Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lovin the Lake

We're up at Trillium Lake cooling off in the heat! It's beautiful up there, but this day it wasn't my favorite place. There wasn't really any good beach area to hang out on with the twins and where we were the water pretty yucky.My sister was with us and we walked what felt like half the length of the Lake trying to find a nice area to recreate but it was very busy with people alot if whom were trying to fish, which can make it tricky for playing in the water.
Apparently the twins would be happy playing in a mud puddle and were content to be outside and splash. The big girls however were having none of the cold, yucky water. The twins found sticks that they were pretending to be fishing poles. Very Cute.

There's my mighty fisherman, out with the boys. I got him a 3-man raft for fathers day because he'd been wanting one. He promptly returned it as he does all my gift because he was sure he could find a better deal used. Of course he did...10 dollars cheaper he got a fancier 6 man raft.

After my sister headed back and I expressed my unhappiness with the lake conditions, Nate, in his ongoing yet fruitless effort to please me switched lakes. At Frog lake we had some dinner and all loaded in the raft.
There was nobody at frog lake and the water and picnic area was perfect for the twins to folic. We all loaded in for some fishing and we even caught one! It was kinda crazy when Daddy threw the fish in the raft and the twins freaked out. But no one fell in or drowned and I consider that a sucessful outing!
Tomorrow Nate and I are taking the big kids rafting for the first time lets hope I'll have the same kind of success!
Have a great weekend Everybody!


Carrie said...

We passed those lakes on our way out to Nevada yesterday! LOL! You look hot Kelly! look dang good!

Wendy B said...

Thanks for finally blogging. We sure missed it this week. And, I agree with Carrie - you look way good. All that hard work truly pays off.

Mandy said...

I was wondering how the lakes up on Mt. Hood were for playing in the water. It looks like you guys had lots of fun and I agree with Carrie and look great, you've really lost weight latley; what are you doing?

Liz said...

Hooray! Love camping!!! :D

Stephanie McBride said...

i agree with carrie, you look awesome, so pretty as usual. that raft looks awesome, my parents just purchased one and i have been drooling over it...
i may need to get us one!
fun to see your family out on the lake i miss those lakes.. yay for nate for making you happy!
miss you all... and will get you your pics someday... hopefully!
whats up with carrie and texas... not liking that.

btw your twins get prettier every time i see them. wow.