Showing posts with label Michael Eakin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Eakin. Show all posts

04 January 2011

Ray Reece : The Hard Landing of a Radical in Austin, 1967

Image from McMaster University Digital Collection.

Desecration of the Violet Crown:
The hard landing of a radical in Austin, 1967

By Ray Reece / The Rag Blog / January 4, 2011

A few months ago, editor Thorne Dreyer invited us Rag Blogsters to submit sketches of our adventures in the political movements of the 60's and 70's. I offer herewith an excerpt from “Almost No Apologies: The Desecration of the Violet Crown,” an essay of mine that was published in No Apologies: Texas Radicals Celebrate the ‘60s, a book released by Eakin Press in 1991 as a tribute to the late Michael Eakin, co-founder of the Austin Sun in 1974 and former editor of the UT/Austin Daily Texan. My essay concerns not only my political radicalization in the 1960’s but also my take on the destruction of Austin in the 1980’s by a corporate “development” boom that continues to ravage the city and its environs today.

Through the fall and winter of 1966, I continued to write my stories and explore the city that had stolen my heart. I was still oblivious, by and large, to the growing clamor of opposition to the war in Vietnam.

By the early summer of 1967 -- the Summer of Love and "Sergeant Pepper" -- I had enrolled for the fall semester in the UT English Department, planning to work on a Ph.D. I had also made friends with two Austin characters, in particular, who were going to have an enormous influence on my evolution as a political being.

One was Mark Parsons, a gentle giant from far west Texas who introduced me to Bob Dylan's music, the magic of cannabis and a passionate reverence for living things -- especially nonhuman living things -- that I had never encountered before. The second character was Ran Moran, a native Texan who had lived for years in New York City and there had become a fervently committed Marxist revolutionary, a fellow traveler with the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party.

It was Ran's influence that moved me first. He was in Austin for just a few months to abet the efforts of the SWP in an organizing drive against the Vietnam War, and he caught me, frankly, in his eloquent web. I found myself sitting beneath the live oaks at Scholz’s beer garden, listening to Ran discuss the prospects for world revolution against the tyranny of the capitalist state.

He cited the teachings not only of Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky, but of Mao Tse-tung and Ho Chi Minh, Benito Juarez, Ché Guevara, and Malcolm X. He drew a graphic parallel between the exploitation of U.S. workers by the ruling class -- especially workers who were black and Hispanic -- and the exploitation of Third World nations like Mexico, Bolivia, and Vietnam.

He portrayed American fighting men as corporate pawns in a war for new markets in Southeast Asia. Since half of those soldiers were black and Hispanic, the capitalist rulers in effect were using the domestic victims of a racist America to slaughter and subjugate millions of foreign nonwhite victims. Meanwhile, the rulers themselves and their privileged sons relaxed in the comfort of corporate boardrooms and country estates.

Ran's analysis touched me deeply. It gave me a coherent, systematic framework in which to place my own indignation at racial oppression in the United States. It added the element of class oppression, thus to make me a budding Marxist. And finally, inexorably, his arguments drove my anger to the point where I was ready to join the revolution. Or thought I was.

My friend Moran awoke me one morning with a predawn phone call, breathlessly urgent, to insist that I join a hurried demonstration at Central Texas College in Killeen. This was a campus that had just been established across the highway from Fort Hood, a major Army training base.

LBJ shows his scar. Political cartoon by David Levine / New York Review of Books.

Ran and his comrades had somehow discovered that Lyndon Johnson, the president, was due to address the student body at 10 a.m. He informed me that I had to come, indeed in my car, since he and the others needed a ride. And quick, he said -- the campus was 70 miles north. "Shit," I groused to my ladyfriend. This would mean losing a morning of pay at the book wholesaler where I worked part-time. It could mean something worse, I feared, but Genie suggested I do it anyway. So I did. And I was correct in my intuition of pending disaster.

Six of us raced in my old blue Falcon up 1-35 to Killeen. We reached the campus at about 9:30 and there observed, from the safety of the car, a massive contingent of uniformed soldiers milling around in anticipation of the president's speech. Obviously, the brass at Fort Hood had mobilized the troops and sent them over to welcome Mr. Johnson to Central Texas.

