AHHHHHH!!!! My kitchen is a total disaster area!!! I will say, however, that I have taken full advantage of the chaos and decided to relieve myself of my cooking responsibilities. If it doesn't involve a loaf of bread, sandwich meat, cereal, chips, or anything that can be nuked in the microwave- we aren't eating it. :) Hitting every food group has definitely gone out the window for now.
Anyway, we are making progress though... and I do have the cutest little helpers in the whole world!
Tonight we had a great time just hanging around outside and watching the kids shoot baskets. Riley is always "The Aggies", and Jace is always "The Boo-Longhorns". It's pretty funny to watch, and listen, to them playing together. For some reason, Riley always ends up bossing Jace around and telling him when to shoot the ball. I don't know whooooo that sounds like! :):)
It's times like these when I feel so incredibly blessed- it's literally just bursting out of my heart. I have always wanted to be a wife and mother- and seeing those little faces, healthy and strong, and watching them play next to my precious husband. Like I said, my cup runneth over. I thank the Lord for moments like these.
I hope you all have an awesome weekend!!
So sweet!!! We are all so blessed to have our families. Our husbands and kiddos are such gifts!
The kitchen is looking good!! It's difficult to have a project in progress that you can't complete, all by yourself. It's not easy to wait patiently for HIM to find time. (Seriously, let's be honest,you would already have those cabinets DONE...days ago!) However, the longer he takes, the less cooking you have to do, so let him take all the time he wants!!! May your cup continue to overflow!
We also admired the sunset the past 2 eveings. They have been so beautiful to watch!!
Listen Laura....there are alot more cabinets than I thought when I took this challenge on. And as far as drawers...there is like six sides to each one, they take forever!!! I already have Katie giving me a hard time about finishing...no need to pile on!! :)
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