Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Shutterfly Photobook

I love the shutterfly photobook and it's worth my time to blog about it! I got a coupon for a free photobook and viola.. my first masterpiece. I've received similar offers couple of times before but I've never got the time to try it. All this while I was under the impression that it'll take me forever to get it done and I might get frustrated then terus malas nak buat. Nope.. I was wrong. It was super easy, took me less than 24 hours to get it done (I wasn't on it all the time, on-off thingy). If you can sit in front of the lappy for 5 hours straight, then you'll be done before you know it.

So my masterpiece is of course about my sweetheart Irfan.. I never got the chance (again) to put together anything memorable for him (ever since he was born) this is for you babe. A story of ... Irfan bin Zuhri. Please refer to the link below and enjoy.
For those who'd like to create a photobook but not within the US region, you can create it and I can help to deliver it to you. No problem. Sharing is caring kan :)

Shared photo book from Khairul

Click here to view this photo book larger

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On teacher's day..

Ok what's the hype with all these Mother's day, Teacher's day and so on.. Can you just do your job and less complaining. Hahaha..
I'm not a big fan of these 'special' days.. during my days (chewah mcm tua sgt) we didn't celebrate a thing, not even birthdays. So I don't really see the point of making a big fuss of this so called appreciation day. Well, I demanded for a nice luxury meal on mother's day of course just so that I don't have to cook.
Birthdays on the other hand, is worth to ponder upon to, in my opinion.

So as usual I was browsing facebook and every single thing on my wall was about teacher's day. People wishing other people yada yada yada.. *yawn*
Then it actually made me thinking.. hummm.. ape cerita la dgn cikgu X so on and on.. dah kawin ke dia etc.
And.. I suddenly realized, without noticing it before.. these are the teachers whom I cared for and I will remember them for life.

(1) Pn Azizah - Too bad I can't even remember her last name hehe. How can she be so special when I can't even remember her full name.. She's my 4th grade teacher at TMS (Tengku Mariam). She's a very sweet person, very motherly. I remember that I started to get good grades when I was in her class, from nothing to no 5 in class. Hahaha.. and I was elected as a school prefect by her. After all the years I had from 1st grade to 4th grade (so sememeh, isolated and felt like nobody) I didn't think that I'd be choosen to be a so called 'mawas sekolah' haha. I knew she had faith in me.. and I hope I made her proud.

(2) Cik Sharipah Noor- I'm not sure if I get the spelling right haha.. apedaa.. she was one hell of a scary teacher. Everybody in TMS knew that; and I ended up in her class. Yikes.. but then I became one of her favorites, so things went pretty well. She always looked up after me, made me feel so special and I could never thank her enough. One thing that I can never forget is she kept calling me 'Syahrul' instead of 'Khairul'. Well of course I never dare to correct her.. but yeah through out the year she'd been calling me Syahrul. Weird kan..
And another incident yg sampai sekarang tak boleh lupa was when the UPSR result was out, she was the one handed the result to me. I was looking at her hopelessly.. and she said.. ' 2A 2B syahrul... kenapa syahrul...'
I felt tears in my eyes... tahan jela. Then she smiled at me and handed me the result. It was 4As.. I knew it! Sabar jela kan..

(3) My beloved mom- She might not be an A+ mother (hahah tak baik nye, you know I'm kidding) but I'd rate her as an A+ as a teacher. She explains everything very well.. I can understand whatever she's teaching within a sec. Although she never likes teaching, I think she's the best teacher by far. And I'm proud of her.

You see.. the two teachers that I remember and adore are the primary school teachers. I think those teachers are the one whom actually contributed the most to you growth. Happy Teachers Day.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Parent As Teacher (PAT) Family Day

Since Irfan is not enrolled in any daycare or preschool, I've been taking him to PAT classes. It's a program for parents and kids who are not attending any formal classes to mix around and have fun! The classes are available through out the week, but we only go to the ones close to our apartment. I'll talk more about our daily activities in some other entry.

Anyhow.. it's approaching summer and everybody will have summer break. So school will be closing pretty soon. And sadly PAT as well (huwaaaa why oh why.. ape nak buat dgn Irfan summer ni). So last week on Thursday we went to the closing event - PAT family day (actually not really our program, pegi attend program anak org lain dgn tak malu nye heheh). We had lots of fun.. Irfan got to play with tons of stuff- fishing in a tub, farm animals, playground. He even got to pet and fed some farm animals- goats, lama, rabbits and piglets of course he didn't touch the piglets hehe. The highlights of the day was when Irfan got to ride the pony!!! He loved it sooo much he was grinning ear to ear while riding the pony. And of course bila dah habis melalak la kan..

