Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our Little Monster's Birthday

Adler turned 2 years old! We had a little monster birthday bash with family.
He had a cute Frankenstein Birthday cake.
I couldn't get him to smile for anything....haha. He wouldn't blow out the candles, he just tried to put them out with his hand.
He got some fun new toys and some much needed new light up spider man shoes.  He loves them!

We had the kids reach into the bowl of "worms" for prizes. Javen was the first one and his eyes were closed and his expression when he reached into the "worms" was priceless.  He almost freaked out...too funny.  I should have blind folded all of them. :)

 And just what we all needed, gigantic tubs of cheese balls from Grandma & Grandpa...haha.  They were gone in like 2 days. :)
Happy Birthday Adler! We love you so much!!
I can't believe our baby is 2 now.  Time goes so fast.
*He is the funniest little kid, can be a little monster and the sweetest boy too! :)
  *We think he's probably left handed.  He does a lot with his left hand, throwing, eating, etc. 
*He talks really well.  He says everything that we say.  
*He is into everything, never takes a nap any more unless he happens to fall asleep in the car when we are always on the move from one place to another. 
*He has been in a toddler bed for quite a while now.  
*I love how he says flip flops...he calls them "flop flips." 
*Every morning right when he wakes up he says, "I hungy."  He loves to eat.  He eats almost anything, but really does not like eggs...at all!  
*He loves to play with his brother and sisters, but loves to fight good with his brother too. :)  Awww...brothers, they fight soooo good!  They are wild and crazy and little animals most of the time. 
*He loves to play on the Ipad...he is a little addicted...oops!..He is so stinkin' smart too!
 *I love how he says, "lub you (love you) and "Mom, (says it until he has my attention, then says..)...HI" like 30 times a day! So cute!

I know there is so much more I should remember.  Having 4 kids makes me crazy most of the time.  Running from here to there and every where....but I wouldn't change it for anything.  
Happy #2 little Monster!! Love, Mom & Dad

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