Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Cards...

Well, for the second year in a row I am officially NOT sending out Christmas cards. This makes me feel like a total loser. I like to take a family picture (which we did), then find some really cute photo card layout online to put it on. I actually spent quite a bit of time looking at photo card layouts. And I am ashamed that I never decided on one to order. Then I just kept forgetting. And at this point they just wouldn't make it to anyone by I'm not doing it!!! Again.

So, sorry to all of you who were hoping for one. We still really love you all... and maybe...I say maybe...I will send out some Happy New Year Cards or something. Is that lame?? Oh well, but please don't forget that I only said maybe. This being said, here is the picture that would have been on our Christmas Card. We really do wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

Lots of Love,

The Leithead Family

{Kyle, Catherine, Matalyn, and Anastyn}

Saturday, December 13, 2008


It has been blizzarding all around us and the thermometer reads 6 below zero...but I guess the wind chill is more like 30 below! Brrrrrrrrr! Kyle and I braved going out in the frightful weather to see Twilight for the second time. (By the way, the reports that it is better the second time around are actually true!) On our way home, our teeth were chattering loudly and our bodies were shivering so bad it actually hurt. But, now I am home, and since there's no place to go...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

Now I must go...because I have to finish preparing my talk for Sacrament Meeting tomorrow. Ugh.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Husband Tag

1. Where did you meet your husband? I am pretty sure we met in primary!
2. How long did you date? Two or three years...

3. How long have you been married? 10 1/2 years...whoa.

4. What does he do that surprises you? Not much surprises me anymore. : ) I just expect that he will be awesome at just about anything he tries. And I can usually bet on a good laugh...he is pretty witty! totally surprised me when he read the Twilight books...all four of them!!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? Well...he is just hot. But I really love his eyes.

6. What is his best quality? He loves to learn new things and he excels at just about everything he attempts.

7. Does he have a nick name for you? Ya...a few. Usually calls me babe or dear. When he writes on paper he calls me Cat or Catsie. Very rarely calls me Catherine.

8. What is his favorite food? He really likes Mexican food. His favorite place to eat in St. George was Bajio.

9. What is his favorite sport? Dirt bike riding (is that a sport...I think so). He also likes football, basketball, and loves to play softball!!

10. When and where was your first kiss? Burger King in Laurel, Montana.

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? When we go on a date its usually dinner or movie or both. We love watching movies together at home.

12. Do you have children? Yes...two cute little girls.

13. Does he have hidden talents? He is good at math and has a beautiful singing voice.

14. How old is he? 29

15. Who said I love you first? I'm pretty sure he did.

16. His favorite music? He likes all kinds of music

17. What do you admire most about him? I admire his energy and the enthusiasm he has for things he loves.

18. What is his favorite color? Possibly orange.

19. Will he read this? Yes.

20. Who do you tag? Hmmm...Emily S, Amy A, Wendy W. and Christina M. And anyone else who would like to brag about their hubbies a little!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Week In Review...

Well, we have been busy, busy, busy. Which is typical of December, right? Where do I begin?

Let's see....

We got the Christmas tree finished, which is always my first priority. I love the Christmas tree!! As many of you know, we are living with my parents right now. But my mom let us put up our Christmas tree instead of hers, which was really sweet of her. Kristin brought my finishing touches with her at Thanksgiving (I had her swing by Tai Pan for me...oh how I miss that store...thanks Kristin!!)

We had our ward Christmas party last Wednesday. Lots of good food...a program that I am sure was lovely (don't know for sure, thanks to my almost-two-year-old that didn't want to sit still or be quiet)...and the girls got to see Santa! For some reason, my girls looked like little orphans that night. Darn.

Kyle and I went to his company Christmas party on Friday night. There are more people than I thought that work at Colloid. Tons of people were there. We ate at the Irma in Cody, which I had never been to before. They provided a prime rib dinner and an open bar....Kyle and I drank lots of Mr. Pibb!! Ha ha!! There was a live band and dancing. It was a good time.

