Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Another School year is underway.  Alley is in 2nd Grade this year.  She is pretty excited.  She seems so much more grown up.  She is in Mr. Moriarty's class. I asked her if she thinks he'll be a fun teacher.  She said she's not quite sure yet.=)  I'm sure it will be great!  
Ashlyn is in Kindergarten.....all day long!  Alley had all day Kindergarten too, but it seems a little harder with Ashlyn. She's just so shy!  I think it's just me though.  Ashlyn survived the first day. She said she was hungry....I knew that would happen.  That girl eats every hour, so it's gonna be an adjustment.  She is in Mrs. Hughes' class.  I think it will be great!  She knows just a couple kids in the class.  The night before Artie gave them a fathers blessing.  It's a great 1st day of school tradition and I think it really helps to calm their nerves especially.  As the 1st day of school was getting closer Ashlyn couldn't hardly stand the wait any longer and Alley remembered that they would be getting a blessing from dad.  It's something special that she really remembers dad will do every year.  We also picked out the girls outfits for the whole week and painted their nails.  As you can see in just about every picture Ashlyn is showing off her nails...haha.  She came home after the day at school and some of the paint was coming off so she painted them all again, this time all by herself.  White, purple, green...sparkles...all kinds of colors... haha.  Gotta be pretty at school right?
Day 2- since we were in a rush a little on the first day and the school is a mad house.  We took Ashlyn to her clas first...oops.  Alley ended up being late!  So sorry Alley. =(
 I got their official pictures by the door on the second day.  The girls were both ready to go back to school on the 2nd day.  So, I guess everything is good and they are still excited about it. =)  Alley has been telling Ashlyn all about P.E. So Ashlyn can't wait for that part!   
Well, the girls are in school and I got the boys at home. We'll see if we can keep Ammon entertained.  We start Joy School next week with him so we'll see how that goes!  I also start my Music classes next week. Busy, Busy, Busy this year I guess =) 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Family Pictures

It's so hard to get everybody to smile when you want them to AND at the same time.  I'm pretty happy with how they turned out though.  So happy to finally have a new family picture on the wall that includes Adler in it.  Our complete family!  I couldn't decide what pictures to put on here so I just put a bunch....haha.  Now, how the heck do I decide which ones to get prints of????  That's gonna take me forever to narrow down.  =)
Finally Adler smiled!  Little stinker, he finally warmed up and then Ammon was soooo done...and there's that mean cactus I sat right down on....OUCH! =) I got home and noticed I bled right through my pants where the cactus stuck me...ooohhh, that hurt and felt bruised for a couple days...haha, oh well, kinda funny!
I'm so happy to have our pictures!  Bethany Green did an awesome job!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Adler Bug is 9 months

Okay, he's actually almost 10 months now...what??  Where does the time go!  I can't believe how big all of our kids are getting so fast!  Yes,his hair is getting long...haha
What is this face...hahaWhat a little monkey!
*Adler is our little bug, hence the nickname...I love to call him Bug, Adler Bug, Buggy....it just comes out naturally and he truly is our little bug.  He can't hold still a lot of the time and he is into everything!
*He has been crawling now for about a month and soon after he started he then started standing up to stuff.  He now will push things and walk with them.  He roams the whole house getting into everything you don't want him too!
*He is finally SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!  Wahoo!  I'm so happy about that and look forward to no more baby mode and hopefully getting a little better sleep, of course with kids it won't always be perfect, but it's better for now!
*He weighs 18 lbs...I still got to get his check up to get height and all that...oops!  4 kids is killing me, I can't stay on top of all that stuff!
*He now has 4 teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. 
*He is pretty much over baby food and LOVES real food.  He loves to be able to pick it up and eat it all by himself.  He loves chicken, mac & cheese, pears, watermelon, spaghetti, mom's chicken rollups =), yogurt, graham crackers and pretty much everything else we eat that he is able too.
*He drinks good out of a sippy cup, still nurses.
*He laughs so hard when getting tickled...I love it!
*He takes 3 naps a day and lays right down for naps & bed...He rolls right over on his tummy and snuggles in, It's so cute!
Adler is so easy going and calm.  He is the sweetest little boy and such a blessing!  We love you so much Adler and can't believe how much you have already grown!

*You've had a Birthday*

Alley turned 7 years old!  Wow- can you believe it!  She will be in 2nd Grade this year and is so excited! 
She really wanted her own wallet and purse and was pretty excited when she got that!  She also got a Razor scooter which she really wanted and some school clothes.
Since she wants to be a star on stage and loves to perform Natalie made her a Super Star cake. =)  We didn't do too much for her B-day this year, just a family thing and then she got to invite a friend to go roller skating.  She invited Javen.  Ashlyn, Bailee & Taia ended up coming too!  It was a lot of fun! 
Alley is becoming so grown up!  I can't believe how time really does fly!  She is the oldest so of course she is a little bossy with the other kids, and she is like Adlers 2nd mother sometimes, she thinks she can carry him around everywhere and things like that.  She actually can be quite helpful.  She can be very responsible when she wants to be and helps out a lot around the house.  She always says she wants to do what moms do and wants me to just sit on the couch all day while she does everything for me...LOL.  That sounds good, but I would seriously go bonkers sitting on the couch all day and watching her do all my stuff that I need to get done...haha.  She has her stubborn attitude moments kicking in big time, but once we talk it out everything is okay.  I have a feeling we are gonna have plenty of mother daughter talks to come.  She is one that needs to talk about all her feelings to make her feel better or she lets it all out and gets way too mad.  I'm imaging the teenage years and it is very scary! =)  You are becoming quite the young lady Alley.  I can't believe how much you have grown up these last couple years! It brings tears to my eyes! We love you so much!
Alley 5 years old
Alley 6 years old trying on school clothes
Alley 2010 (Now)
My little girl is growing up!

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