Showing posts with label AOD 60 Classical Instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AOD 60 Classical Instruments. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Violin card and box with Mardi Gras Starburst Stains

Another card from Saturday's Create and Craft show.

I love the red and gold sprays in the Mardi Gras set.  I used the gold to add colour to the violin, it is such as rich gold!  The darker background has the dry paper stipple on hammered card, giving it a lovely texture.

I made the box to match, again using the dry paper stipple technique.

I stained the base to match.

I fixed the gold mesh ribbon under the first tabs of the box, adding a little DST at the sides to help keep it in place.

Confession time!  I had a few splodges on the card at back of the base, to hide them I added a square panel that I'd sprayed.

I'll be setting off down to Peterborough shortly, the show will be live at noon tomorrow, on Sky 671 and Freeview 36.  I'll be doing something very different for me!


Friday, 11 December 2009

Jo's cards from our last show

Jo recently joined our design team and kindly made these cards for us for the last show.  Jo hadn't photographed them before she sent them to me so I'm showing them here as we are keeping hold of the cards for a while so people can see them in real life in the shop.

The first card features another way of using the butterfly of acetate.  Jo has also used 2 of the smaller stamps on the sheet to stamp the background.  I think this is a really pretty card.

The next card is from the same stamp sheet, it's the design I've been calling the bling maiden!  Jo has used gold leafing and a white gel pen to highlight parts of the design.

I love the Glitz Spritz background Jo has made for the fairy frame.  It's subtle but still lovely and shimmery! 

Now onto the Classical Instruments sheet, Jo has used mica pigment powders to add colour to the guitar.

This card has an acetate overlay.  Jo stamped the violin onto the acetate with Timber Brown Stazon ink and has added gold leafing to the body of the violin, unfortunately my picture doesn't show how lovely it looks.  The stamped swirls on the acetate are a great frame idea. 

Moonshadow ink has been used on the base white card.

Thank you for all of them Jo! 

Jo is a Springer Spaniel lover hence the name of her blog, The Life and Creations of a Springer-Lovin Paper Stroker...  A great name for a blog!  Do go and visit Jo's blog she has some great stuff over there!

Thanks for visiting


Sunday, 6 December 2009

Tuesday Taggers Blog Hop here today & tomorrow!

Good morning and welcome to all the Tuesday Tagger blog hoppers!

I mentioned in yesterday's post about the prizes we are sponsoring, so scroll down if you missed that info yesterday.  Basically Tracey, Debbie and I are each sponsoring one of Tracey's recent unmounted stamp sheets each.  My sheet is the Classical Instruments from which the above card has been made.  I'll give more details about it after the blog hop info.

If you would like to join in the Blog Hop, then you will need to go to the Tuesday Taggers Blog which is your starting point.  You will find the instructions there.

For those that have already started, well done on getting this far.   I'm going to hop along too just for the fun of it and I'm sure I will be tagging along at the end as I'm sure to get sidetracked reading everyone's blogs along the way!

Just to check you are hopping in the right direction, you should have arrived here from Avril's Blog, if you have missed any of the hops you may want to go back to the beginning and check through from the Tuesday Taggers blog which is the starting point.

The letter you need from me is an O!  Don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a prize!

Your next visit should now be to Janet's Blog.

Thank you for joining in and I hope you have enjoyed your journey so far!

*  *  *  *  *  *
OK, back to the card...

The next couple of pictures shown the fold for the easel card, it is so simple to do.  You can use any shape or size card, I've used a 4" square card (that was already folded in half).  Now fold the front of the card in half so that the mountain fold is at the front.

This is how the fold should be made. 

You will need to cut a separate piece of card that is the same size as the folded card, I used a 4" square piece cut from a sheet of Starburst Stain/cling film technique.

Here's the same technique but in a different colour.  Both are from the French Country set.  Amaryllis Burgundy and Jack in the Pulpit Teal.

You can decorate as much of the card as you like, I did the back top panel and half of the bottom base with the same stain card but left the inside triangle part blank. 

I embossed the trumpet and all the wording with gold embossing powder.  I then layered them onto gold mirri card. 

I added double-sided tape to the back of mirri card then cut thin strips for borders (they aren't peel offs), so it would all match, I also added gold brads.  Here is a side view of the finished card.

I used wording on the bottom piece, lifted with foam pads, to hold the front panel in place.

To close the card to put in an envelope, lift the front panel and it will lay down to form the original 4" square card.

Thanks for visiting,


Saturday, 5 December 2009

Blog Hop here on Sunday, do join in for prizes!!

Something really different to share today... about something happening here tomorrow!!

We are sponsoring some prizes for the Tuesday Taggers Blog Hop tomorrow, which is a celebration event for St. Nicholas day.

