I have just recently started trying my hand at the whole coupon game, and believe me, this is a real business. I mean, there are people who research and research, hit up every store in town to get the cheapest products, and chart everything out on excel. Now, while I am into saving money and getting a good deal, I am not going to drive to CVS, lug my children out of the car and into the weirdly set-up store just because they have Colgate toothpaste at buy one get one free. Sorry. Not gonna do it.
I will however clip a few coupons out of the sunday paper and also coupons.com! :) Honestly, it really is helping my budget! I'm trying to look at grocery shopping in a different way. Instead of going to get only the things I'm out of, I am now trying to get things that are majorly on sale, and then just stockpile them. I'm no pro, but so far so good! :)
Just to make you smile... there were about 8 college students behind me in the check-out line last night at 9:30pm. I handed the cashier my STACK of coupons (seriously, I had like 30), and I heard every person in the line either breath really deep, or make some sort of dying moan. LOL!!! It was hilarious!! I just turned around and apologized to everyone, and by the end of the show, they were all actually impressed with little miss coupon! :)
Next time I promise to write something more interesting! :)
That is interesting to me. I have really been trying to use coupons more. My neighbor cuts out all of hers for me, categorizes them and puts them on my front door step...I have NO reason not to use them. I just usually get all generic brand things, so coupons are not normally a help. What do you think?
YEAH for you!! I love coupons and enjoy seeing the total go down on my bill. Congrats on a successful shopping experience last night!
Katrine... I honestly don't know. It seems like the name brand stuff is cheaper with the coupons (especially Kroger who doubles all coupons under .50, I think?). I am still trying to figure it out, but I think if you kind of change your approach to shopping, (ex. shop the sales), AND use your coupons, you really can save a bundle. My total was $81 and I only paid $51! Yes please! :) How cute is your neighbor for doing that for you?? :)
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