We always put the wise men in our manager scenes, but in reality they came along later. They came in complete assurance that the prophecy was fulfilled and the King had been born. Surely in Jerusalem, the capital city where kings should live and reign, to a royal family in a palace! Where is he?
They saw his star and they came to worship. Why would wise men from other countries come to worship the king of the Jews? They knew the prophecies and knew the Christ would be great. They saw the incredible star that apparently heralded the event. Maybe they came out of curiosity, both scientific and personal. Maybe they came through some inner longing or need.
Why do any of us seek him? Something in us calls out to him, something we’re missing that we need to find. The most important thing any of us can do is to seek “the King”, the one who will rule our lives and change them forever. Follow the star! Follow Jesus, the Savior! Amen
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