Thursday, October 18, 2007


Ok it's raya time. I don't have the mood to elaborate much. Too much stuff going on right now, work is like hell. Now I really regret for not study betul2 time college dulu, especially on subjects like physics and chemistry. Too late to I guess, but rasanye google boleh tolong la. :(

Last Saturday we had raya gathering. So the night before (Friday), masak mcm org gile. I made
lots of nasi himpit and rendang on Friday while Zuhri made roti jala. Both of us stayed up late until 3 AM, COOKING! I thought this would never happen after college life but I was wrong, ye la kat Purdue dulu kena masak for PUMSA (Malaysian Association). So the raya day (Saturday), went to solat raya. Back from solat raya, continue cooking like a zombie. The whole day rasa mcm zombieeee. Later that evening we had our open house at Comfort Inn. We rented a meeting room. A lot of people from muslim community and work came. We had a great time although I felt like a zombie most of the evening.
That's all about my raya. Waiting for Enol's and gem's.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that the webcam project didn't work. Bummer meng's laptop cannot handle their webcam. The firewall has been disabled but still tak boleh play the webcam. Stupid laptop. I was so frustrated that day.
1. Pagi raya with Kak Mai's family

2. Three of us from Purdue

3. The hosts and guests

4. The hosts all together

5. My favorite boy Naqib. hehe

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