I had not expected this. Neither had Ran and the other cadres, all of whom, save the accountant, were frumpy intellectuals with facial hair. I questioned the wisdom of pressing on. Ran just smiled, his brown eyes fierce through rimless glasses, and climbed from the car with a hand-painted sign: "U.S. Troops Out of Vietnam!" The others followed, each with a message certain to inflame. I was given my own crude sign, and I had little choice, it seemed to me, except to march forth to my first demonstration against the war.

It lasted as long as it took our party to reach the perimeter of the crowd. The first of the soldiers to spot us coming let out a whoop of immense displeasure. This attracted an instant mob of other soldiers, half of them black and Hispanic, of course, who set upon us with curses and fists.

I was struck on the side of the face, my glasses dislodged, my sign ripped away and torn to shreds. I retreated at once, having lost sight of my comrades, and staggered to the car on legs that threatened to buckle with terror -- a nasty feeling that I would experience many times in the years to come. I gasped and trembled as I waited in the car, thanking God I wasn't dead.

Soon I was joined by two of the other demonstrators. One was bleeding at the corner of his mouth, the second nursing a swollen cheek. They told me the others had been arrested. Then we noticed a pack of soldiers headed noisily and very rapidly in our direction. We rolled up the windows in the August heat, and I prayed for deliverance as I hit the ignition.

The Falcon often failed to start. But today she sang, and we broke away to the open road as one of the soldiers bounced a rock off the trunk of the car. We were back in Austin by noon, with Ran and the others back by four -- I don't recall how or in what condition, except that no one was permanently maimed.

Thus had I been christened by GI fists into the maelstrom of the antiwar movement: I was a radical, though I had no card, and though it would be another two months before I challenged authority again. Not long after the aborted demonstration, in fact, Ran moved back to New York City -- suggesting I come to visit him there -- while I accompanied my friend Mark Parsons on a five-day foray into the rugged Devil's River country, 300 miles west of Austin.

Mark was employed as an archaeologist by the Texas Memorial Museum. He had invited me to come have a look at an ancient Indian pictograph site, and I had agreed, thinking I could use a vacation prior to the start of my doctoral program at the university. The trip was to prove as formative an experience, in its quiet way, as the hours I had spent in Marxist tutelage with Ran Moran.

Summer of Love, 1967. Photo by Robert Altman /

During our drive through the stunning wilds of the Texas Trans-Pecos, and then as we pored over Indian paintings on the walls of caves and rock shelters, Mark explained a cosmology to me -- a view of the world in its universe -- that he had derived in part from his studies of primitive Texas Indian cultures.

It was based primarily on the notion that Earth and her systems of natural life are unified and sacrosanct. Her sky and seasons, her soil and water, plants and trees, her fish, her insects, birds and animals all are united in a provident whole. It is this whole, an organic totality of interlocked parts, that constitutes existence itself -- the ground of being and consciousness.

The whole of Earth is therefore inviolable. No one part can be torn from the whole and deemed more perfect than another part. The humblest beetle on a blade of grass is no less valuable than the human being who crushes that beetle.

There are laws, moreover, that govern this arrangement -- natural laws that must be obeyed on penalty of death, including the death of the planetary whole. The ancient Texas Indian cultures understood and obeyed these laws. For thousands of years, they lived in a state of unity and peace with the natural world. Indeed, they worshiped as gods the natural systems that sustained their lives -- the sun and rain, the moon and wind, the corn and bison and boulders of flint. They took from the earth no more than they needed for simple subsistence, and when they took, they prayed in thanksgiving and hope for renewal of what had been lost.

As Mark explained these things to me, it became clear that he believed them as profoundly as the ancient Indians had. He shared a spiritual bond with the Indians that was almost alarming in its intensity. He was angry and sick with grief at what the Europeans had done to them, at the brute extermination of tribe after tribe of deeply reverent Indian souls.

