Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's Important.....

There are sometimes things that happen that make a person get a whole new perspective on life. It's sad that sometimes terrible situations make that happen! But, actually since the new year started I have really been thinking how I want to become a better wife and mother and focus on that...the things that truly matter. The situations that have recently happened have got me thinking even more seriously about that. I don't want my life to pass me by and think..."oh, I wish I would have done that with my kids." "I wish I would've just sat and enjoyed my kids more....just played with them and not worried about what I had to do that day." Sometimes things do need to be done in order to take care of the home and family. I believe that motherhood is truly the calling I am here to do on earth. I want to do it the best that I can. Just before the new year I was called as Primary Music Leader in my ward. And just last week I was also called as Enrichment Leader for Relief Society. I also am the choir pianist when that is needed. It seems a little overwhelming, but these are all things that mix quite well with me and If you don't know me already....it seems I do work best when I'm doing a million things at once! =) Since I do need to help out our household with a "real" job. I also am embarking on an exciting extension of my teaching music/piano with the "Let's play Music" program I will begin next September. I think this will also be great for me because it will help to get the most out of my time because I will be able to teach a group of children at once and also get my own children involved. I have recently been thinking a lot about the short book, "The Parable of the Princesses." By Jenny Phillips. It is so Symbolic about life and really makes you realize what you should be doing with your time and the things that are truly important. For me, I need to be careful not to take on too many things, things that aren't really that important. After this play =) I am involved in coming up in March, I want to focus all my time on my true "callings" at home and church. Of course I will do crafty things and creative things...that's just me, and that sometimes gives me "me" time! The key is to not let it get mixed up with family time! I don't know why I felt the need to write all this down. I guess this is kinda like my Resolutions for the year, although it's a little bit late. But, I guess my focus....my theme for this year is to Fulfill my Callings: At Home and Church, and to remember what's truly important!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Please Pray for Hunter

As some of you know, my nephew, Hunter Thurston, had an accident on thursday night. He has had a cracked skull and swelling and bruising on the brain, he was flighted to Las Vegas and it's been a roller coaster ride since then. Trying to keep the pressure on his brain below a 20. That is the most important thing they are trying to do within the first 72 hours. He had been sedated and they were keeping the pressure down with medication and last night they finally had to put him in a drug induced coma because the pressure started to spike again. They were working on getting him in the coma for a while and the pressure spiked up to 35 and his temp to 104. He is pretty stable as of this morning now and it seems it's just going to be a long waiting game. We will be holding a special fast for Hunter this Sunday for any family and friends that would like to join with us. To keep updated on Hunters condition you can keep following up on his blog that we have set up for him hunterthurston1.blogspot.com Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, please also keep Alex (his older brother) and Sam (Alex's best friend) in your prayers. They were with Hunter when this all happened and they are taking it extremely hard! Please keep the whole family in your prayers! Thanks!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Am I CrAzY......

okay....so, I've been asked to be in a community play/musical.....hahaha, funny huh??! I was getting Alley from school one day and this girl (I use to teach her daughter piano) told me that she gave my name and number to this production manager guy. I was like "huh??? for what??" Anyway, she said he is looking for "musical" people to be in this play. I was thinking "why did you give him my name?" Anyway, she is also going to be in it and said it would be so fun. So, that same day this guy called me. He said he wanted to bring me the script and if I would please, please consider it. I would play the part of this girl, early 30's, she's pregnant, kinda trying to find herself and she plays the piano and sings.... (what???? I don't sing....I love to sing, I think I can sing okay, but if I'm singing a solo...I freak out! Except when I'm singing in front of the primary kids when I'm leading.... =)) Anyway, I looked over the script and listened to the music. I thought it was a fun play and the music was catchy, but I was thinking, "where am I gonna get the time for all this" AND "this is sooooo outside of my comfort zone!" I told him and didn't think I would. That day Nanette (the one who gave him my name in the first place) said that he had talked to her and said I was having second thoughts. She tried to convince me and said it would be something us mom's could do that we probably wouldn't get a chance to do again and it would be like an accomplishment for us to work towards....yahdeeyahdeeya...That same day the guy, Bob, called me again and said he doesn't know what he's going to do if I don't do it, He needs me to do it, it'll just be fun..... HELLO....is he begging me....hahaha. Of course, the nice person that I am, I said, "okay, i'll do it." What the heck? what am I getting myself into???? Am I crazy?? I must be crazy! I'm freaked out! He brought me the score so I could start practicing playing and singing the music....yikes!! They had put this off until MAY...but now it's back on for MARCH....that is so darn close....I gotta get out of my box and pretend I'm somebody else or something! hahahaha...Anyway, crazy, huh! So, if you wanna come watch me make a fool out of myself in March, I guess what the heck! The play is called COWGIRLS, it goes for 2 weekends! Yup, I'm a cowgirl!! =) I seriously am busting up right now...this is too funny! I can't believe some of the situations I get myself into!! I guess this is something I can cross off my "Bucket List." hahahahah! What else has been going on?? I'm starting up piano lessons again...I've given myself a year break since having Ammon. And I'm ready to start up again! This is my main job and we soooo need me to start back with it. If I have to have a "real" job, then piano lessons is what I do. I love it, I love teaching children and I just love it! And it's perfect for me and it allows me to still be a stay at home mom, even though it's crazy sometimes! For a couple years now I was thinking of starting group lessons some how, just because I think it's so much more fun for kids to learn in groups, that's what kids are use to anyway. Just recently someone had told me about, Let's play Music. Wow! It is so awesome and EXACTLY what I've been looking for for a few years now! It allows children to learn music starting at the age of 4/5/6/7 and they have FUN doing it! If the child completes the 3 year program they will be in intermediate piano when they finish! Then they would start with regular private lessons. I love it! My application has been accepted as a teacher already and I begin training for that in March in Orem, Ut and I will start teaching that next September, (the program kinda goes along with the regular school year, it will go Sept- April/May. I will do this along with private piano lessons still! I'm way excited! I'm excited for my own children to get involved with this program also, my girls are at the perfect ages!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

JOIN MY FITNESS GROUP! Be a part of our First Contest this week!

Hi Everybody! I just wanted to do a quick post to invite you to join my fitness blog! We have a small little group and it's been fun to write goals, keep track of fitness, get tips, Stay Motivated and have someone to answer to and talk to about healthy stuff, etc. Now is the time! It's a New Year! We'd love to have more join us! We are gonna have some fun this year with prizes and competitions to help you reach your goals. It doesn't matter if you need to lose weight or not. Whatever your goals may be, you are invited!! If you'd like to get back into exercising, stay fit during pregnancy, get toned up, or you just want to feel healthier & try to eat healthier! Please join us, EVERYONE is welcome! Having more people will make it a lot more fun!! **If you have already been invited, please join in on the posts and let us know how you are doing or what's working or not working for you! I hope everyone has a Happy and Healthier New Year!!

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