Friday, September 25, 2009

The Never Ending Story

Yes, we are still painting. 

AHHHHHH!!!!  My kitchen is a total disaster area!!! I will say, however, that I have taken full advantage of the chaos and decided to relieve myself of my cooking responsibilities.  If it doesn't involve a loaf of bread, sandwich meat, cereal, chips, or anything that can be nuked in the microwave- we aren't eating it. :)  Hitting every food group has definitely gone out the window for now.

Anyway, we are making progress though... and I do have the cutest little helpers in the whole world! 

Tonight we had a great time just hanging around outside and watching the kids shoot baskets.  Riley is always "The Aggies", and Jace is always "The Boo-Longhorns".  It's pretty funny to watch, and listen, to them playing together.  For some reason, Riley always ends up bossing Jace around and telling him when to shoot the ball.  I don't know whooooo that sounds like! :):)

It's times like these when I feel so incredibly blessed- it's literally just bursting out of my heart.  I have always wanted to be a wife and mother- and seeing those little faces, healthy and strong, and watching them play next to my precious husband.  Like I said, my cup runneth over.  I thank the Lord for moments like these.

I hope you all have an awesome weekend!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Improvement Series- Edition 1

"I'm so excited!  I'm so excited! I'm so so     so   scared!"
   -Jessie Spano (Saved by the Bell)

Sorry, I had to use that quote... it's a classic. :)  I really do feel just like Jessie, minus the scared part! 

Jordan and I absolutely love our house.  It is a great set-up and has an awesome backyard.  The only thing it is not a newer home... so it has plenty of things that can be "improved upon"!  So when we moved in, we both said we would love to paint the kitchen cabinets, get new flooring in there, and also new countertops.  Well, we have started step 1 of our home improvement phase- PAINT. 

Jordan painted the natural wood colored cabinets in our laundry room as a trial run before doing the kitchen, and they look great!!!!  They are now a chocolate brown color and I bought some cute little knobs at Hobby Lobby that are a turquoise/blue and white.  The wood cabinets in our laundry room and kitchen really date our house, so the little money we are spending on paint is going to go a long way.  I don't have a before pic of the laundry room, but here it is now (it's very tiny, I really shouldn't call it a room, more of a nook) :)  :

So now I have a few pictures of the kitchen from last night when we started painting (I say "we" lightly, because I'm pregnant ya know, and really should only supervise and boss Jordan on how to do it). :)  Really these pics will show you a good starting point, so we can all be more appreciative of the end result.  The cabinets in the laundry room used to be the exact same wood color as the kitchen (just fyi).  Everywhere you see the lovely wood color will soon be a delicious chocolate brown. :)

Oh, and I had to throw in a picture of my contribution... :)  Instead of paying $5 for a new electrical outlet cover (ours was just dirty looking to me), I got some pretty scrapbook paper and mod-podged it.  All for FREE.99! :)

I will keep you all updated on our home improvement challenge... hopefully we can get the paint job done soon! :)  

What do you think? 


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Little Miss Coupon

I'm sorry that this is totally un-blog worthy news... but guess what???


I have just recently started trying my hand at the whole coupon game, and believe me, this is a real business.  I mean, there are people who research and research, hit up every store in town to get the cheapest products, and chart everything out on excel.  Now, while I am into saving money and getting a good deal, I am not going to drive to CVS, lug my children out of the car and into the weirdly set-up store just because they have Colgate toothpaste at buy one get one free.  Sorry.  Not gonna do it.

I will however clip a few coupons out of the sunday paper and also! :)  Honestly, it really is helping my budget!  I'm trying to look at grocery shopping in a different way.  Instead of going to get only the things I'm out of, I am now trying to get things that are majorly on sale, and then just stockpile them.  I'm no pro, but so far so good! :)

Just to make you smile... there were about 8 college students behind me in the check-out line last night at 9:30pm.  I handed the cashier my STACK of coupons (seriously, I had like 30), and I heard every person in the line either breath really deep, or make some sort of dying moan. LOL!!! It was hilarious!!  I just turned around and apologized to everyone, and by the end of the show, they were all actually impressed with little miss coupon! :)

Next time I promise to write something more interesting! :)