He viewed the rise of the modern techno-industrial state -- with its sprawling cities and automobiles, its asphalt deserts and obsessive consumption and carbon-spewing infrastructure -- as a gross compounding of the massive crime against the Indians themselves. He viewed this pillage as a reckless violation of the laws of nature and therefore of God, a violation born of hubris, of men so consumed with crude self-interest and egotism that they are willing to torture the planet to achieve their ends.

Mark confessed more than once to me his somber conviction that the human race was doomed to perish for its modern crimes. "The sooner the better," I believe I heard him say.

It would take years, unfortunately, for me to connect what I had learned at the Devil's River with what I had felt on Mount Bonnell in Austin, when I first witnessed the violet crown. I had been changed by both experiences. I had been radicalized by them no less than by the teachings of Ran Moran.

But once I returned to Austin that fall, I was so swept up in the quickening tide of the anti­war movement, on top of my work at the university, that I wasn't able to assimilate the meaning of what I had learned at the canyon with Mark. I failed, therefore, to apply that lesson to the task of fighting the approaching devastation of my own community. I failed to notice the approaching devastation.

It never occurred to me, amidst my growing political vigilance, to investigate the structure of political power in Austin itself or to ask hard questions regarding the future of the Hill Country -- a lapse I find appalling in retrospect.

[Ray Reece is affiliated with the World Coalition for Local and Regional Self-Reliance. He is a former columnist for The Budapest Sun and author of The Sun Betrayed: A Report on the Corporate Seizure of U.S. Solar Energy Development, among other published works. His most recent book is Abigail in Gangland, a novel. He is a former resident of Austin currently based in Cagli, Italy. The entire essay from which this article was excerpted can be found on Ray's website.]

The Rag Blog


13 September 2010

Jeffrey Nightbyrd : Rehearsals for the Apocalypse

Underground journalist and Sixties activist Jeffrey Nightbyrd will be Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio on KOOP 91.7 FM in Austin, Tuesday, September 14, 2-3 p.m. (CST). To stream Rag Radio live, go here. To listen to this show after the broadcast, or to listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio, go here.
'Don't be a slave to the rules':
Our time in the sun

By Jeffrey Nightbyrd / The Rag Blog / September 13, 2010
See 'The mysterious murder of Michael Eakin,' by Jeffrey Nightbyrd, Below.
[The Austin Sun was a counterculture paper published in Austin from 1974-78. It was born of the underground press, and served as a precursor to the many "alternative" publications that would follow. The Sun's influence went far beyond its short life span. It served as an incubator for major talent and helped stimulate the development of Austin's music scene, helping artists like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Ely, Marcia Ball, and Butch Hancock reach a wider audience.

Sun was founded by Jeffrey Nightbyrd and Michael Eakin. Nightbyrd -- formerly Jeff Shero -- was a major figure in the Sixties New Left, in Austin and nationally. He served as national vice president of SDS and was active with the Yippies. Jeff was involved with Austin's original underground newspaper, The Rag, and also edited RAT in New York. Jeff now directs Acclaim Talent, one of the largest talent agencies in the Louisiana/Texas region.

(Co-founder Michael Eakin, a former editor of the
Daily Texan, was shot to death in 1974. The crime was never solved and is believed by many to have been related to a story he was researching on the South Texas Nuclear Plant. See the sidebar article below.)

A retrospective exhibit of art from
The Sun ("Rehearsals for the Apocalypse: The Austin Sun Years 1974-1978)" is currently showing at the South Austin Popular Culture Center. The following was adapted from notes Jeff wrote for the exhibit.]

Looking through the old Suns, the issues we championed haven’t changed today: war, a smart energy policy, no nukes, long range environmental thinking, ethnic and religious tolerance, sensible drug policies, planning instead of runaway growth, and sexual freedom.

In Austin tolerance has become widespread but our economy dangles on a precipice, we are fighting overseas wars, and our natural world is imperiled. Hence the title of this museum exhibit: "Rehearsals for the Apocalypse. The Austin Sun Years."

The hard facts are that former Daily Texan editor Michael Eakin and I thought it was essential to create an Austin newspaper that presented alternatives to the local information sources. So we went about raising money.

People like Bud Shrake who had just sold a movie script to Hollywood pitched in.

“Bud," we told him. “We don’t know if we will ever be able to pay this much back.”

