AHHHHHH!!!! My kitchen is a total disaster area!!! I will say, however, that I have taken full advantage of the chaos and decided to relieve myself of my cooking responsibilities. If it doesn't involve a loaf of bread, sandwich meat, cereal, chips, or anything that can be nuked in the microwave- we aren't eating it. :) Hitting every food group has definitely gone out the window for now.
Anyway, we are making progress though... and I do have the cutest little helpers in the whole world!
Tonight we had a great time just hanging around outside and watching the kids shoot baskets. Riley is always "The Aggies", and Jace is always "The Boo-Longhorns". It's pretty funny to watch, and listen, to them playing together. For some reason, Riley always ends up bossing Jace around and telling him when to shoot the ball. I don't know whooooo that sounds like! :):)
It's times like these when I feel so incredibly blessed- it's literally just bursting out of my heart. I have always wanted to be a wife and mother- and seeing those little faces, healthy and strong, and watching them play next to my precious husband. Like I said, my cup runneth over. I thank the Lord for moments like these.
I hope you all have an awesome weekend!!