Showing posts with label married life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label married life. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Love this man. Sunday we celebrated twelve years together.
We have been so blessed!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Leaves, Birthdays, and Spooks!

I woke up one morning. My body ached all over. I moaned and groaned and thought to myself, "I'm getting the flu - oh, I hurt so bad." But I had no other flu symptoms. Then I remembered that the day before I had raked leaves. Millions of them....
And all the while my girls frolicked in these leaves that had had the nerve to fall to the ground without first changing color.And they had the time of their lives! They rolled in them, threw them in the air, and even buried eachother in them. And Life Was Good!

Then I had this birthday. And it was okay as far as birthdays go. Just a normal day of regular stuff. But I did have something to look forward to...
An amazing overnight trip to Billings with my husband. ONLY my husband. No Children. It was a dream come true. And I didn't even feel guilty when at 11:00 p.m. I realized that I had not called to check on my kiddos. In fact, I had not given them a second thought since we left home. I think it was some sort of a break through!
I had been able to enjoy an entire meal without feeding, wiping, hushing, or pulling my hair out. I had been able to put on my swimming suit and sit in a hot tub at our hotel and thoroughly enjoy it. I actually closed my eyes and smiled as I listened to some little girls splashing and screaming in the pool...because they were not mine.
Relaxing, eating, shopping, spending time with my true love. It was Heaven - and it was the best birthday present in the whole world. I wonder if we will ever get to do it again - I hope so!
And as for Halloween, well it was fun. The girls had been excited for weeks about their costumes and trick or treating. We made it back from our weekend just in time to get the girls into their costumes and load them up to go collect their candy. I think they had fun. But I think they had even more fun handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters that came to our house. The sound of the doorbell sent them into quite a frenzie!!
Our Wicked Witch and our Little Cinderella:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eleven Years...

Kyle and I celebrated our 11th anniversary on Saturday!! We were able to go on a very nice date Friday night while Kari and Tyler watched the girls...Thank you, guys! And Saturday we took the girls out to the Lake. We had a great time together!

It doesn't matter where you go in life, or what you do, or how much you have, it's who you have beside you.

I love you, Babe!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Husband Tag

1. Where did you meet your husband? I am pretty sure we met in primary!
2. How long did you date? Two or three years...

3. How long have you been married? 10 1/2 years...whoa.

4. What does he do that surprises you? Not much surprises me anymore. : ) I just expect that he will be awesome at just about anything he tries. And I can usually bet on a good laugh...he is pretty witty! totally surprised me when he read the Twilight books...all four of them!!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? Well...he is just hot. But I really love his eyes.

6. What is his best quality? He loves to learn new things and he excels at just about everything he attempts.

7. Does he have a nick name for you? Ya...a few. Usually calls me babe or dear. When he writes on paper he calls me Cat or Catsie. Very rarely calls me Catherine.

8. What is his favorite food? He really likes Mexican food. His favorite place to eat in St. George was Bajio.

9. What is his favorite sport? Dirt bike riding (is that a sport...I think so). He also likes football, basketball, and loves to play softball!!

10. When and where was your first kiss? Burger King in Laurel, Montana.

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? When we go on a date its usually dinner or movie or both. We love watching movies together at home.

12. Do you have children? Yes...two cute little girls.

13. Does he have hidden talents? He is good at math and has a beautiful singing voice.

14. How old is he? 29

15. Who said I love you first? I'm pretty sure he did.

16. His favorite music? He likes all kinds of music

17. What do you admire most about him? I admire his energy and the enthusiasm he has for things he loves.

18. What is his favorite color? Possibly orange.

19. Will he read this? Yes.

20. Who do you tag? Hmmm...Emily S, Amy A, Wendy W. and Christina M. And anyone else who would like to brag about their hubbies a little!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mr & Mrs Irresistable Remember Whens...

Kyle and I have been married for over 10 years now. And we dated for two or three before that. I was just thinking of some of the experiences we have had together. Some make me smile, some make me cry, and most just make me laugh!! But, anyways, I thought I would make a list of some of them...just for the fun of it. So, this is mostly for us...sorry...I guess you had to be there. :D

**Kyle knows my memory is very unreliable so some things are a little fuzzy.

Remember When...

  • while on a ward temple excursion (yes, we grew up in the same ward), you asked me to "go out with you". We might have been in middle school. I told you "no". I changed my mind!