“I know that," he said. “One day pass it on.”

Over a brief few years many great writers and artists got their start. My first partner, Michael Eakin, was murdered under suspicious circumstances. And like an improbable reality show, we sunspots kept surprising each other with bursts of originality.

Finally hard economic reality set in forcing me to take in a “liberal” real estate investor. Soon he bought up more stock than anyone and ousted me as a “terrible manager.” His condemnation -- “You don’t even have a time clock!” -- still rings in my ears.

Afterward, most of the Sun staff followed their muse and found more success.

For most of us the Sun years were a time of plenty... or should we say our time in the Sun.

Following are some thoughts and memories:

Good drugs and bad drugs

The Sun crew laughed at the over-culture’s hypocrisy about drugs. After all, we live in America -- the society that invented the “Drug Store.” Some drugs like alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine (the most addictive of all) had legal sanction. But others, like pot, could send a smoker to prison. (Pot prisoners are almost half the population of many jails and we never saw pot smokers getting into fist fights in bars.)


In the Sun era, creative Texans reached for transcendence through peyote and mescaline just as the indigenous Indians had for thousands of years before. Into the mid-Sixties peyote could still be bought at cactus nurseries. Then the hysteria fed by the establishment media set in, demonizing psychedelics as madness-inducing. We tried to bring enlightenment to the frenzy.

William Burroughs

Burroughs, the apocalyptic futurist and author of Naked Lunch, inventor of cut-up writing, and beatnik legend, inspired the Doom issue of the Sun, which in turn inspired the theme of this exhibition, “Rehearsals for the Apocalypse. The Austin Sun Years.”

Burroughs contributed his articles to the underground press for free.

Michael Ventura

Michael Ventura, a Sicilian street kid from Brooklyn, stopped by the Sun on his way out of town and got his first paid writing assignment. A curious combination of street-toughened, world-class dirty dancer and Talmudic-like scholar, he became a creative mainstay of the Sun. His apartment walls were astonishing, covered with voluminous hand-lettered note cards, quotes from the world’s greatest and most obscure thinkers, thousands of posted notes that worked as brain stimulants for his essays.

Jeffrey Nightbyrd, in the day.

Rocky Horror midnight madness

The national Rocky Horror Picture Show Saturday night phenomenon took off in Austin. The producers called the Sun and asked if we would sponsor a test event to see if Rocky Horror had legs, as they say in the movie biz. Tim Curry flew in, and a raucous crowd at the Paramount Theater cheered their way through the look-a-like contest. By the end of the night the sell-out crowd had sung their way through the entire movie and a phenomenon was born.

The music scene and Stevie Ray Vaughan

The clubs kept giving birth to stunning and original bands and musicians that would make jaded veterans pause in awe. I remember Michael Ventura touting a new guitarist, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and watching him for the first time in an obscure club on Red River called the One Knight. Eight people were in the audience. But Stevie didn’t care.

Driven like a Hendrix or a Picasso he ripped through songs so fast and beautiful that you knew you had entered a moment of magic shared only by a few. Soon the venues grew much bigger. But somewhere in Austin right now another young genius is playing.

Sexual freedom

The Sun wanted to keep the government out of all our bedrooms. But in this era gays could still be prosecuted as sodomists, and women were not secure in the Roe v Wade ruling that protected the privacy of their bodies. We felt the rainbow of sexuality that is the human experience was none of any government’s business. Relationships of any kind are hard to sustain. So, root for everybody. The Sun rooted for all consenting adults and championed the right of the abnormal to find their happiness

On writing

Writers fresh from the academic reformatory that is the university would bring us lifeless prose. What would now be slam poets would arrive, ignorant of the rules of English grammar, and put down words that were captivating.

I told writers: “Don’t be a slave to the rules -- make the language your slave. Do anything that works.” I would suggest reading advertising copy. Or translations of the Chinese master Li Po and Tu Fu. In extreme cases I would hand writers a copy of the poems of e. e. cummings. There are no rules of good writing save putting down words in any fashion that communicates with passion.

