Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ammon's Tests: Mag 3 Renal Scan

We had the most recent test done on Ammon yesterday at Summerlin Hospital in Las Vegas.  I really liked Summerlin a lot better than Sunrise, maybe just because the horrible experience we had there before with this same test.  Anyway, The nurses: Nurse Wyly, doctors: Dr. Vovan & Radiologists were all great! We tried to get the test as early as possible because Ammon couldn't have anything to eat or drink for 8 hours before.  I knew it would be sooo hard to not let him have anything.  Artie, Shannon & Randon gave him a blessing the night before and I know it really helped especially for the not eating or drinking.  He didn't ask about it one time, I was shocked.  He usually has something right when he wakes up and he drinks liquid like no other.  He didn't say one word.  Thank goodness for that part!  I didn't want him to start crying about that....that's not even the hardest part.  Anyway, so we got there and checked in and they took us to his hospital room where he got into his hospital gown and right away they had this childlife specialist come in, her name was Jody.  She was great.  She brought books, bubbles, cool toys that light up and spin.  She is there to help make the process a little easier.  It definietly helped.  She tried to distract him while the other nurses were playing with his arms prodding his veins, and I was hugging him tight trying to get him not to look that way.  The nurses had to try both arms...they coudn't find a good vein it seemed.  But, then they tried again in the left hand and it worked....It's always hard when he's screaming at the top of his lungs and I'm hugging him and trying to make it okay.  But, there is nothing I can do to make it okay.  Anyway, I'm soooo glad they got the IV in okay.  That was one of my worst fears...again, because of our experience LAST TIME when they poked him 8 different times, 2 in each arm, 2 in each leg and about to go to his head....ARGGHHHH.  I'm so glad it worked THIS TIME! But, he did not like that thing in his arm and then they wrapped it all up and taped his arm to this little pillow thing so he couldn't get it off.  He kept saying, "Can we go home now....pleeeaaasse." =(  We then had to wait to be taken down to Radiology.  He got to ride down on his bed and then they transfered him over under this big machine scanner thing.  He was nervous and scared and he didn't want to lay there.  It was sad because he doesn't understand why the heck we are doing all of this and why he has to lay there while they poke and prod him.  The doctor didn't want to have to Sedate him if they didn't have to, but they ended up sedating him pretty good because he was crying and there is no way he would have laid there for 30 minutes for the Scan.  It's sorta scary watching them inject the medicine and then seeing his eyes roll back, not a fun part!  They then put the cathider in and proceeded with the Scan.  He is under this big machine and it shows his kidneys on the screen.  We just watched him lay there for 30 minutes and watched his kidneys on the screen while they did the Scan.  Half way through they gave him Lasix, not really sure what that does.  And they had to give him quite a bit of liquid through the IV because during the Scan his Blood pressure was dropping.  We don't know anything yet, we go back down to Vegas July 1st for the results of the test (*crossing fingers*). This scan shows exactly how good the kidneys are working and if there are any problems.  So, I hope we get all the answers next week.  The Pediatric Urologist said that if the Right (pelvic) kidney is causing problems for the left it will have to be removed.  After the scan was over, they stopped the Sedation (Propythal) and Ammon came out of it pretty fast.  We then moved to recovery and finally they took out everything on him..IV's and such and he got a popcicle.  After we left the hospital he seemed to bounce back so fast.  I know it's because of the blessing he had and it's almost like he forgot everything that just happened.  He didn't say one thing about it until this afternoon he looked at his hand and saw the bruise from the IV.
I took a few pictures from the Hospital on my phone but can't seem to get them onto my computer...oh well.  But,  I want Ammon to see what a brave strong boy he has already been in his life!

The Zoo

I had to go up to Orem this last weekend for a "Let's Play Music" Training and so we did some fun things while we were up there.  Actually, Art, Mary, Rocki, Shannon & fam ended up coming up as well, which made it a lot of fun!  We stopped at a little park in Nephi for a rest.  They stuck Adler in this swing..he was liking it, but he really wasn't quite sure, I couldn't get him to smile at all....haha.Hogle Zoo was a lot of fun.  Last time we were there Alley was almost 2 and I was about ready to pop with this time was a lot better.  But, it was Super Crowded.  The kids had a lot of fun!  Alley loved being the leader with the map, Ashlyn liked the giraffes the best, Ammon really liked the Alligators, Adler was just a good little boy enjoying the ride most of the Time.  Seeing the Alligators...too bad I didn't get them in the picture.A Deer Rabbit...not sure if that's really it's name...but it's a deer and rabbit mixed.The Bird Show was really cool!
The Elephants and the new baby Elephant...can you see it in the picture?The train ride

Puttin' on a show!