So, settle down in front of your computer with maybe your first mince pie of the season and get visiting some blogs that you perhaps haven't visited before.  I'm sure you'll find lots of interesting stuff on the blogs as you follow them through on your guided tour!

Just brief details today, you will find out more tomorrow as you follow along with the actual hop!

Tracey, Debbie and I are sponsoring prizes from Tracey's recent unmounted stamp collection, here's a sneak peek of our prizes. 

Debbie is giving away a sheet of Starburst Fairies

Tracey is giving away a sheet of Butterfly Beauties

and I am giving away a sheet of Classical Instruments

There are other prizes to be won too, that you will find out about along the way if you take part in the blog hop! 

You will need to start at the beginning, we'll all be posting about your start point tomorrow (the first blog to go to) and from there you will find out which blog to hop to next, and so on... 

Follow the instructions and visit all the blogs in the correct order.

On each of the blogs you visit, you will find a clue, collect the clues, put them all together and at the end of your blog hop you'll have an answer! 

We will be giving details of where you need to contact at the end to enter your answer into the competition for a chance to win a prize.

We will all be posting a card that features the prize we are sponsoring, mine will be with the Classical Instruments stamp sheet from last Saturday's Create and Craft telly show.

I hope you won't be shy and will join in, it should be fun along the way!

So, see you tomorrow as you hop by...


Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Just another note!

A similiar card to the one in my previous post but this time the background is made with the scrunch technique and Autumn Leaves Starburst Stain set. The centre panel has been sprayed with Moonshadow Mist. The words and image have both been stamped with timber brown Stazon and mounted onto gold mirri card, (which you cannot really see).
I just found these extra photos of this card that I should have added before so you can see a little more detail!

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Just a note with Classical Instruments!

Here is another card made from Tracey's Classical Instrument stamp sheet. It was stamped with brown Stazon and painted with a green Moonshadow ink. I did a bit of manic stamping for the border with the same stamp by repeatedly stamping, sometimes without re-inking to give it a bit of depth. I then ran it through the Cuttlebug with the swirl folder to add some texture.

Jill Boulton had a workshop here yesterday metal embossing, I joined in and played too which was great, we tried lots of techniques, the elements we made need making into something so I'll show what we made another time.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!


Thursday, 29 October 2009

Play Date Cafe Creativity Challenge # 2

Apologies for not blogging for a couple of days, but things just caught up on me and I needed a bit of a rest. I worked out that in 15 days I had done... 2 stamp shows (Port Sunlight, Wirral and Stamp Magic, Doncaster), a Demo/Open day at the shop, 2 live TV shows, plus all sorts of other stuff, so no wonder I gave in on Tuesday and had a rest!

I have a couple of things I want to blog about that need photo's sorting out still, one about a workshop earlier this month (the ladies from Lincoln) and also to tell you about an upcoming workshop to be held in Norfolk! Will get back to tell you about these asap!!

But for now I want to ask if you have ever been over for a visit to a friend of mine is the US, Julie's blog is Julie's Open Window, and if you have seen the beautiful work the design team are producing for the challenges in the Play Date Cafe? If not, go and visit now, Julie is based in the US, but oh the joy's of internet travel, you'll be there in a click!

This is the 2nd week it has been running, Julie picked the first colour themes, now for week 2 it is Sarah's turn (at The Art of Moodling) and she has picked the colours above for this week's challenge. Julie's card this week is made with Tracey's new Classical Instrument stamp sheet and the card is stunning! Go have a quick look here at Julie's Open Window.

I am sure you will be made most welcome if you wish to join in!


Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Reminder: C & C live show today at 12pm (noon)

Yes, yet another reminder about the Create & Craft show today, (Sky 671 and Freeview 36). I do hope you can watch it, we have lovely products on the show as well as Kay's yummy stamps!

Here's a look at the stamp sheets we are using, you'll find them on our website here. Most of the other products used are in their own sections on the website.


It's been a busy week so I haven't had a chance to find out which cards Karen and Rachel made, but here's the last one, made with Tracey's Classical Instrument stamps and Moonglow pigment powders.Now, three more cards from meI hope this scheduled post works OK! I will be back tomorrow!!

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Cards from the show and some waffle!

One of the aims for the show was to go back to basics a bit for beginners as we had an embossing starter kit on the show and the Moonglow Sampler kit. If the effects are on the card, simple matting and layering can be enough and keeping it simple is a good thing if you are a beginner. It doesn't mean you cannot have a play with techniques though and for this card I used one of the Moonglow Glitz Spritz sprays, which is a more subtle shimmer than the stains or Moonshadow ink as it is mica and water, no stain or walnut ink. So a shake and a spray is enough.