  • we were in Woodshop together my Senior year. We flirted like crazy! You practically built my cedar chest for me. And remember our "friendship chips"? (for our readers: we made them out of little wood chips. Both of us had one and we wore them around our necks.) That was so cute...I believe it was your idea. (sigh)

  • at track meets we would sit on a blanket and listen to Alanis Morissette together. It was romantic. And I believe it was on our way home from a track meet that we had our first kiss. The track team stopped in Laurel, MT, at a Burger King. We decided it would be funny if we both put sweet 'n' sour sauce on our lips and then kiss. We were just being silly...but deep down we both just wanted to kiss eachother!! :)

  • i went deer hunting with you and somebody...was it Jade or Nick? Can't remember. We saw some deer...I told you to did....I cried.

  • we went to prom-twice-my senior year and your senior year. (yes, I am OLDER than Kyle). I think it was my senior year that we went to Billings with Wendy and her date. We ate dinner at Applebee's and I started to get a headache. You ran...on foot...clear over to Wal-Mart to buy me some Tylenol. You melted my heart right then and there, baby!

  • we went to t.w.i.r.p my Senior year. We wore the goofiest outfits with x's and o's on them. I think we even sported our "friendship chips". :) We went with Carlee Graves, William Hiser, Stephanie Walker, and Trinity Opp. That was a fun night! We were elected "Mr. & Mrs. Irresistable" because we collected the most hearts from everybody at school.

  • there was some kind of water leak at your house and you were sent to go get a wet vac to help clean it up. Instead of hurrying home with it, you stopped at Minchow's where I was working to visit for awhile...long enough that your mom had to come looking for you...and she was not happy!!

  • you were constantly getting in trouble with your mom for hanging out with me too much. She was really good at tracking you down...even when we took measures to trick her!! Man, I'm so glad she loves me now!!!!

  • I was bored at work one Sunday and was doodling "Catherine Leithead" all over some scrap paper. I threw it in the trash when I was done. I wanted to die when I came to work the next day and Jim Minchow had taped the papers up where everyone could see. How embarassing!!! I was just practicing my future name....jeez.

  • we went all over Billings looking for a white gold wedding ring because I didn't want gold and we couldn't afford platinum. I think there might have been two or three in the whole city!! But we found one...which I still love to this day! You took me to a park in Billings that had a creek with a bridge over it. You proposed to me on that bridge...and it was romantic.

  • we were married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple in the presence of all our loved ones. It was a wonderful day! We had a beautiful luncheon at the Joseph Smith Building. Can you even remember the luncheon? I think we were too worried about how to excuse ourselves politely so we could get on with the honeymoon!! Then when we finally made it to Logan where we were going to spend our honeymoon, we were so nervous! We put off going to the bed & breakfast by doing a little shopping first!!

  • when we moved to Orem we lived in our first apartment for two days. We hadn't seen it until we actually pulled into town late at night and started unloading our belongings. I hated it. It was old and dirty and yucky. I told you I would not live there. So we found a different apartment, but it wasn't going to be available for a couple weeks. So we actually lived in the model apartment at the complex. That was interesting.

  • How about the night the S.W.A.T team busted in on us at 2 a.m. pointing their big guns at us and cuffing us with zip our unmentionables!! What about how I couldn't stop laughing...cause I was afraid I would start to cry. Now that was unforgettable. (maybe we will share that story sometime for those of you that are going, "what the heck?? - what did you guys do??") Yep...we are full of surprises.

  • I was so mad at you for bringing home Sunny, our chocolate lab. Funny how I fell in love with him anyways...even though he was, well, a dog. He was so much fun! Remember how heart-broken we both were when he got ran over? We miss you Sunny!!

  • I didn't want you to go on that big fishing trip with your buddies about three weeks before my due date with Matalyn? said, "you won't go into labor while I'm gone - don't worry". Hmmmmm. You had to drive pretty fast to make it back in time for that one!! But man, I was so glad to see you when you got there!!

  • we had to watch our first little baby lay in the NICU with wires and tubes hooked up to her for six days?? And taking that sweet little thing home on oxygen? Aren't we blessed that she is so healthy now. And beautiful....just beautiful!!

  • Anastyn's entrance into the world was much less stressful. Everything went great...and we got to go home after only a couple days. What a pretty baby...daddy's complexion, daddy's brown could you not fall in love with her?

I could probably go on and on...but this post has to end sometime. Thanks for the memories, babe!! Love you....