Alley wrote a show of a few dancing and singing numbers...she told Ashlyn and Ammon their parts and had them practicing ALL the time. 
They pretty much got sick of Alley wanting them to practice.  Alley wrote the whole thing and what they would do and wrote out a script of what I should say to introduce each number.  They invited some family over to come watch, Alley was specific that it should be on Wednesday at 3:30 =) and so not everybody could come.  Nana, Aunt Kim, Uncle Duane, Hunter & Dad were there.  We passed out cookies to the gurests and they started the show.  Alley and Ashlyn are getting pretty good and dancing & gymnastics.  They go to dance lessons here in town and on Tuesdays we have some friends over and we teach Ballet, Tap and Gymnastics.  It's a lot of fun and the girls love it!  Alley loves Tap and that's fun for me because we tap together all the time and drive Dad crazy...haha.  They did so great at there little was pretty funny.  Ammon ended up not doing his part, but I was surprised that Ashlyn did all her parts and didn't get too shy.
Great Show Girls! I'm sure there will be more...haha.
Alley is so much like me it is so funny.  It almost drives me crazy at times.  This is something I totally did ALL THE TIME as a child, and pretend I was teaching dance, ice skating, piano, gymnastics....she totally does that to.  But she is definitely more outgoing than I ever was at everything. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

*Locks of Love*

Alley has been growing her hair out for a while because she wanted to give to Locks of Love.  We figured we would wait until school was out and cut it for summer time.   Some little girl is gonna love her long, thick hair.
The little model...haha
The first snips...
It ended up being the perfect lenth...10 inches from end to end.  Just what Locks of Love wanted!  Yay!

Her New Do!
It may take a little time to get use to...But I think she looks super cute!  It takes a little longer to do in the mornings...she's not so happy about that.  But, it sure is easier to wash and easier to comb out after.  Alley filled out the form for Locks of Love herself and it's all ready to be sent it!  Yay! 
We are so proud of this Awesome service you are doing Alley and hope you remember how important it is to give to others in need and continue to give throughout your life!  What an awesome thing to start at a young age!  We are proud of you!!


Another year of T-ball.  Alley could have gone with the older kids, but oh well.  We just had the girls together and Artie was their coach. They had fun, as always.  They loved to be involved with everything.  Ammon CANNOT wait until it's his turn.  He asked everytime, "Is it my turn to hit now, my turn?"  He's a pretty good little hitter too.  But, not yet...he's not old enough.  But, the girls had a great time!  They were the Mets of course! (by Artie's request) =)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ammon's Yearly Ultrasound

It was time for Ammon to get his yearly Ultrasound on his Pelvic Kidney.  It's so much better going every year now.  And now that he is a little older he is a lot less wiggly on the table and easier to get good pictures of his insides.  It is nice that we can get the Ultrasound done right here in Mesquite.  So, just him and I went and as we were getting in the car he said, "Are we going to Disneyland?"  Dangit, I wish buddy, I wish!Hospital BandTrying to make a fish faceJust chillin' in the waiting roomAmmon & MomHe did so good, I always hand him a sucker when we go because it helps a little to keep him still. At least this test doesn't hurt at all.  It was taking so long he actually fell asleep.  The ultrasound tech was like, "so, he probably won't be able to play contact sports, huh."  awww...lady, don't remind me =(  he is such a sporty boy and I sure hope he is allowed to play at least baseball...We'll get to that when it comes I guess.  Anyway,
 This time I also got a report of the test which I wish I had for every time, from now on I'm gonna remember to ask for the printed report.  This is what it says on the report from the Ultrasound:
Findings:  The right kidney measures 4.9 cm in length.  The right kidney is significantly smaller in size compared to the left and is located within the right pelvic region.  The left kidney measures 9.3 cm in length.  There is a rounded, hypoechoic structure seen adjacent to the right kidney, measuring approximate 3.4 x 1.2 x 2.9 cm.  This may represent an exophytic cyst.  There is mild to moderate hydronephrosis of the left kidney, which was not seen on the prior examination dated May 29, 2009.

So, the right pelvic kidney is definitely significatly smaller (which we pretty much already knew) and it has a cyst like thing that is just about as big as the kidney itself.  We then had to followup with his Pediatric Urologist in Las Vegas.  He took a look at the films and wasn't real comfortable with the left kidney and the hydronephrosis. It could be a sign of blockage of one of the kidneys or the right pelvic kidney causing problems for the left.  So, now we have to go get that darn Mag 3 renal scan test done that we tried to do Before and had a horrible experience with.  But, he said that since he is 2 they will more than likely sedate him to make the process so much easier.  This test should tell us so much more information which will be very good to know. We will get that done in the next couple weeks and then again followup with the Urologist to find out the results.  A lot of trips to Vegas lately which I don't like, but I hope we find out a lot of answers. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

Piano Recital & Let's Play Music Program 2010

The Program

These are a few of my Piano Students and "Let's Play Music" kids.  There are about 13 kids missing from the picture.  I think they were all still inside the building including Alley & Ashlyn...haha...oops!

The program went great.  I'm so proud of all the kids, they were amazing and have learned so much this year!

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