What little we know of Elizabeth is interesting. The scriptures tell us that she and Zacharias were “truly religious and blameless”. Elizabeth praised the Lord because he took away her barrenness and blessed her with a child. but the fact that stands out to me is her reaction to Mary’s visit and greeting. Mary has just been told she will become pregnant by the Holy Spirit, but at this point the baby is barely more than a “thought and a promise”, yet when she enters Elizabeth’s home and greets her, Elizabeth is “filled with the Holy Spirit and her own child kicks for the first time. Elizabeth, praises God, praises Mary and seems to know immediately why Mary is there and what has happened to her.
The Holy Spirit flows through all of this......He impregnates Mary, fills Elizabeth, and also her child. Two blessed women, two blessed children! Every year we anxiously await the Christ Child’s birth, but think how much more eagerly these two women must have waited! Elizabeth who thought she would never have a child, but who now awaits a special child, a great prophet like Elijah, “filled with the Holy Spirit from birth”. And now her cousin Mary expects THE baby, the Messiah, the Christ who Jews have awaited for 100’s of years.......and he is conceived miraculously by the Holy Spirit to a virgin!
Wow! How those months must have flown by and the excitement built up! Mary and Elizabeth must have been great comfort to each other.....and reassurance that “yes, this is really happening!” Elizabeth shows no sign of jealously that Mary’s child will be the greater.....only joy that Mary has been blessed in this way. These two women are right at the heart of the gospel and the first to receive the Holy Spirit within.
Each one of us needs to feel their excitement and wonder and be filled with their thanks and praise to God, Most High. All women are blessed through the experience of these two women. As a mother I know the joy of giving birth and raising children. I can share that bond in my mind and imagine what they are going through as they wait. All mothers understand waiting.
Fill me with wonder and praise this Christmas season as I think about these women and wait with them for the Christ child’s birth. Bless all women who wait on you, Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit. amen
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