Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ammon's 1st trip to the E.R.

& Hopefully the Last!
So, Last night at about 8 pm we decided to take Ammon to the E.R. because we knew he needed stitches or something. Nothing too scary or serious. But, he got a pretty deep gash right under his lip. Ouch! It was open and deep. Blood was gushing out and it got all over his shirt and pants. (Alley, the one who can't stand the word "blood" or the sight of any was freaking out a bit, which was not helping)
So, we went ahead to the E.R. and they fixed him all up. Instead of stitches they did the Dermabond Adhesive which is a lot easier, especially for kids. (hmmmm...I'm wondering if super glue would have worked and maybe wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg???? =) Not sure if that's safe and on the face....not sure????)
He was so good and as happy as could be at the Doctor! I wish I would have got a before picture, it looked pretty gross! Right here its looking pretty good, this is right after we got home. He got a Doctor hat that says "Dr. Ammon" and a giant syringe. He thought it was pretty cool.
Here he is Day 2, kinda looking a little yucky...I hope it heals okay. This is the Enemy!
Mommy's Metal Magnetic Musical Staff Board! The kids were running around playing and of course I still had it out from music class and Ammon fell and cut himself right open. Moms Fault!! Dang it!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1st Day of 1st Grade

The new school year has started & Alley is now in 1st Grade. Her teacher is Mrs. Alejos.
Here she is on the way out the door. She was sooooo excited!!
The night before we painted her fingernails and she picked out the clothes she wanted to wear for the first day!The first day is always a little this is the best picture I got of her and Mrs. Alejos I think it will be a great year!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well, after about a year of actually finishing this, I finally received my actual Associates Degree in the mail! When I went to SUU 10 or so years ago they didn't offer the actual Associates Degree, you just worked toward a 4 year degree. So even though I finished up all my generals I never received the "Associates" degree. So, I just chugged right a long not knowing what I wanted to do and never finished my 4 year degree although I have a lot of credits toward it. So, I really decided I needed to at least have my Associates Degree in my hand. After that many years things had changed and I had a couple new classes I needed to take before I could actually get my Associates. So, that was so difficult trying to do school with small children. NO Fun at all! I will never do that again. But, I finished those couple classes and YaY! I finally have my Associates Degree in my hands. This is for sure going up on my wall! =)

Alley's Boyfriend =)

Alley just loves this little boy Carson that was in her Kindergarten class. He's so cute! Such a nice little boy! Anyway, this week he came by and brought Alley this card and a bag full of individual cups of icecream and a heart necklace. His mom said that he heard Alley had her tonsils out and he just had to do something for her. So Sweet! He's quite the ladies man, he has a few other girl friends too. =) After he left Alley said, "See that's why I just love Carson. He's just so nice! That's why he's my boyfriend!" =) It's been a week now that she had her tonsils and adenoids out. She is doing pretty good, but still hurts to eat too much solid stuff and I've still been having to give her the pain medications pretty much every 4-6 hours. She wakes up in the night in a lot of pain. We have her follow up check up tomorrow, so we'll see how the healing is all going.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Alley's big Surgery Day!

Alley got her Tonsils and Adenoids out today! We got to the hospital at 8 am and she went into surgery at 9 am. She did really well! Dr. Jones said there was a lot of scar tissue on her adenoids and quite a lot on her tonsils, like some of the infections she has had must have been really bad! So, we are soooo glad those are out of there. The recovery may be a little rough and also considering all the scar tissue he had to cut out. It might be a long week =(.......but with lots & lots of Popcicles!
This is her before....not too sure what to thinkThe nurse showing her a few things...
She said, "I'm not sure I want to wear this hat, it looks a little silly" =)
This is her right after sucking on an all day/medicine sucker. Not quite sure what she just got herself into. No Fun!!She got into her room & she had a whole cup of ice chips...that made her throat start to feel a little better....then 2 popcicles, pudding, cup of jello and juice....she was going to town! Papa & Nana came to visit, Grandpa & Grandma came and brought Ashlyn & Ammon.
"Brigham"....haha, I mean Daddy... came to visit during his lunch break
Here she is watching cartoons Riding in the Hospital "Limo"Going Home! Yay!! We finally got to go home at 1:15 pm. Her nurse said she was so brave and she was the only kid all day that didn't cause a bunch of trouble or have problems.
So far she has been eating tons of popcicles and a little bit of pudding. Her throat has been hurting quite a bit. We'll see how it goes!! Hopefully she heals fast!

Visiting the Temple

This week we went with the Primary to the Temple Grounds and the Temple Visitors Center. It was a little crazy with all the kids. But, it was good! At one point during the presentation, Alley whispered to me that she felt like she wanted to cry! Aawwww! =( After that we headed over to the park for pizza! It was a good day!!
Mesquite 4th ward primary Ashlyn, Alley, Ammon & Brooklin

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Camp Kolob 2009

*Campfire*Roasting Marshmallows*Smores*Dutchoven*Family*Laughs*Tents*Kids*4-wheeling*Rhino-rides*Fun*Memories*
We finally got up to Kolob this year. My parents were called as stake service missionaries along with a couple other couples for the summer. We usually just stay at my parents property and cabin, but this year we stayed down in the Stake Campgrounds; Camp Kolob! We had a blast!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

*Alley is 6*

I can't believe my Alley is 6. She's growing so fast and I can't believe she'll be in 1st Grade this year! She's very excited!
She is such a good girl! She is such a big helper. She always does her chores and she is such a little mommy and takes care of her little sister and brother. She loves to make things and draw things and when I'm doing some sort of craft she wants to do it right along with me! So, she has her own little collection of necklaces, bracelets, painting projects and bows that she has made!
This is her when she was almost 2...I always tell her she is still the same...everything has to have an order and she loves to stack things and make a pattern and things like that...she use to do this for soooo long.... cute!

~Now she is 6~

Last year she had a friend this year we decided to just have a little family get together. Daisy Cake She got a lot of clothes for school. So, we had her do a little fashion show for us. Here she is modeling a few of her outfits. (I remember doing this every year for my family after school fun!)

She got a live Butterfuly Garden here she is mailing off for the caterpillars and food...she can't wait until we get them so she can take care of them and see them become butterflies. We'll have to Document the Experience! =) She also got the 3D sidewalk chalk...the kids had fun drawing all over and looking at it through the glasses.

Alley is hoping that this is the year she'll lose her first tooth, and she said she can tell her legs are bigger because she is 6 now! =)

Happy 6th Birthday Alley! We love you so much and are so proud of the sweet little girl that you have become!

New Friends

We had a new family move into our ward...they live just down the street from us. All the kids are about the same age as ours. The kids have had a lot of fun playing with them! Alley & Joslynn will be in the same 1st grade class with Mrs. Alejos. Which will be fun, but it could be trouble. These girls are soooo giggly together in primary!
Joslynn, Alley, Ashlyn, Braden, Cooper & Ammon

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