Friday, October 15, 2010

An Ode to My Little Man

Oh, how I love thee, let me count the ways... 

I love the way you run and play with complete reckless abandon,
And I love the way you give me kisses and you don't care who is watching.

You are always first to share your treasures, hoping to make someone smile.
And that trademark grin you flash me daily can refresh me in an instant.

Your joy and zest for life are incredible to watch,
And I thank the Lord above that I can call you my own.

There are no words to express how incredibly precious you are, 
You are my son, my one and only, and I love you to the moon and back.  And then some more.  


Liz said...

What a precious one he is!!! Love this. :)

Unknown said...

Heartbreaker! He's such a precious muffin!