It was such a fun experience. Irfan ni memang animal lover, he's really into animals... I wonder where he got it from :) No way, not from his mama.

Sayang la lupa bawak camera that day.. Adoi. I was using my BlackBerry and the pics sux big time! Euurghhh.. is it time for Iphone? 

Irfan with his new toy

And new glasses too- handsome young man :)

Fishing with his buddy- Muhriz

What are you looking at huney?

He's supposed to pet the rabbit but instead dia tarik bulu rabbit tu

Happy momma


Irfan feeding the animals

Playing with the farm animals in the tub
Irfan riding the pony!

Can you see him smiling..

Ni la yg tak tahan bab melalak.. huhu

With Muhriz's mommy

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Irfan- 2 yrs 8 mo

Kesian Irfan.. hari ni asyik kena marah and pukul je.. he hasn't been eating so ape lagi cranky la kan. Anak cranky mak nye laaagiiii la cranky. Yang kesian nye Irfan la kan...

Sedih betul kalau pikir pasal history Irfan ni. Asyik sakit jela.. at 6 mo kena kawasaki disease, 1+ yr ear surgery for tube and now in June, another surgery because of cavities. I feel like a bad mother. But at the same time, I'm just too tired to handle him. He's making it soooo hard. I dunno why he's not eating. Tak makan meaning tak makan veggies la.. nutritient sume mcm mana. And at one point kalau sakit.. it's the mother again yg kena blame.

Banyak betul la dugaan jaga anak ni.. I dunno if it's just me that having a hard time being a mother. For once I just wish life is easier.. and I can just cruise along. Irfan is a sweet boy.. he really is. He always make me smile, he listens to me when I talk, and there are days when he calls me 'pretty' and pointing at me :)
But when you're a mother and you're with him 24-7, there are times when you just wish that you are away from him, be it at work or where ever. Sometimes I just feel like I need a break, siang malam jaga anak memang boleh sakit otak like seriously. Zuhri gets home around 7 or so.. then he'll be out for soccer or basketball game or whatever- interesting- other- than- staying at home and helping out until it's bed time. So I'm pretty much with Irfan 24-7.. Sigh..

I know.. this is me being me.. whining and rambling.
Irfan, I love you to bits. Please make it easy for mama to love you. ;(

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Aunty Cah in da' house

Gem was here several weeks ago (see posting below). She got Irfan a gift - Potty like a Rockstar Ts. We're so loving it.
Irfan proud of himself.

Aunty Cah trying to say something but Irfan buat bo-layan

Eiiikkk.. ape ni aunty cah pegang2 org heheh
Irfan went to his playgroups wearing the T and some mom were like... 'Woahh.. he can potty by himself'. Unbelievable la sgt.. well most americans don't train their kids until 3. But for Msian it's pretty common to have the kids trained by 18 months. Irfan is actually a lil behind but its is still a memorable milestone :)

The potty journey alhamdulillah was very pleasant, at least it's not as bad as feeding him. There was a time when it started to stall; I think it happened after a month he was potty trained. For one whole week he peed on the floor yikes. Tension makcik. Pelik because he's been using the toilet for one whole month with no problem at all, almost zero accidents, and suddenly there you go... back to square one. I lost my temper, memang marah sgt kat Irfan but he's been good since then. Just that week. From what I've read it's normal and accidents happen. Kesian kat Irfan sampai kena pukul (Sorry baby).. but I have high expectation for my boy, and he has never let me down :)

That's my boy getting ready for Story Time at Barnes and Noble

One of the things that he likes to do at B&N- playing with Thomas th Train

Happy running around

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another Day at The Swimming Pool

Feyruz kejutkan abah mintak bawa ke swimming pool. Abah rajin swimming 4 laps (gaya tipu hehehe)

April’s Trip to Wichita

Now Feyruz has started crawling, I thought that it would be a great trip to see abg Irfan, hoping both of them could play together, somehow Open-mouthed smile

IMG_0898Feyruz was indeed excited when we got to Mak Long’s house. Mostly because.. THERE WERE LOTS & LOTS OF TOYS!! It was so cute to see abg Irfan handed some toys here and there to Feyruz Smile

IMG_0900Another friend came, abg Muhriz.

IMG_0905He couldn’t stop playing the school bus and its wheels. Must buy!

IMG_0910The three of them with Mak Long

Feyruz checking out Pak Long’s back. Hmm something interesting?

Dada & Abah were feeding the boys

The next day, we had lunch at Il Vicino before heading back to KC. Great trip!

The cannoli – Italian dessert that has ricotta cheese filling.

Sexy Mak Long all dress up Open-mouthed smile