Monday, December 22, 2008


I know I'm sick of looking at this post too. I've been in a blog rut. With visions of sugar plums dancing in my head it's hard to concentrate on the other things that should get done. We're moving and trying to get Christmas done. Willow had her last day of school and the teacher threw her a surprise farewell party. I'll have to go through the pictures and post one later (she took the camera to school for the party!) Phoenix and Poppy had their last day of preschool too. They too had a party and I supplied cookies. We had the Ward Christmas Party and I (duh) volunteered my mom and I to make tamales for the whole ward. Then if that weren't enough I offered to make beans and rice too. Luckily enough someone else made the rice. You'll have to look at my moms blog to get the scoop on the tamales (Grandma G) she documented it. If I get a chance I'll put some pictures up.