Thursday, March 29, 2012


As usual, there is much happening at our house.
I'm sure there will be a time that I look back at all this craziness and want it back,
but for now, it's just survival mode.
Some of our latest...

These girls have been obsessed with the Hunger Games series.
This is really the first series Camille has been obsessed with, so I was pretty excited.
We read the book, and then went to the movie.

Ski Season this year for us was sparse.
The older girls got to go every other Friday with the school ski club,
and they are getting to be REALLY good.
Black diamonds is now part of their ski vocabulary.

The rest of the family (minus the two littles)
got to go twice this year.
This is from our last excursion.
It was super hot, but the snow was ok, and we had fun.
Spence and Brigham are going to be SOOOO awesome when they get older.
They are only in Kindergarten, but can rip it up on the slopes.
They don't even start lessons for a few more years.
They are pretty much self-taught.

This girl is growing up.
She has her moments when she wants to be independent.
This was one of those moments.
She got herself dressed,
did her hair,
and came in to tell me to come take a picture.
She didn't want the picture taken in the boys blue room, so we had to go to
the pink room for this shot.

Katelyn was thrilled to be the Scientist of the Week at school this week.
She decided to do the messiest project she could think of.
We made this slime stuff with her class of 33 kids.
It was fun but definitely messy.

The Kindergarten program is kind of a big thing at my school.
The kindergarteners are SO cute.
This is Spence with his teacher after the show.

This is right as the show was starting.
Can you spot Spence?
He's kind of a Ham on stage.
Other parents were commenting to me that his facial expressions during the songs
kept them entertained. Funny boy!
He got to do a Funny Feet dance with his cousin Brig.

This is Spence teaching all the other kids at home the Funny Feet dance a few days before the show. It was so cute. Emmy is taking pictures while the other kids are learning the dance from Spence. He took this very seriously.

These cute girls performed in the Talent Show at school.
I received MANY compliments about their talents.
Camille did a ballet dance on pointe.
Kate did a fun tap dance with her cousin Kennan.
Morgan sang a solo.
So fun to watch these girls.

Emmy was invited to a princess birthday party for her best friend.
She asked everyday for the week before when the party was.
The morning of the party, she was dressed and ready to go by 7 am.
Too bad the party was at 2.
It was a long wait for this princess.
She asked me to take a picture of her ready to go.

1 comment:

lyn. said...

I don't know if it's because she has spent so much time with your mom, or if it's just in the genes, but Emmie sure looks a lot like her grandma...