Showing posts with label Margaret's Quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Margaret's Quilt. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 July 2014

FNWF and a finish

I joined up with Cheryl and 53 others to stitch the night away on Friday for FNWF. I was still quilting my SIL quilt. With a little more stitching yesterday, it's finished. I'm very happy with the quilting in Perle 8, and how the Little Black Dress fabric looks. It's for her 50th birthday, and I don't think she has any idea that I have made a quilt. I found it hard to choose fabrics since we don't see each other all that often, so I stayed with a safer choice. I hope she likes it.

Now back to some appliqué, and start quilting the next quilt in the queue.

Susan x

Friday, 4 July 2014


FNWF seems to roll around very quickly each month. I will be working on my SIL quilt. I have reached a point where I can sew the binding on, but I might still add some more quilting. I'm using my Clover clips that I bought from Red Raspberry quilts, they work really well (and don't poke into me like pins do!).

I love using the perle. It gives a nice hand quilted result very quickly. See you all tonight.......but if I'm lucky I might start a little bit earlier.

Susan x

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Finally making a start

An unexpected trip to Bathurst gave me the opportunity to buy the wadding for my SIL quilt. So now it's all basted together ready for some quilting.........I've got two months to finish it. Just starting with straight lines on the lighter sections, and if time permits I'll add some more.

A little bit of secret sewing which is nearing it's deadline too.

I found out this week that the local fabric shop that doesn't sell wadding has announced that it's closing at the end of June. 50% off everything........but unfortunately not a lot worth buying. I did stock up on DMC though.

Hope you find some happy sewing moments over the weekend.

Susan x

Sunday, 1 June 2014

I love half square triangles

I started cutting this morning and this is how far I got with my blocks by lunchtime. Half square triangles are so much quicker than hand piecing!

I made a little mistake calculating my fabric and I'm two blocks short, so I'll have to put it aside for now.......not sure how that happened. All I need is two 8" squares grrrrr.

My SIL's birthday is in August so I'm really happy with my progress. The next question will be dark thread on the light zigzags or light thread on the dark zigzags? Given time constraints I think I'll quilt with perle.

Hope you find time for some sneaky stitches this week.

Susan x

Finally partying!

Finally sat down to sew in my pj's at about 11pm last night. Working on another Irish Circles block.

Thinking about starting my SIL birthday quilt tomorrow. Hoping for a cold, wet start to winter.

........I wrote that last night and today my wish has been granted.

I'm not even cleaning up my sewing space, just pushed everything out of the way to start cutting my SIL's quilt......AND I'm still in my pj's..........does it get any better than this?

Happy Birthday Chookshed, and have a great day everyone.

Susan x

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