Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Finally the election is over. I can only imagine how the candidates feel. I am so sick of Prop 8 stuff! Sorry, I realize that there are lots of people who have lived, ate, and slept Prop 8 for the last several months and I say KUDOS. Thanks to your tireless work the Prop looks like it will win. I will be thrilled to have my email back, I will be thrilled to have lessons in RS again, and most of all I will be thrilled that (at least for a little while) Willow will stop asking questions about same sex- sex. Yeah, try and describe that one. NO picture today the possibilities could get me into trouble.


Erin said...

We are glad to have it over too. We don't have the prop 8 stuff here, but have been living it through my parents.

It's a bit depressing to have a president that won't even put his hand on his heart with the passing of the American flag... Oh well, heaven help us!

reesespeanutbuttercups said...

Amen sista

Heather said...

I seem to have dodged the whole too many questions about the sex so far! I remember when I really thought about it (same-sex) in high school and I did not get it....then again I still don't get it! I am glad it is over!

Rachael said...

This is a very funny post. Made me laugh outloud. Hi....just a friend of the Snows and have met you a few times. I've been known to be a lurker here before. :)