I took all the kiddos to the coolest place yesterday!!! It was Columbus Day so Riley had off from school (obviously, its a MAJOR day as far as holidays go)... and one of my friends got a bunch of moms together to go to this farm. It was a little over an hour away and totally worth it!! They took major naps afterwards!! :)
We were a gang.
There were seriously like 12 moms... lets say with an average of 2.5 kids... thats about 100 kids or so!!!! All I know is I was getting a little weary of headcounting at the end of this thing. :)
There were seriously like 12 moms... lets say with an average of 2.5 kids... thats about 100 kids or so!!!! All I know is I was getting a little weary of headcounting at the end of this thing. :)
We Newton's ride in style...
And this is a group shot of SOME of the kids... we were pretty impressed we got them all to look at the camera even close to the same time!
Kendall, meet pumpkin. Pumpkin, meet Kendall.
This place was really impressive... let me tell you...
The fist words out of Riley's mouth were,
"It's like a dream!"
Yes, I am picturing Little House on the Prairie right now too.
Complete with a monster slide made out of rolling pin thingys... (my child was the only one smart enough to go down it on her tummy) this kept their attention for quite a while.
There was a bucking horse that cost $3 to make it buck so we just sat on it instead.
The kids LOVED jumping on these hay bales! They were stacked pretty tall and the kids stood on them while people tried to throw big inflatable balls at you... typing this now I am questioning its safety??? Hmmm.
Then you've got your classic log roll...
This was a cute "Rubber Duck Contest" where you see who can push the water through the pipe the fastest to make their duck spill out into the big pond small water trough.
Riley and her sweet friend found a little frog in the water!
This was called "Fort Dohickey", you know, because of all the dohicky's... :)
And this my friends, this is the way to do it! Note to self... always travel with older kids (other than your own), then they do all the hard manual labor AND THEY LIKE IT! I had to let the take turns pulling my kids in the wagon!! :)
Riley jumped and swung off of the rope and into the hay! Yee-haw!
You know you've always wanted to swing around on big red balls!!
Hahaha... I'm too funny.
And while my big kids were enjoying ALL of these attractions and more, my sweet Kendall Brooke only needed a plastic water bottle to keep her happy. Do you think this means she'll be low maintenance? Doubting it. :)
And just like that, all good dreams come to an end. :)
Good-bye farm, HELLO NAP TIME!
Wow. It really is like a dream! I'm exhausted just reading about it....surely the kiddos slept the whole way home!
That place looks so fun!
Awesome awesome awesome! Ok, I'm seriously going just to ride on the big red balls. I'm not even ashamed. I guess I'll take Brierley too :)
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