Piedras Negras jailbreak

Taking a page from the Wild West, gun-toting hired guns stuck up the guards at the Piedras Negras jail and freed a gringo rancher’s son. In the mayhem, a bevy of hippie pot prisoners made their escape running down to the Rio Grande and swimming the river. First thing, they called the Sun to tell their story. We were just going to press, so at 2 a.m. the art department redesigned the cover and we beat the dailies by two days.

Michael Eakin. Photo scanned from Daily Texan.

The mysterious murder of Michael Eakin

By Jeffery Nightbyrd / The Rag Blog / September 13, 2010

Austin Sun co-founder and former Daily Texan editor Michael Eakin was a dogged opponent of the South Texas Nuclear Plant. On April 14, 1979 he was shot to death while sitting in a parked car in Houston. The crime was never fully investigated. There are few hard facts in the case.

The South Texas Nuclear plant was built after politicians overcame huge opposition within out city. There is no proof that Michael’s murder had anything to do with his journalistic investigations. But former Sun investigative reporter Todd Samusson recently sent me some very disturbing information which follows:
I had extensive experience of harassment for doing anti-nuke organizing in Austin. I was physically assaulted several times. Always by two large thuggish-looking guys but never the same two. I had my house ransacked and nothing stolen but an address book. I received threatening calls. I had my porch light smashed out three times. I even came out of a meeting once and found a bullet hole in the rear window of my truck (that same piece of crap I used to schlep Austin Suns from the printer in Taylor back to the Sun offices). My car window had a bullet shot through it.

Michael Eakin obviously had it much worse. In the weeks preceding his death he told me he was working on a freelance article about cost overruns at the South Texas Nuclear Project. He said he had been interviewing construction workers at the site about intentional slowing down of work to drag out the project. Also about major flaws in the concrete pours of the containment buildings. (These stories were later confirmed in articles in the Austin American Statesman -- I think written by Bruce Hite.)

Michael was shot point blank and killed in his car in Houston with a small caliber pistol (weapon of choice for mob contracts, according to police). Also shot was his passenger Dilah Davis. She was hit in the face but survived. She was very active in Austin Citizens for Economic Energy the electoral group working against the nuke.

That project was done on a cost-plus basis. There was absolutely no incentive for Brown & Root to come in at the contract price. In fact they had every incentive to seek cost overruns. The south Texas nuke was originally bid at $700 million-plus. When I left Austin in 1988 the cost was heading toward $4 billion. The nuclear industry isn't about how to best generate electricity; it's about construction gigs. And, on a bigger scale, it's about bonded indebtedness on electric utility bonds used to pay for that construction. That $4 billion turns out to be way, way more than that over the life of the debt.

So the money trail is way bigger than Brown & Root. It goes to huge bond houses. Anybody along that trail had motive to stop Michael from prying.

Brown & Root was eventually fired for its cost overruns and replaced by Bechtel. But they went on to do well, becoming KBR (Kellogg Brown & Root) and making zillions from the current war in Iraq.
Michael Eakin should not be forgotten. As a journalist he pursued his passion to expose corporate corruption to the end.

Now showing!
Rehearsals for the Apocalypse

The South Austin Popular Culture Center is presenting a landmark exhibit featuring the underground/alternative newspaper the Austin Sun. The exhibit will run from Sept. 11 through Oct. 23.

"Rehearsals For The Apocalypse" encompasses the entire run of the Austin Sun, which was from October 1974 through June of 1978. The Sun was founded by Jeff Nightbyrd and Michael Eakin. They were joined later by printer and bon vivant J. David Moriaty as managing editor, The Sun transcended the usual mode of underground newspapers with professional layouts, cutting edge news articles and, wonder of wonders, paid staff positions.

The exhibit features a selection of newspaper covers along with accompanying articles, photographs, and comments by Jeff Nightbyrd, Dave Moriaty, and some of the key staffers. The show also includes a striking selection of vintage photographs.

"Rehearsals For The Apocalypse: The Austin Sun Years 1974- 1978" will run from September 11th through October 23rd. The South Austin Popular Culture Center is located at 1516-B South Lamar Boulevard in Austin. Hours are Thursday through Sunday from 1- 6 p.m. or by appointment and chance.
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