Friday, May 6, 2011

I know... amazing that I posted something.

I know, I know, it's been a while.
We've been kinda busy.
Not with anything extra exciting,
just normal life with 5 kids.
We have had a fun spring so far with lots of activities.
We have:
Taken a Spring Break trip to Zion and Vegas.
Spent Easter in Kanosh with Cam's family.
Had the (I think first ever) Easter dinner with ALL of my siblings
and their kids.
Had LOTS of cousin time which my kids will treasure.
Lots of soccer games
Hope of America program for Camille
Dance competitions
Weeding and readying the garden area
Chasing around an officially walking and climbing Owen
Giving up on laundry and keeping the playroom clean
Getting things ready for Riverside this summer
Homework and reading
Loving every minute with my family.

This is my favorite picture of my boys.
They adore each other.
Spencer told me the other day how sad he
was for boys who didn't have brothers.

This girl used to be the Daddy's girl around our house.
No more...
Now mommy has to help her.
She won't let anyone else do it.
It's kinda cute (but not always).
She is talking up a storm, and is so funny.
We're hoping she gives up on being so stubborn and wants
to potty train soon.
I don't think I can take it anymore!

These are all my cuties with their Easter clothes on.
It's getting harder to find coordinating Easter clothes.
Camille announced that she is too old for dresses,
so this is my best attempt at getting them all in similar colors.

I'm so glad my girls have sisters.
Growing up with lots of sisters, I can't imagine life without them.
They are my closest friends.
I love watching the relationships grow with these girls.


lyn. said...

It finally showed up!
Love your cute family...

P.S. I cried, too!!

Christy Cummings said...

Super cute family. Life really is so busy. glad to be updated on what's going on in your life.