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Showing posts with the label friend makin' monday

Calling all friends....

It's Monday, it's Monday!  Today I'm linking up with the awesome and fabulous Kenlie for Friend Makin' Monday ! This week's questions are some I have answered before but some new ones too, so bear with me!  Or skim.  Or completely choose not to read this post.  I'm a big girl, I can handle it. Here we go! 1)  What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday? I usually spend my Saturdays going to a sports game for one of my kids.  I have a son who plays basketball, and a daughter who plays soccer.  Since I love sports, and I adore my kids, this is definitely a win-win.  Even when we lose.  Hehe.  So going to games is definitely a favorite way to spend my Saturday. 2)  List your top three favorite TV shows. Top 3 favorite TV shows would have to be 1) NCIS - I haven't missed a single episode in it's entire 9 season run.  Wow, that makes me sound sorta pathetic.  2) Blue Bloods.  I am a huge Tom Sellec...

Friend Makin' Monday...Girl's Camp!

I'm Back! Did you miss me? I missed you! This week's FMM is being hosted by Jolanthe at No Ordinary Moments , and is a perfect oportunity for me to share Girl's Camp ! The task is Vacation ...and we're supposed to share our favorite vacay. Well technically Girl's Camp was a resposnibility for church, but I loved every minute of I'm sharing! If you read me regularly you know I had to go to camp late, due to some unfortunate events that took place during the weeks prior. I'm still really sad that I missed the first 2 days! When I got to camp, the girls were having free time, and they were doing fun hemp styles in each other's hair. You use the hemp twine to twist and tie around the hair, kind of like friendship bracelets, if you ever made those. You throw some beads into the design as well. This picture was the perfect representative of the entire week. The girls were really kind to each other, and there wasn't any girl drama with cliques, an...

Friend Makin' I've missed you!

I've missed the past 2 weeks of FMM hosted by Kasey at All That is Good ...I've missed connecting with everyone who participates! But I'm back...Yay! This week's task is to name 10 things you love about Summer. 1. Barbecues...I looooove me a grilled burger with all the fixin's. Not to mention all the other bbq goodies...deviled eggs, yummy salads and desserts galore! 2. I n D e p e N d e n C e D a y . I am all over this celebration. I love the chance to reflect on all that has come to pass to make it possible for me to enjoy the freedoms and privileges that I take advantage of every day. I love discussing with my children the birth of this great nation, and the sacrifices of those great men whom we call "Founding Fathers". Fireworks are ALWAYS a must see for this family, we enjoy them every year! 3. Camping. I love being in the mountains, the smell of campfire, the sound of a rushing river...I can't wait to get out there! 4. Hot summer nights...

Friend Makin' Monday and a Winner!

It's time for Friend Makin' Monday y'all! I'm so glad Kasey started this whole thing up so I could meet so many wonderful new friends! The adorable Amber is guest-hosting this week and she has asked us to share 5 toys that remind us of our childhood. I have to say, that Amber's list is pretty much what I would have come up with myself! LOVED all those toys! But I'll try to come up with 5 different ones! Well okay, only 4, because we just had the same taste in toys AND boy bands I guess! 1. Barbie . I looooved my peaches and cream barbie...remember when they were always dressed in lovely flowing gowns, instead of the hoochie clothes they wear now? 2. Easy Bake Oven ... I used to bake cakes for Johnny, the cute boy in the neighborhood...he never wanted to try one. 3. Rainbow Brite ...Sorry Amber, I couldn't leave her off my list, even for the sake of originality. 4. Hula Hoop! I couldn't find a picture of the pink and white peppermint striped one fr...

Friend Makin' Monday and 100th post giveaway!

I just love Mondays! If you've never heard of Friend Makin' Monday , go to Kasey's to read all the rules and join in! I have met some of my best bloggy friends through FMM ! This week's task is to complete the following tag: 5 Senses Tag We are to list 4 things we love, and one thing we dislike, for each sense. Smell Like: 1. Pot roast in the oven! 2. Sunkissed Citrus Scentsy, and Melon Medley from the Walmart knock-off scents! 3. rubbing alcohol (I know, I need help) 4. along those same lines...nail polish and nail polish remover. Dislike: coffee Touch Like: 1. The click, click of the keyboard beneath my fingers! 2. back massage from my husband - he has magic hands! 3. an ice cold soda can on the back of my neck on a hot summer day! 4.Hot showers Dislike: Hot glue on my fingertips! Occupational hazard for me! Sound 1. My baby (okay she's 2 now!) whispering "secrets" in my ear. 2. My kiddo's giggles. 3. My husband's singing. He has a very nice si...

