- abigail dumped very wet potting soil (from her little bean sprout plant that we planted to learn about seeds) all over the dining room carpet and living room carpet. impossible to get out, after several hours of trying. i really should have been keeping an eye on her (I was trying to show a girl in the ward how to design a budget in MS Money), so i can't get too upset--as a matter of fact, it might not even have been abigail, as the other little girl was quite dirty too. then again, they both had dirt around their mouths, signifying an attempt at consumption. why? did the dirt taste good?
- abigail pulled out, snapped, and broke the drawer of my very nicest piece of furniture (a solid cherry end table)
- a certain personal belonging that i loaned to someone was returned a month later broken, without a thank-you note for the loan of the item and the considerable investment of time on my part that also accompanied the item's original service, and without any acknowledgement of the fact that it was rendered completely unusuable and will have to be replaced
it could be a long day. gripe, gripe, gripe. whine, whine, whine.
ok, i'm done now.
1 comment:
On a happier note, have you considered installing an inline fan in your heating/AC ducts to propel the heated/cooled air to the end of the system? Might be an easier (and cheaper) fix than new insulation.
Sorry about all the breakages. Once the soil dries, it might be easier to get up with a vacuum, and you can use Resolve on the residual stain. Wood glue does a really good job putting broken furniture back together. I don't know the fix for an oblivious and self-centered friend, though.
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