Showing posts with label Red Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Home. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 January 2013

They're contagious......

I haven't signed up for Chookyblue's SAL, but I have still caught the bug. All the thread catchers looked so I good, I thought I could use one next to my chair in the lounge room. Hmmmm.......maybe I need one beside the sewing machine..........and one at the ironing board too.

I don't think I'm done yet. They are very cute, quick and handy. It was good to use a couple of novelty fabrics too.

Thanks for everyone's comments about which thread they use. It made for some very interesting conversations.

The hot weather is back today, so I'm laying low with some stitching. Hope you're having a good day and staying cool (or warm depending on where you are).

Susan x

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Blue Home

I love red, but my friend Ann-Marie loves blue. So a while back I made her a Blue Home pincushion for Christmas. I love this project from Natalie Bird's book..........small pieces of all the things I love.

First day of holidays today. Just need to turn the temperature down and it will be perfect!

Susan x

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Red Home Pincushion

Well, Fathers Day is going swimmingly here. I am blessed with a hubby who thinks the perfect Fathers Day is spent playing in the shed - it works out very well for me.
So I have spent some time finishing the most detailed pincushion I have ever made. So much work for such a tiny project, but I love the end result.

I have to admit that stuffing things is my absolute, least favourite part of sewing. Followed closely, by sewing up the hole where the stuffing went in.
But it's done now, and with three different types of fill. A little toy stuffing at the top, followed by the suggested walnut shells (which I didn't have enough of.... grrrr), finished off with some of that wheat you put in heat packs.
It will probably live it's life as an ornamental pincushion, so the wheat should be ok (fingers crossed that the mice never find it).
On a happy, Spring note, I have been through ALL the boys clothes today - got a big load for Vinnies. And now i'm going to take advantage of the gorgeous day and do something in the garden, instead of just sitting in the sun sewing.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads.

Susan x

Saturday, 1 September 2012


Look what I did.

After arranging those tiny hexies so carefully, I cut the template out the wrong way round, and my two fussy cut pieces are sideways. I didn't realise until I was quilting them.

I thought briefly about redoing it, but I think that would be ridiculous. They will stay sideways........ (unless I can't stand it and appliqué something over them). It is after all, just a pincushion.

Susan x

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Tonight's progress

The housework can wait til tomorrow. I have appliqued the house on my little Red Home pincushion tonight.

The instructions said to do the stitching before the appliqué, but I have done it the other way round. Which do you do first?
Rather stupidly I have cut it out before the appliqué and stitching, so I hope the shape and size doesn't change too much. I'll see how it goes.

Susan x

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Oh dear......

I have been resisting this for so long..........
One little baby 1/2" hexie. My first, and I am in love.

25 baby hexies, getting ready to be part of the Red Home pincushion, by Natalie Bird. I think I can blame Marina and Elyte for tempting me a little too. There are some other little hexie projects waiting in the wings as well. I think I am hooked.

We have been to Orange today for Mr 11 to take part in Tournament of the Minds. It was freezing, and the patchwork shop was closed, but his team went really well.

Hope you have a fun week.
Susan x
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