Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Richmond Yesterday

Yesterday there was a peaceful march in Richmond VA to protest Police Violence. It brought together folks of all races and organizations. BLM and 2ND supporters.

No riots, no destruction. (Know Riots, Know Destruction.)

Photos by Ford Fischer

--Here is a link to more photos.

Virginia is waking up...

Notice the difference in the poll and the headline. These people need to learn that they follow the will of the people or get voted out.

44% Have a Gun in the House.

Pew Research Center, in a poll on guns released Friday, showed that 44 percent of the country has a gun in the house.

Anti-gun groups keep trying to say that gun ownership is on the decline. Even though the stats on sales and woman buying guns say otherwise.

The last stat I saw, years ago, was less than 20% had a gun in the house.

--All thanks to President Obama...

911 was down

Woke up to the news story that the regional 911 system in Maryland is down.

Yet another reason to be serious about defending yourself.

It wasn't the first time and will not be the last time. "The system is fragile."

--Another reason to not live in MD.

Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

Everyone agrees on this point.

Where they disagree is, who should be allowed to be that good guy.

One camp believes the cops should be that guy.

Others believe we all deserve the right to protect ourselves.

--I believe in carrying a gun, because a cops too heavy.

What to do in stead of something

Don't Profile Islamic Radical Terrorists Males Between 18-35.
Imaging that the sex offender list was managed like the Terror Watch list.

"Mr. Johnson looks really creepy to me while he's walking that little dog, officer." The he goes on the list.

That is basically how people get on the Terror Watch list. NO Due Process.

So why would these fools in congress even consider something that would in never stand up in court. Why would they waste millions and millions of tax payer dollars on a complete non-started?

Because they can look like they are doing something in stead of actually doing something.

--How about deporting foreign nationals that are on the Terror watch list? Start there. 

The Problem with the No-Fly-List

This issue is basically one of due process.

There is no transparency with the way people end up on these lists.

This is the worry. Suddenly all NRA members are put on the list. Hillary has called the NRA her greatest enemy. This administration has used the IRS and other agencies to harass conservative groups. Why not use the TSA to mess with gun owners.

There are hundreds of stories of people that landed on the no-fly-list and their nightmares of trying to get off it. Everyone remembers Senator Ted Kennedy being denied a flight because of the no-fly-list.

--I believe in due process. Even for assholes.


Developing Narative

The liberals heads are spinning as more details regarding the Orlando Killer are revealed.

Now there are reports that he was gay.

Why are Progressives choosing Islam over the LGBT community?

To me it doesn't matter what his sexual preferences or confusions may have been.

Radical Islam is the author of this event.

There will be another flaccid attempt at gun control that will get no where. But I think there may also be an effort to censor the Internet. That is a bigger worry. Liberal Fascists want to control the media more than guns. We see it already. Talking about, more specifically, criticizing Radical Islam will get you banned on Facebook.

--Will ignorance abounds...


I need some peace today
As the Gun Control Machine knocks the rust off and begin to spin up I just want to remind the world of a few things:
  • A bad guy with a gun was stopped by good guys with guns
  • Radical Islam hates the LGBT community
  • Gun Free Zones are soft target magnets for evil
  • Blaming the gun is like blaming the airplane after 9/11
  • This was the worst attack by Radical Islam since 9/11
 --So angry today. Apologists for Islam, please stay out of my line of sight.

Trains in DC

The DC Metro subway system begins a major series of repair work work this week.

This mean there will be slower service, bigger crowds, more stress while commuting and I fear more violence. They plan on extra police, but if thugs decide to take it up a notch and start shooting, it doesn't matter.

This will also mean more traffic on I66 and longer daily drives for me.

--More coffee...

The Assault Weapon Myth

The fact that they admit it now won't matter.

In an amazing editorial the NY Times admits that “assault weapon” is a made up term created by anti-gun Democrats to scare low information voters. Stunningly they also admit there’s no proof the “assault weapons” ban had any impact on crime.

--Haters gonna hate.

A story you are not seeing in the big media.

The media always avoids these stories. Not only because she stopped a mass murder with a gun. She is black with a gun. Carolyn Gudger should be the big story. Not the asshat in OR.

Gun Murders Down 49% Since 1993

The media wants you to think that gun murder is on the rise,worse than ever.

The reality is that gun ownership has skyrocketed since 1993. Concealed carry laws has swept the country.

The detailed study published by the Pew Research Center shows that contrary to popular belief, America is no longer the Wild West. Since 1993, gun homicides have decreased by 49%, and general violent crime has dipped by an incredible 75%.

--Facts and reality don't matter. Their feelings are the focus. Feelings of cowards.