A prayer before study: Psalm 43:3 "Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain to the place where you dwell." amen

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oct. 20....you are (have been) my hope

Psalm 71:5-6 “You have been (are) my hope, O LORD; my trust, O God, from my youth. On you I depend from birth; from my mother’s womb you are my strength; constant has been my hope in you (I will ever praise you).”
Heavenly Father,
Going back and forth between 2 translations here, I see slight differences. One says: “You have been my hope” and the other “you are my hope”. This gives ma a sense of a continuing presence or always. What you “have been” you still “are”. The same today, yesterday, and always. Someone who is that consistent is very dependable and trustworthy. The next statements show that trustworthiness: “my confidence since my youth” and “on you I depend since birth”. Again the sense of what once was…in my youth…continues on today, leading to confidence and dependability. The focus of all this is …You! You, O LORD, are the one we have depended on since birth, who gives us confidence from our youth, who has been and is our hope! Trust is the word to describe all of this. I trust on the dependable One. I trust on the One who gives me confidence at all times. I trust on the One who has always been there and will always be there. “I have relied on you”. Our response is to keep relying on you, keep depending on you, developing deeper trust, deeper faith, total commitment. “I will ever praise you!” and “Constant has been my hope!” We have entered a relationship based in “forever”, eternity. This relationship of our trust on the One who has made us, who has been reliable throughout our lives, and now calls us to an eternal home, is forever. There is great hope, peace, and comfort in that. Jesus Christ has made this relationship possible by removing the barriers between us…sin, death. The finite things of this world are traded for the infinite things of heaven! Thank you! amen.

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