Monday, July 18, 2011

For Your Entertainment...

I don't typically like to make fun of myself, but today is your lucky day! I'm taking one for the team cause I feel like making you laugh!!!

The girls have been in swimming lessons, and we have to get up and moving a little early (for summertime, anyways). Last night, in an effort to make this morning go more smoothly, I took my shower. Now, when I shower at night, my very thin and fine hair is usually stuck to my scalp in the morning and it is nearly impossible to style it very well. Knowing this, I decided it might be nice to put curlers in my hair so I would have some volume in the morning. Except I really didn't want to sleep in curlers - I actually did want to get some sleep.

So then I started thinking about how back in the olden days women did pin-curls. I don't know how to do pin curls, but I figured it probably wasn't rocket-science.  So I just twisted my hair up into little curls and inserted some bobby pins.  Then I went to bed. And I didn't sleep very well. Turns out bobby pins aren't a whole lot more comfortable than curlers. :) And when Kyle got up this morning to get ready for work, he actually looked at me like I was a freak. (He was asleep when I came up with this little plan the night before).

When I finally got up, I ran excitedly to the bathroom to remove the bobby pins - sure that my hair was going to be so glamorous today!! Not so much. Actually, my hair was an absolute train wreck. I looked like a poodle with a bad perm. I know. Nobody gives a poodle a perm. But just imagine what that would look like.....My hair. This morning. Are you laughing yet? Good. Now, if I had wanted to make you pee your pants, I would have taken a picture and posted it. I was not feeling that generous today. :) I tried to work with it a little bit - but it was just going to look bad no matter what! So, I ended up back in the stinking shower, and I went to swimming lessons with wet hair.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Big {ONE}

HaPpY BiRtHdAy, MaSoN bEaU!!!!!
This little family of ours couldn't have asked for a
sweeter, cuter, funner, or cuddlier little boy!

At One Year Old, Mason:
  • Walks like a maniac
  • Still does not sleep all thru the night...or in his own bed
  • Is getting the hang of a sippy cup
  • Seems to always be sporting a bruise (or two) on his forehead
  • Loves to push buttons, turn knobs, take things apart and put them back together
  • Is so happy when he is outside in the fresh air
  • Enjoys teasing his older sisters
  • Is happy and easy-going almost always
  • Loves taking showers and baths
  • Loves his mama, but is also a HUGE fan of daddy
  • Is adored by his two big sisters. They both think he is absolutely awesome, and they love to take care of him and play with him.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

All Kinds of Things to Tell You About!...

Roasting S'Mores in our back yard...

 A couple weeks ago I found this nasty critter snackin' on Anastyn! She must have some tasty blood because this is not the first time we have had to pull a tick out of her skin!!! Still makes my stomach churn to look at these pictures! As usual, she was a brave little trooper. I couldn't get the dang thing out so she had to wait for Daddy to get home from work to save the day!!
 This here is what happens when Daddy refuses to let you leave the table before you eat your dinner and Anastyn refuses to eat! There are a few stubborn people in this little family of ours...
 Mason at the Mustang Days Parade rockin' the sweet Beatles t-shirt Aunt Chels gave him for his birthday!
 The girls collecting a ridiculous amount of candy at the parade. Thank goodness for Aunt Kacee, or Matty wouldn't have gotten any. She wasn't quite as fast as the other kids! ;)
 While Chels and KJ were here, we all went up to 5 Springs to kill some time. This is me with anxiety because the creek was running so high and fast. I wasn't about to let these kids out of my sight!!!
 Our little "Rambino"!
 Dad kickin' it on the picnic table!
 Kyle came home from work yesterday with these beautiful wildflower arrangements for his girls! I think he would make a dang good florist!

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Family

We had the best week hanging out with my family! We did the whole Mustang Days routine, went to 5 Springs, ate lots of food, visited, played, relaxed, went to Cody, and just enjoyed eachother! I am so glad that Chelsea and Kage got to come home. The kids had a blast bugging them! There is just nothing better than being with family. NOTHING!