Friend Makin' Mondays!!!

Today's task: 10 things that just really get you fuzzed up (that means makes you mad) Here are my 10: 1. When my kids fight. They fight over the DUMBEST things and it makes me CRAZY ! 2. When people take their dogs out without a leash. I don't care if he's a "really good dog, and won't run off"...the law says keep him on a leash people!!! 3. When I try to google a picture of something innocent and get something completely inappropriate. This especially ticks me off when I happen to have a kiddo looking over my shoulder and they are BLINDED by something they don't need to see. 4. People who don't obey traffic laws. I know, I know, I'm a nerd...but I am such a rule person. Which brings me to... 5. When people make up their own "special rules" for board games. I have issues, I know - but when ya change the rules, you're messin' with the mojo and it might alter the outcome! How do I know that you would have actually beat me if y...

Friend Makin' Monday - Woo Hoo!

It's time to make some friends! Each week Kasey hosts Friend Makin' Monday awesome way to meet new people and make new friends! If you want to play, go here to find out how! This week's task is all about sharing. We're sharing 10 things we can't live without ! So here goes: 1. My mascara ...right now it's this kind (with the collogen in it! love it!): But I really want to try that new kind with the "tips" I can't remember what it's called. It's like $11.00 though, so I might just stick with this! 2. My Camera . I love my camera! It's nice enough to take decent pictures, but simple enought that an amature like me can use it. 3. Itunes . I sooo love the convenience of getting my music anytime, day or night with the click of a button! And making playlists is sooo much easier than trying to make a mixed tape! And I can burn a cd for my car, listen to my workout playlist while exercising outside... It just rocks. My current obsessio...

Friend Makin Monday

I'm a little late today, but better late than never...right? Today for FMM we are to list 10 things we are super thankful for. Here goes: 1 - I'm thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful gift! 2 - I'm thankful for a wonderful husband who works so hard to provide for our family, and makes it possible for me to stay home with our children. (still won't let me post his pic.) This brings me to... 3 - Bookworm. He is bright and talented and oh so inventive! I am so proud of him! 4 - Cowgirl. She is kind and good. But at the same time she is witty and slightly obnoxious! 5 - Pixie. She will be the death of me! But her strong spirit will serve her well! She's a diva! 6 - Monkey. She cracks everyone up! Her antics are about to crack me up all the way to the nut house! But she is growing up so fast. Each day she learns something new, and my baby slips further away to be replaced by this smart, "big girl". 7 - I'm thankful for a home that ...

Friend Makin' Mondays is Back!!! And announcig the first Mod Podge Mania date.

I'm so relieved to hear that Kasey is fine - she's just been super busy and out of town!!! Whew! I was kinda worried. But it's all good. If you're not familiar with FMM go here to read the rules and link up! It's super fun! This week is the confession tag...I've already fulfilled the tag, and you can read my confessions here ! I combined it with an award back when I did it, so just scroll down a bit to get to the confession! Also, for those of you interested in Mod Podge Mania (to find out about that go here ), the first date will be March 31st, so make sure to get your projects done!

Friend Makin' Mondays and pictures of me!

I just LOVE Friend Makin' Mondays! It's so fun getting to know everyone, and meeting wonderful new bloggy friends! If you want to join the fun go visit Kasey to read the rules and link up! This week's task is Daydreamin' If you had $1000 dollars, and a baby sitter for a period of 24 hours what would you do? Well, my 24 hours would start in the early evening. Hubby and I would head Downtown and have a scrumptious early dinner. Then we would go on a horse drawn carriage ride through the city. Then, depending on the season we would go to one of the city's entertainment offerings. It could be a play, or the ballet. Maybe a concert or an NBA game - I love them all! We would then check into a nice hotel and order room service dessert, OR if nothing on the room service menu appealed, Hubby would be a dear and go get us some Cheesecake Factory to go! Okay, he'd only get it for me, because he hates cheesecake (I know, I know. Believe me - I would totally have run the ot...