best mom I can be. That does NOT mean perfection... It just means loving them with everything that is in me, and realizing that I have them in my arms for a short time. In that time, it is up to me to teach them how to live life... how to act and react... how to practice self discipline and self control. I have not been doing a very good job in some of these up until now.
So I am praying that God will give me strength and wisdom... discernment and patience... and that HE will make me into the kind of mother that my children need...
I want to leave you with a card that I made for my Mom for mothers day. It's late too... but she will get it and know how special she is to me...

This card took me 10 minutes to make!! I started with a card base from Kaisercraft... it has the scalloped border and black design already on the card! I used one of Spellbinders M-Bossabilities™ (ES-005 Enchanted) to emboss the top portion. I added the ribbon by running it thru my Xyron 1.5 create-a-sticker and adhered it to my card. Then I tied on the bow. I added a bit of yellow to the embossed areas (which my hubby kindly told me looked like I splattered mustard on it... ;) ). I die cut S5-086 Bitty Blossoms using Melissa Frances Crepe paper and added that to the center of the bow. 2 stick pins, and a ribbon banner with MOTHER on it and this card was good to go! So simple and quick... but bright and cheery just the same!

Thanks for stopping by... I hope that my post will help you to stop and evaluate your time... Spend it on the important thing...
Until next time...
Happy Creating!