Thursday, December 13, 2012


Last weekend we took the kids downtown to see Santa at the Macy's Santaland! Sam was especially excited because he is sure that this Santa is the real one. When Jason asked him how he knew, he just said, "We all got everything we asked for last year, didn't we?"

We were hoping that since we weren't going right after the parade like we did last year, it wouldn't be as crowded. Wow, we couldn't have been more wrong! It was way longer. Longer than the line for Space Mountain! The line weaved in and out all through a hall, a giant room, and another smaller room. It was insane.Luckily it moved along pretty regularly so we weren't just standing still for long periods of time. And the kids were pretty patient. Just as long as I kept feeding a steady stream of animal crackers to Lincoln!

Trying to get a cute picture in front of the candy cane painted pole. Lincoln says nope!

About to get in to Santaland! (ugh, blurry cell pic--I need to get back in the habit of bringing a real camera places)

Lincoln was pretty interested in everything.

Then it was finally time to see the big man himself, Santa! You can see the progression of Lincoln's reaction: First, confusion.
Then a little nervous.
And all-out horror!
Re-checking who has me. Yep, still horrified!

Then the kids told Santa what they wanted.
They got their buttons.
And here's the official picture they took:
Hehehe. What fun. Also, when we asked the kids what they had asked for, we heard new things they hadn't talked about before! Guess it doesn't always pay to shop early!

1 comment:

christy said...

hahahah i LOVE the last picture. classic.