We got some lights put up outside. Well, Kyle did...while I supervised and lost control of the girls...who were so excited to be outside!! They were running all over the place (in opposite directions, of course). Matty got out in the field and just kept running and running and running! Can you see her out there??

She scared a jack rabbit out of the field. Funniest thing ever! It was HUGE! It ran up to the road, looked both ways to make sure there weren't any cars coming, then it hopped out onto the road and stood on its hind legs. Then it did some donkey kicks, and finally it just hopped right down the middle of the highway out of sight!!

And yesterday we stayed in our p.j.'s all day. I was working on some Christmas gifts. I am so excited about this project...but mum's the is a surprise for some of you out there! This is the only hint you get:

And while I was busy at the sewing machine, the girls were doing this:

They were so cute dancing together in their pajama tops and some random skirts they pulled out of their closet! And yes, I did join them for a while....good thing I'm the one that runs the camera around here!!!!

I love Christmas time and all the sweet memories that come with it!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving and Family Pictures...

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We were so blessed to have all of our family members home at the same time. We had a crazy, whirlwind week that just didn't seem long enough. Chelsea was here for four days - and we enjoyed her so much! We ate (of course), watched movies, visited grandparents and friends, took family pictures, had many deep conversations into the wee hours of the morning and had lots of good laughs! My girls don't get to see their aunt Chelsea enough...but they just ate her up!! They get pretty attached to people and it made me sad when they woke up the morning Chelsea left and they were searching the house for her. "Where Chelsea go??" Heartbreaking...especially when it is unknown how soon they may get to see her again. They had fun playing with BrookLynn and Elle, of course. Their little eyes would light up whenever it was time to go see them. Pure excitement! It made my heart happy.

We were so lucky to have my family invited over to Leithead's for Thanksgiving dinner. It was so nice to only have to eat one meal and not have to race back and forth between families all day. Thank you Marla!!! Dinner was delicious...and as usual, we ate too much. In fact I am still eating too much!

As you can see in our family pics, Kacee made my hair beautiful again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Matty even got a trim...and Anastyn got her very first hair cut!! She was so excited. She went around for the next two days pointing to her hair and saying "hair!". Pretty cute. Kyle even got a hair cut (unwillingly)...but since it was after family pics you can't see...he has much shorter hair now. (Thank you, babe!! Love it!)

And, as I could have predicted, Kristin and I were only able to get one of our planned projects done. There is never enough time!! We completed the tu-tu's for the girls. That's it. Heaven knows how we are supposed to get 12 months worth of calendar pages for each of our mothers done in...lets see....24 days (we have done that before...but that was when we lived in the same town!!) I think we will have to enroll our moms in the "calendar page-of-the-month club" and just get one to them before its time to flip to the next month! Ha ha!!!

Now December has officially begun and I am in the middle of a Christmas decoration train wreck!! I did get the tree finished today...well, sort of. I usually put a whole bunch of ribbon on the tree, but I searched through all of my totes and ribbon. I vaguely remember getting frustrated while removing the ribbon last year and throwing it all away! I must have been mad! Do you know how expensive ribbon is? So...the tree is finished...minus the ribbon.

Oh...and my Willow Tree Nativity (one of my most prized posessions)...well, when I started taking the figurines out of their boxes, I was sickened to find that three of them were broken. I wanted to cry! So I had to get the glue out last night and try to mend them. I hate is always your favorite things that get broken.

And then....grrrrrrr....ALL of my Christmas candles were melted!! Yeah...last January after I took all the Christmas stuff down, Kyle decided to put some of the totes up in the attic, which seemed like a good enough idea. We just didn't think it through to August in St. George, Utah. Uh-huh...candles don't keep their shape in 110 degree weather.

Anyways...its all good. Hopefully I can finish decorating tonight so that it doesn't look like a bomb went off in the living room anymore. And then I can start making a list of all the other things that need to be done by December 25th...oh's going to be a long list!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. I know that I have a lot to be thankful for...and more than anything...I am thankful that I was able to spend the week with all of our loved ones!! Enjoy December...hope it is {mAgiCaL}!!