Thursday, March 31, 2016

Matty's New Glasses

Today I took Matty to a new eye doctor. She did an awesome job during the exam. She was so cooperative and I could tell she won the heart of the doctor. During the exam I mentioned that her glasses didn't stay up on her nose very well. The doctor told Matty that she thought she had the perfect pair of glasses for her. We couldn't wait to see what she had!

When she seated Matty in front of the mirror she slipped these beauties on! The look on Matty's face was priceless! She did her signature eye-roll and said, "Ummmmmm..... NO." Too funny!

She chose an adorable pair of pink glasses that we should be able to pick up next week!

Later, I decided to share this picture on Facebook. Matty was mad at me. Then I started teasing her that I had ordered the "ugly" glasses for her instead of the pretty ones.

I ordered pizza for dinner. Matty was so excited about it she said, "You're the best mom ever!" and immediately added, "but you're not." When I asked why I wasn't the best mom, she said, "because you said we order those glasses."

A while later, Kyle and I were teasing her again that we had ordered the "ugly" glasses. Without missing a beat, she put her hands on her hips and said, "WHAT KIND OF PARENTS ARE YOU???" We laughed and laughed. What a funny girl!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Back To School!

It's that time again. The kids are back to school! Matty is a 5th grader this year! Her teacher is Mrs. Ann Hinckley. Anastyn is a 3rd grader in Mrs. Jamie May's class. And Mason is off to preschool at VIP with Mrs. Carol Fink and Mrs. Lori Scheffler. Mason and Gracie are in the same class this year! How fun! ....And believe it or not, I'm going back to school too! I will be working at Lovell High School as a special ed para, which I am really excited about! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Five Already!

Mason - or as I like to call him, The Best Boy Ever - had a birthday. He is five whole years old! Man, that went fast. What an awesome little guy he is. I remember when I found out I was expecting him. I wasn't ready...and I panicked a little bit. His sisters were such a handful and I wasn't sure I could handle another one at that time. But he has been such a blessing, and our family would not have been complete without him. The moment we saw him, we were all smitten...and have been ever since. Right now, Mason loves all things trucks. Trucks are the BOMB!! He loves to work with Grandpa Tippetts, loves digging holes, and he's really got a talent for building things in Minecraft. Man, he's cute.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Matty Turns 11!

For Matty's 11th birthday, we had a family party at the park with a My Little Pony theme. We enjoyed cake, hitting a piƱata, and watching Matty open her presents. (that's always the best part - she gets SO excited over all of her presents) Matty is such a blessing to us! She's SUPER!!!
Super Matty!