I love the copper detail embossing powder as it is a very soft copper shade, it has a pinky tint to it. I used the Moonshadow ink to detail paint, I used a tissue to lift the ink away for shading and painted over areas I wanted to be darker.

The next 2 photos are of the smaller images on the Butterfly Beauties set, I made Tracey's images smaller so they can be used as matching hand made stamps for the backs of cards and for inserts. Also, they are ideal of ATCs and gift tags. Now I visited a blog last night and Vix has used the smaller image for the front of a gatefold card and the larger image inside the card, a brilliant idea that you could use for both of these images.
This was my first demo, I could almost hear everyone saying, oh no, she's doing that scrunch technique AGAIN! Well, forgive me but as it was my first time live and on freeview for a long time I wanted to share it with new viewers. Ok, it is also that I just love doing it too:)

I haven't actually stuck it the down yet, and I did have some wording prepared to add to it but I must tell you that when Stephanie mentioned 2 clear powders in the starter kit I wrote white and clear on the back of it and pushed it in front of her to correct herself, poor woman had me doing that and likely someone in her ear telling her too!! So I don't know what happened to that little piece of card!

I'm not sure if this little gift tag was shown, but here it is now. I have been asked for a gift for you stamp quite a few times and thought it appropriate for the matching images.

Tracey and I met at the hotel on Tuesday evening and had a look through all the cards before going for dinner where we had a good old chatter. Tracey went to her room to craft afterwards and I pottered about a bit and filed my nails away (almost), it was nice to be quiet and calm for a while as it had been a long day.

I don't usually sleep very well the night before a show but I must have dropped off straight away. I woke at 1am as an email arrived on my mobile, (it was my daily viagra spam grrr), deleted it but couldn't turn the phone off as I needed the alarm for the morning, anyway I went back to sleep, and then my daily spam report came through at about 4am which woke me again, (double grrr). My back was still stiff from the show at the weekend, (it gets worse when I stop moving) so I got up, made myself a cup of tea and walked up and down the room! Luckily I went back to sleep and no more emails came through.

We went for breakfast and chatted.... and chatted, neither of us had our watches on but luckily I looked at my phone and saw we had to run to get to the studio on time. It was straight into the green room and time to put on some make up and get the hair straighteners out. Tracey was all ready I have to say!

We were taken into the studio to set up and had to be quiet (which is very hard for me!) as Hazel was filming her live show across the room, we had a quick chat with Nigel, (he is the presenter for our show next Wednesday) then went through everything in our show with Stephanie. She was very good and explained everything to us, she had just finished her own show which was just her on her own talking for an hour, she didn't get much of a break from chatting before starting our show. Amazing to find someone that can talk more than me! I don't know how she does it, especially with people talking in her ear too!!!

Well, enough waffle for today, more tomorrow...


Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Tracey's Demo cards from TV show

Tracey's demo card, with the inside panel

Well, I have power! I can blog!! What timing for a power cut, I got back from the filming and had 'phoned Create & Craft to find out repeat times to put on the website when the lights started flickering, it was obvious it was on it's way out but could I type fast enough and update the website before it all went off, of course not! Thank you Debbie for updating the blog for me.

It finally came back on in the middle of the night. It was strange how both neighbours were off then one side had power. We have a huge great hole at the bottom of the drive from all the drilling and digging they did last night, last time there was a major problem it was on and off for days and I could do without that at the moment.

So, I didn't get to see the show until this morning. Thank you for all the blog comments, emails etc and of course your orders. Debbie has been a very busy bee today!!

Tracey and I had a wonderful day yesterday, I think she did so well for her first show. I'm glad she enjoyed it and wants to do more!! I'll have to get on with the next 3 sheets of designs, well, perhaps I will get these shows done first! We did talk about ideas for future stamp sheets so more will be on the way.

Tracey had prepared 4 demo cards, but only got a chance to do one so we'll start with Tracey's cards tonight and I'll post the others as we go along.

The card from the fairy sheet has been stamped with the pigment inks.

Tracey has used a paint brush to pull out some of the ink from the outline to give it a softer finish.
I love this shaped butterfly, it has been embossed with the copper detail embossing powder. Moonshadow mist has been sprayed for the background.

The 4th card shows gold embossing on gold card. Tracey was also going to show mixing the pigment ink colours on the craft sheet to obtain brown, which isn't in the pigment ink pad that was featured on the show.

I'll show more cards tomorrow and I'll tell you more about our day.

Just a reminder that we are having demos at the shop on Saturday and we will be open longer, 10am - 5pm (it is usually 11am - 4pm on Saturdays). Jill Boulton will be demonstrating metal embossing with Walnut Hollow products and I will be playing with Tracey and Kay's stamps. I hope you can join us if you are local.

Then, Kay and I are filming the show with Kay's stamps next Wednesday, it'll be at 12 (noon) again.