Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back Tracking-- Alaska

For the first time in 10 years, Cameron and I went on a big trip without ANY kids.
Man, was that strange?
I slept for like the first 2 days because I didn't know what to do with myself.

We flew to Seattle first, where we spent a day.
It was pretty neat. We'd never been there before.
We went to Pike's Fish Market where they throw fish around.

I loved seeing all the fresh flowers and fruit.

And of course, I'm a sea food nut, and had to get some good crab while we were there.
Cameron hates fish, but loves crab legs (weirdo), but hey he shared a bucket of seafood with me, and I got to eat all the shrimp. Yum!

Boarding the boat. It was so BIG.

Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau

Ziplining through the trees in Skagway.

We had such a great time, and are so grateful to Cameron's parents for helping make this happen for us. We definitely want to go on a cruise again, hopefully with the kids next time. It was a great refresher before going back to school.

We are also so grateful to our friends and family who helped with the kids at home. There were so many who helped (Grandma, Nathalie, Anne, Brandon, Angela, John, Amy, Jared, Adeline, Rebecca, Meghan, Kristi, so many more). We are humbled by how many people love our kids.
We came home to the cutest welcome home mom and dad sign. It went up the stairs and around the corner. Each kid had decorated part of it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Disappointing loss by the Cougars, but my Cougars are pretty cute!

Man, that was a sad game on Saturday night.
I was especially sad, because this was the first game that our kids really got into.
They loved all the hype and the flags lining University Ave and Parkway.
They decided to get all dressed up in their BYU gear.
They even had their faces painted.
This is them just before the game started.
They were so cute

Owen actually grew out of his BYU t-shirt, and I need to get him a new one.
This is his blue/white attire.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back to School

Another school year is here.
It's always a busy time of year.

This year, I have a new pre-schooler.
Emmy is loving that she has joined the ranks of the big kids who go to school.
She got a princess backpack that she LOVES.
She is going to school with her friend Makenzie at a neighborhood pre-school.
I can't believe she is old enough for this.

I've also got myself a Kindergartener.
This boy is one happy camper.
He is finally going to school with Mommy.
He loves learning.

He also loves that his cousin Brigham is in his class, and so is his good friend Parker.
He told me he was too big for "character backpacks" so I had to go get him a big kid camo
backpack after the first day.

I also have a "know it all" 3rd grader.
She loves that she gets a locker this year.
Too bad it's a top locker that she cannot reach,
but she doesn't want to trade because everyone wants a top locker.
Too funny. She is just down the hall from me this year, so I get to see her all the time.
Love it!

And, of course, the big bad 6th grader.
It's her year to rule the school.
She is excited to have my good friend Betsy as her teacher, and
to be with her cousin Kennan.

It's going to be hard for me next year when Camille isn't at school with me.
I think Katelyn will miss her too.

It's definitely crazy getting everyone out of the house in the morning.

And, for any of you who didn't know,
Cameron has gone back to high school.
This time as a teacher.
He is teaching part-time at Timpanogas High School in Orem.
He teacher engineering and drafting.
He is also advising the Technology Student Association
and coaching Wrestling.
He is loving it so far.
Who knew I'd be so excited to be a teacher's wife?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lots going on...

We are still here... Lots going on.

This kid has kept us on our toes all summer. He is quite a handful and LOVES to climb and make messes. He has a toilet radar, and knows the minute that someone leaves the bathroom door open, and beelines it to the toilet to play. He is such a sweet kid though, so it's hard to be mad at him for too long.

I love this picture of O with his hand on Cam's shoulder.

These kids have been busy swimming everyday. Spence made swim team this year, and has made huge strides in his abilities. Don't you love that you can see my kids goggle lines on their tanned faces?

This cutie turned the BIG 3 in June. She had a successful Princess party. It was fun, and it was the key to potty training her. She is officially a big girl, and will only wear Princess PJ's or Princess swim suits at the moment.

Milly had a great 5th grade year. She LOVED her teacher, and was sad for the year to end. She was so lucky to have her BCF (Best Cousin Forever) in her class this year. They even got to go to camp together.

This picture fits this kid. She is always enjoying life.

Again, another personality shot.

These two have such a fun relationship. I love watching them.

Spence is also so lucky to have a Best Cousin. These two LOVE to play hard.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Camille

This beauty turns 11 today.
It's kind of hard to believe that she is 11.
It seems like yesterday that I got to meet her.
She is such a good girl.
She works so hard in school.
She is a great help at home.
She is beautiful and sensitive.
She still likes hanging out with me.
I love taking her grocery shopping with me late at night.
She is an AMAZING dancer.
I am so proud of all that she has accomplished.
Kinda scary, 1 more year and this girl with be in Young Women.

Happy Birthday Milly!
We adore you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I know... amazing that I posted something.

I know, I know, it's been a while.
We've been kinda busy.
Not with anything extra exciting,
just normal life with 5 kids.
We have had a fun spring so far with lots of activities.
We have:
Taken a Spring Break trip to Zion and Vegas.
Spent Easter in Kanosh with Cam's family.
Had the (I think first ever) Easter dinner with ALL of my siblings
and their kids.
Had LOTS of cousin time which my kids will treasure.
Lots of soccer games
Hope of America program for Camille
Dance competitions
Weeding and readying the garden area
Chasing around an officially walking and climbing Owen
Giving up on laundry and keeping the playroom clean
Getting things ready for Riverside this summer
Homework and reading
Loving every minute with my family.

This is my favorite picture of my boys.
They adore each other.
Spencer told me the other day how sad he
was for boys who didn't have brothers.

This girl used to be the Daddy's girl around our house.
No more...
Now mommy has to help her.
She won't let anyone else do it.
It's kinda cute (but not always).
She is talking up a storm, and is so funny.
We're hoping she gives up on being so stubborn and wants
to potty train soon.
I don't think I can take it anymore!

These are all my cuties with their Easter clothes on.
It's getting harder to find coordinating Easter clothes.
Camille announced that she is too old for dresses,
so this is my best attempt at getting them all in similar colors.

I'm so glad my girls have sisters.
Growing up with lots of sisters, I can't imagine life without them.
They are my closest friends.
I love watching the relationships grow with these girls.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Guess who's getting baptized this Saturday?

This sweet girl is going to be Baptized this Saturday by her daddy.
I am so proud of her.
She is such a good girl
I love her like crazy!