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Showing posts with the label just for fun

Somebody Pinch Me....

Because I have GOT to be dreaming, right? Memba when I did THIS poll? And then when I did this one? GUESS WHAT? My boys are touring again! And even if you voted against them ( that very small percentage of you ), your boys are too! That's right - New Kids are touring with Backstreet Boys! Now if you read the first link above - you know that although my deepest loyalty lies with those fabulous 5 boys from Boston... I still very much appreciate the talent, and enjoy the music of the Backstreet Boys. Yeah, Tanielle and I are SO going to this one (please bless that they come to SLC so I don't have to drag her to Vegas). I've already threatened her that she better not DARE get pregnant this time!! So when I found out that this rumor was true last week - I was walkin' on air. But it was as if the Concert gods just didn't feel like I had been quite rewarded enough... Today I learned that BON JOVI is also coming in the spring! Bon Jovi = hands down best rock band of all ...

Girls' Day Out!

Well...I think I'm back. Sorta. My husband rigged up 2 computers and so far, so good with being able to post pictures, and view videos, and open attachments and stuff. I'll use it this way for as long as I have to, as long as I can get my blogging fix! Last Friday I enjoyed a funtastic girls' day out! It was me, my girls, my mom, my sister-in-law, and my sweet cousin who's staying with my parents while she goes to school here. We went mall-hopping, and started out downtown at the Gateway, a fabulous outdoor mall that has all the best stores, and great landscaping and outdoor attractions as well. Here's Monkey showin' off the bling she immediately found on walking into the first store. Here's the girls modeling the latest in headwear fashion. I turned my back for 2 seconds, and Monkey had herself decked out in these jewels. Should I be worried? Now time to model the fabulous eye-wear. First up...Monkey. She needed more than 1 take. Doesn't Cowgirl j...

My Life According To New Kids On The Block

So I got tagged by Alisa , she's an old, dear friend I recently got back in touch with. In fact she was instrumental in my meeting my husband! Anyway, she tagged me on Facebook, but I'm more of a friend to Blogger, so I thought I would share it here. It's supposed to be kind of hard, but I just wanted to try it out. I picked New Kids because, know. Anyway, I wasy DYING at how easily I was able to find songs that fit these questions! If you have followed me for awhile...I think you'll agree. It was really fun...thanks Alisa ! Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions . Pass it on to 15 people you like and include me. You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)". Psst... You may not want your boss to catch you doing this...... Pick your Artist: New Kids on the Block Are you a man or a woman: Big Girl Now (haha! This c...

It's time to PAR-TAY!

Hello my wonderful friends! I'm late to a party! But first I need to say a heartfelt thank you! Remember for my birthday I had some wonderful bloggy friends make me feel so special? I talked about each of those ladies here . But to my surprise...I wasn't finished feeling special! Look what came in the mail last week just before I headed out of town! The fabulous (and I DO mean fabulous) Shawn at Seriously made me this personalized message board! It's a glossy tile that I can write on! Perfect for my grocery lists! Thank you so much Shawn...I love it! I also received an EXTRA something from Sare who had already sent me two PERFECT cards. She made me an "X" pendant! Only I forgot to take a picture, but I will post that soon...because I have more to share about her coming up! Now on to the PAR-TAY! The most awesome Amanda at Serenity Now is hosting a Decorating Dilemmas party! You should totally party with us! Grab the button from her sidebar, share your dilemma ...

Glitter Girl to the Rescue!

Tonight was Super Hero Night at Young Women's! We were combined with the Young Men, and we were supposed to come dressed up as a super hero, and we had to complete Super Hero Boot Camp! I didn't know what to do! Thank goodness for brilliant friends. Y'all know how much I love sparkly least I think you do. So my friend Rachael said I should be Glitter Girl. I did bring Glitter Toes to camp after all! I armed myself with glitter of all sorts and invited myself over to Tanielle 's. I knew she'd love to be let loose on me with glitter and hair spray! Here's what she made of me! Sorry the resolution is really crappy...I promise my skin looks better than this! But when I cropped the pictures it messed up the resolution...GAH! Glitter.... Girl! And here's a shot of the fabulous hair! I wish you could see how sparkly it is, Tanielle went crazy and dumped tons and tons of purple glitter on my head! I don't know if it will ever come out! We also ...

