Thursday, July 5, 2012

Easter Weekend 2012

We had a great Easter.  Most of my family was together.  We usually do something together on the Saturday before.  This time we had the whole day planned out.  We started the morning off with a family fun 5k.  I think it was a great idea.  Some rode bikes along with us.  It was a fun thing to do, maybe we'll make it a tradition :)
The teenagers did a scavenger hunt around town, it was really fun.  They had a great time.  They went to the school, the park, the church, the "welcome to Bunkerville" sign & the Cemetery and had to buy a pop from dad's pop machine that said 1st, 2nd or 3rd place at the end.  It was really fun!  We drove around and tried to follow them.  The younger kids decorated Easter bags and had a fun Easter egg hunt.  We all played the washer toss game that Dad had set up and the winners got a pound of jerky :) The kids also played in the river.
Of course we also had food and a lot of laughs.  We had a great day!

Sunday we went to church and the kids found their Easter baskets and a few eggs in the yard.

{These are just random pics from the weekend}

warming up for our run :)

WooHoo, 2nd lap around

Alley and Ashlyn both kept up with the adults.  They did great!!

Here we go
Washer toss

hunting for eggs
The golden egg....6 Bucks!! Woohoo!

They won Jerky for the washer toss game

after playing in the river

Who's closest???

Ashlyn found the other golden egg (with Alley's help) YaY! 

hearing the rules of the Scavenger hunt :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Feeding the ducks

The kids love to feed the ducks.  This is how we kicked off Spring Break :) 

Spectrum 10K

March 17th I ran the Spectrum 10K in Ivans, Utah. It was a great race, beautiful scenery, not that I was paying too much attention to that...haha.
 I had heard that the last 2 miles was all a steady incline, but I didn't expect all the other inclines too. :) It was challenging.  But, It was great! All that was on my mind was "I gotta be faster than 59:22." That was my last 10K time, so I just wanted to make sure I beat that.  I love that running is just me against myself trying to improve each time. I'm glad I had some great friends to do it along with. So fun! I'll probably for sure do it again next year.  
This is us after the race...We did it!! It was Nikki & Jen's first 10K, they did great! 

Jennifer, Nikki, Me

Nikki & I

Jen & I
There was some great race pics posted on the sports photographers site, but I would have to pay for them :) They showed me finishing and during the race...I sorta wish I had them.  But, I really don't want to pay that much for them.  You can check out the link of the pics HERE...some of them make me laugh.

My time was 58:13
57 out of 105 in my age group
214 out of 459 women
440 out of 776 overall
I'm pretty much in the middle, and I'm fine with that. :)

Reading Week Fun....

Reading week is always a fun time with lots of activities and dress ups days.
Alley got to be in the choir.  They practiced for a full month with practices early morning before school. They performed during school and put on a show for the parents at night.  They did a great job!

Crazy hair day was the funnest day during the week....

Ammon also got to participate at preschool, they had backwards & inside out day and crazy sock day.  It's always a lot of fun for the kids.

Samurai 21

For Papa's Birthday we all went to Samurai 21.  It was the kids' first time.  They loved it!

trying to catch food in their mouth :)

Yummy food and good times!

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