Monday, December 3, 2012


Sam just finished up his basketball "season". He was on a team of mixed first and second graders, and even though he's a second grader, he was still the shortest kid on the team! Anyway, they were on the green team, and decided to call themselves the ninja turtles. Here's his hilarious picture, which was taken right after Halloween, so he had some gross tattoo on his hand, and also his front yokel tooth was about to fall out!

 The team! Minus 1 kid. I think we were the only team who never had all 8 kids there at once!
The practices and games were pretty funny to watch. Sam looks like a humming bird in all the pictures I would take of him making a basket!
 Dribbling practice.

 A game! Actually, they called them all "scrimmages". Each kid was wearing a wristband that coordinated with someone on he other team so the knew who they were supposed to block.
 Sam taking a shot!
 So fast.
 He really got into blocking. Although it took several games before he stopped blocking his guy when his own team had the ball!
 One of his favorite parts: being rotated out so he could hang out and goof off!
 He also goofed off while in the game, though.
 After the last game, they got medals. And a token for a custard at Culvers!

We got a couple weekends off, and starting this week get to start up Ben's basketball season!

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