What (who) is your obsession?

ob·ses·sion Pronunciation: \äb-ˈse-shÉ™n\ noun 1: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling. ~ Webster's online dictionary Well, I must say I don't find this definition of obsession very flattering at all! In fact I'm quite offended! Do you guys think obsession is disturbing or unreasonable? neither. I don't find my adorable friend JennyKate 's obsession with Edward at all disturbing, or unreasonable. Okay, she did get a Twilight tattoo...hmmm. And what about my dear friend Tanielle ? Just because she vacuums a minimum of once a day, often twice, does that make her disturbing or unreasonable? Of course she has gone through 6 vacuums in her 6 1/2 years of marriage....hmmm. And my obsession with NKOTB is in no way disturbing or unreasonable, right? I mean just because I did a weekly video countdown to their Vegas show (which I had to miss in the end!), c'mon...I was just copying my fab friend Amanda 's video co...

Girl's Night In!

So last night was the first time in a loooong time I've been able to hang with my frequently barfing pal Tanielle . If y'all knew how we act when we're together, you would totally quit following us. For real. Her husband has a new work assignment that takes him away Monday through Thursday. He's only home on the weekends. It's kind of rough with her being so sick right now, so I decided she needed a little quality time with me, and a dose of laughing her guts out (which she did...literally). We had so much fun, and it gave me a chance to finally meet the new guy in her life. If you haven't yet met Francisco , you must go here . He keeps her companyy while Hunter Dan is away. Our staple supplies for girl's night are as follows: Giant Dr. Pepper, Nachos, and vampire DVD's. How much weight do you think last night helped me lose? I will always think Angel's hotter than Edward. Spike too. Please don't hurt me JennyKate ! Tanielle's fun to watch v...

A Funtastic Weekend!

I loved my weekend! I'm going to share it with you via TONS of pictures and should be used to that by now! It started off on Friday with an overnighter with the Young Women. We all stayed in the backyard of the Young Women's President in tents. We roasted hot dogs, and later on had S'mores. The simplified version...have you heard of this? Instead of graham crackers and Hershey's bars, you just use fudge stripe cookies and smoosh the marshmallow between 2 of them. So much easier...and very delicious! I also learned something new from the girls. Have you heard of roasted Starbursts? Yeah, I was skeptical too, but the girls insisted we try it. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! You roast the Starbursts on a roasting stick, just like a marshmallow. When it starts to bubble around the oustside, it's finished. You let it cool a little so you can get it off the stick, and then enjoy! They end up kind of crispy on the outside, and full of warm, fruity go...

New Friday Feature!

In 6 weeks from today, July 10 th , I will be hopping in (a hopefully feeling better) Tanielle's car and we will be goin ' on a road trip to Vegas! We're headin ' down to see our boys in concert. If you're new here that would be New Kids On The Block! I'm so excited! In honor of this momentous occasion, I have decided to do a fun (for me!) new Friday Feature. I stole this idea from my good friend Amanda at Serenity Now. She counted down the weeks to the premier of the awesome t.v. show So You Think You Can Dance by sharing a favorite video from the show each week! So I'm totally doing that! Each Friday I'm going to share a favorite New Kids video for your viewing pleasure! Just humor me and watch it okay? You can make fun of me in the comments if you want afterward! For my first video, I want to share the song that brought them all back to us. It was their first single from their new album The Block. I'm going to show a sound check they did, becaus...

I HEART Shoes!!

Have I ever told you that I LOOOOOOVE cute shoes? Especially cute heels? Well, I do. So here's the baby brother's getting married on Thursday. I had to get a new dress, so OBVIOUSLY I have to get some new shoes, right? Actually, I really did need a new pair. All my black heels are looking pretty beat up and that's not okay for a wedding, ya know? Soooo I was on the hunt! I always go look at Forever Young whenever I'm at the mall (which isn't very often these days!), because I think they have the stinkin' cutest shoes. But it's never at a time when I have new shoes in the budget, so I just look and admire. I don't really have new shoes in the budget now, but it's a wedding, right? So today I eagerly went in knowing I would be able to buy something. I was immediately greeted by a bubbly size 0 18-year-old. I swear you have to be size 0 to work there, because I have never seen any normal size person in there. Anyway, she says "Do you kno...

What we did instead of Disneyland

So the first week and a half of March was supposed to be spent together as a family in sunny California. We have been planning this vacation for over a year. We had estimated the amount the trip would cost, and planned for Disneyland, Seaworld, Universal Studios, and San Diego Zoo. We were all so excited. We've never been to Disneyland as a family. Here's what happened during the couple of months preceeding our trip. First our carpet cleaning equipment broke down. We own a carpet cleaning company, and this is our livelyhood. We had a major repair and multiple minor repairs that resulted in a couple thousand dollars price tag. We still thought we could swing the trip. Then our family car got sick. Another several hundred dollars in repairs. The best part was the Sunday afternoon that we came home from church to find that both our company vans had been broken into. We had one of our portable cleaning machines stolen, as well as some other small equipment, my husband's stereo,...