MOVIE: Robocop (2014)

I am still on travel for work and last night managed to stay awake long enough to watch a movie I brought with me on DVD:  Robocop (2014)

I actually liked this movie more than I thought I would because I loved the original one so much. Also I heard lots of people say bad things just because he had a Taser in addition to sub machine guns. Just enough plot to keep it flowing but what I really liked were the performances. 

did a really good job as Murphy. made an excellent scientist as Dr. Norton, was the Omnicorp CEO but the one that really surprised me was as Mattox. He made a really good bad ass.

Miller Rating = 7 of 10

There were a lot of cool guns in this movie.

Another Day

Another day without time to post.

And we missed the weekly cartoon!

Back next week!


I am at a conference today. I should be able to do a real post later.

While flying I saw four TSA guy arguing with a couple people in the airport who had been joking about Ebola. I swear the only reason they didn't drag them off into a dark room was that about 6 people were filming it with cell phones.

--More later.

Taking the Wife to the Range

Ruger GP-100
I took my wife to the new range yesterday to do another function test on my jamming AR15.

She took her Ruger GP-100 .357mag. She dialed it in and was rocking those targets in no time.

She doesn't want to shoot any other guns for now. She want to get really good with her Ruger with double action. She wants it simple: No jams, no mags, no safeties, if it doesn't go bang pull it again.

For now.

She is also planning on taking the formal woman's concealed carry class that is taught by women.

She told me that she also prefers a shoulder holster for comfort. "And that is what Kate has on Castle."

--We will be going there a lot. It's only 4 miles.

Stove Piping

I am having a stove pipe issue with my AR15 SBR.

Here is a few bits of info:
  • It's new. less than 300 rounds.
  • It's clean. Detailed strip and clean.
  • It's an SBR. 7 inch. LOUD.
  • It was well lubed. Even over-lubed eventually
  • Ammo was new and consistent.
The next thing I am going to try is swapping out the lower with the pistol lower I originally had on this rig. It ran fine in the past with that lower.

My theory is that the buffer spring is too strong because the barrel is so short and the recoil is so light.

Any other ideas?

--Yes I assembled the thing myself? What are you saying!?

Quotes of the Week

We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude.
– Thomas Jefferson

Be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial.
– Louis D. Brandeis

As the state grows, one’s sense of self-ownership is destroyed, liberty is traded for "security," the human spirit diminishes.
–Eric Englund

Loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended.
– James Madison

It's OPEN!

Elite Shooting Sports is Open!

I am so going there tomorrow!

They are open except the 100 yard lanes. I will be shooting my AR15 SBR there to see if I have resolved feed issues that came up at the blog shoot.

-- I am very excited!

Almost Ready

I have mentioned it before but I will say it again. I am really excited about the new range that is opening near my house!

Elite Shooting Sports

I stopped in this week to see how close we were and smell all the fresh paint! We are just a few days away now.

It has 42 lanes and 8 of them are their 100 yards. All of the indoor range is amazing. It has great classrooms, a dojo as well as areas to relax and socialize. The cafe looks like it is going to be excellent.

--I can't wait to get in there and make some noise.

More Blogshoot Goodness

Another excellent bit of fun at the Blogshoot last weekend was shooting a few mags through my friends full auto UZI.

These have far less recoil than you would expect. It is actually pretty easy to stay on target for the 1.5 seconds of fun this baby sprays out.

I ran about 100 rounds 9mm subsonic hallowpoint ammo out of this sweet machine. More on that later in another post.

--I will never get use to the weirdness of open bolt firearms.

More from Saturdays Blogshoot

At the Blogshoot I got to shoot an M-60!

--An excellent way to turn money into noise and fun!

Blogshoot Saturday

I attended a Blogshoot this weekend that was hosted by the Blogger over at Lagniappe's Lair!

I will be talking about the various kinds of fun I had at this shoot all week long.

The first bit of Big Fun was that I had the privilege to shoot Larry's awesome Barrett .50cal.

Those bullets are BIG.

I was surprised that the recoil was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was more like a shove than a hit.

It was excellent.  If you ever get a chance to shoot one of these beauties, do it.

--It's now on my "If I win the Lotto List"!!

Quotes of the Week

It doesn't matter if you're conservative, liberal or libertarian, we should all be wary of the Police State.
--John Stossel

The main political problem is how to prevent the police power from becoming tyrannical.
– Ludwig von Mises

New rulers use more and more force, more police, more soldiers, trying to enforce more efficient control.
– Rose Wilder Lane

The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.
– Thomas Sowell

Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.
 – Milton Friedman

Abuse of power isn't limited to the bad guys in other nations. It happens in our own country if we're not vigilant.
– Clint Eastwood

Powerful government tends to draw into it people with bloated egos, people who think they know more than everyone else.
– Walter Williams

In our desire to have gov't become our benefactor and sustainer, we have allowed it to become our taskmaster and overlord.
– Chuck Baldwin


I am heading out to a Blogshoot today in West Virginia.

It should be a cool day, having fun with friends!

I will make a full report with pics later!

--Here. Have a pic of my cat.