Showing posts with label Favorites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Favorites. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2018

Tokyo Calling!、2018。

‘Arigatou Tokyo!’

Thank you very much

My soul best friends !!

: )


“Comes Summer!”

the portastylistic

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

New Modern Classic...Kioskafé

‘A newsstand and café hybrid’
the city-street kiosks of Europe, this small space from Monocle!


The Films

 Tyler Brûlé, Monocle‘s editor in chief, describes the space as “a celebration of print – putting the written word, fine images and crisp paper centre stage.” “We’ve worked hard to make the selection of titles on the shelves a mix of the much-loved and commercial, combined with just-launched indies that get shelf space not because they’re new and hyped but because they offer journalistic value,” he adds.

Credit: IG @amaliawirjono

And we have more…
*Porta's favourite!*
mistaken narrative that people aren’t buying print products!

The concept

A new project from the founders of Monocle: the perfect newsstand and coffee bar. Just launched in London’s Paddington, Kioskafé is not only a new addition to the neighbourhood surrounding one of Europe's busiest transport hubs but a new retail model for busy travellers, magazine fans and lovers of coffee roasted by talented Kiwis.

Developed as a response to the shrinking news trade, the handsomely designed space is a celebration of print, putting the written word, fine images and crisp paper centre stage. In addition to delivering the best periodicals, Kioskafé also serves the best Allpress coffee and stocks essentials for those out on the road: toothpaste, Swiss undies, a spritz of cologne and good hair wax, among other things.
Get in touch 
• Kioskafé
• 31 Norfolk Place
• London
• W2 1QH

+44 (0) 20 3111 4242

Open every day,

Franchise information:

“Smell like kiosk spirit!”

the portastylistic

Monday, October 13, 2014

pop*eye...sugar me—寺岡歩美

— Japan*Series 


sugar me

*I proud to highly

Solo project by Ayumi Teraoka—sugar me. she started working as solo in 2012. shown in her label mate MILK's album "greeting for the sleeping seeds" as a vocalist with overseas aritist such as Au Revoir Simone, Sally Seltmann. on the official celebration CD for Michel Gondry of "Mood Indigo", she provided the music reflecting the image of a movie. 


2014.9.6 on sale
¥2,484(tax in)from Rallye Label

高野寛と素晴らしきラリーの仲間たち / We are He
1. 高野寛×宮内優里 / FLAME
2. 高野寛×little moa / DAWN
3. 高野寛 × YeYe / TWIST
4. 高野寛 × CONCERT / CREAM
5. 高野寛 × sugar me / Little Fat Baby
6. 高野寛 × milk / Bedtime Story
7. 高野寛 × 宮内優里 / 春がいっぱ

2014.5.10 on sale
¥2,500(tax in) from FLAKE RECORDS / Rallye Label

Why White Y? 12inch LP
1. summer queen
2. 1,2,3
3. couleur café (serge gainsbourg cover)
4. monsieur le démon
5. don’t say so (Why White Y? ver.)
6. morning of the world
7. as you grow
8. sometimes lonely

※ 同アルバルCD付き

2014.4.13 on sale
¥1,800(tax in) from Rallye Label

Shall We Meet In Our Dreams?
hirohisa HORIE × sugar me
We’ll meet again – SOLO ACOUSTIC TOUR 2014 会場限定EP

1. sugar me / To Be Alright
2. hirohisa HORIE & sugar me / Shall We Meet In Our Dreams?
3. hirohisa HORIE / Back To Back
4. sugar me / 1,2,3 (Open Reel Ensemble remix)
5. hirohisa HORIE / Back To Back (instrumental)

2013.12.18 on sale
¥2000(tax in) from Rallye Label

Why White Y?
1. summer queen
2. 1,2,3
3. couleur café (serge gainsbourg cover)
4. monsieur le démon
5. don’t say so (Why White Y? ver.)
6. morning of the world
7. as you grow
8. sometimes lonely

2013.8.29 on sale
¥1,500 (tax in) from Rallye Label
mood indigo

1.2.3 (inspired by mood indigo)
1. 1,2,3
2. Don’t say so
3. Le déserteur (Boris Vian  cover)

Enjoy the music albums and top video tracks of sugar me ^_^

*Porta's favourite!*

Beautiful Sound!

*Porta's favourite!*
sugar me, the solo project of singer-songwriter Teraoka Ayumi, has a 1st album out now! This features guests including Oyamada Keigo (Cornelius), Itoken, and members of milk and numbersugar me can be seen live together with Au Revoir Simone (Rallye label mates) in January


寺岡歩美のソロ・プロジェクト。デビュー前からnumber0、milk、ドイツの人気デュオ It’s a Musicalらの作品に参加。2013年、ミシェル・ゴンドリー監督の映画『ムードインディゴ~うたかたの日々~』の公開を記念し、映画をイメージしたEPを限定リリース。同年12月ラリーレーベルよりリリースしたファースト・アルバム『Why White Y?』には、小山田圭吾(コーネリアス)、イトケン(トクマルシューゴ・相対性理論・D.V.D)梅林太郎(milk)、千住宗臣(原田知世・キセルなど)ら豪華ミュージシャンが参加し、話題となった。2014年1月にはAu Revoir Simoneのジャパンツアーに同行。現在も堀江博久とのアコースティック・ツアーや、Curly Giraffeとの2マンライブを行うなど積極的に活動中。CMの歌唱や、ライフスタイル・マガジン「KINFOLK」でモデルを務めるなど、現在その活動の幅を広げている。

photo by Hideaki Hamada

"My personal favorite
Fresh new artist!"


“so happy and summery!,
it's perfectly fine.”

the portastylistic