As promised here are pics from the twins birthday! We had my mom and stepdad up for dinner and cake. Since it was sooo hot in my house we went to my in-laws new beautiful cabin down the street. (they have A/C) Heres Sydney showing off her new hat and book from her Aunt Sarch.
The girls had only a couple of gifts they had to share and luckily they worked it out really well. They loved opening the gifts and were soooo excited to see their treasures.
Heres my mommy, who asks me what I want her to get for the twins and she does, its great! This year is was a tricycle because we only had one and that doesn't work with twins.
Thanks mom!
We only had to relight the candles once because the girls quickly blew them out as soon as they were lit. They got lots and dora and princess stuff which they loved! Both Kelsey and Noah were really excited to pick them out a gift to give them. It was really sweet seeing how excited the big kids were about giving their gifts!
We were supposed to have a big family party today but I chickened out because of the weather. We'll get around to it later, luckily the girls will never know the difference.
So now I'm off to girls camp for the week. I'm excited but apprehensive, hopefully It will be great week for everybody!