Showing posts with label stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stories. Show all posts

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Storytelling and a walk

Today it was raining so we couldn't go for a walk to Garnwerd. So while my owner was stitching and her OH working, me, Coco, Domo, Lenore, Voodoo Bride and a couple of hippos sat on the couch and told each other stories.

In the evening it was dry outside so we went out for a short walk.
I thought Eve would like to see another sign, so we took this picture. You never see signs like this for pigs!

Me and my owner's OH.

Me and my owner.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tattoo and Storytime

Nothing new happened at work today so I thought I'd show you some other stuff.
This is my owner's tattoo!
Her OH designed it for her. It's on her right shoulder.

And a picture of Gavin telling us a story.
He usually tells stories just before it's time to go to sleep